2022-01 AMS Annual Meeting

The 102nd AMS Annual Meeting will take place from 23 to 27 January, 2022 in Houston, Texas.

The abstract submission portal for the meeting. 

The deadline for all submissions is Wednesday, 1 September 23:59 EDT.

Visit the AMS 102nd Annual Meeting website for the most up-to-date information about the meeting. Note: housing will open in mid-August and registration will open in October.

E3SM Participation in AMS Meeting

Please add sessions relevant to the E3SM below

Session 59205: Security and Resilience Applications with Global Earth System Models (session link)

Session 59205: Security and Resilience Applications with Global Earth System Models


For submissions, please add a title, lead author, and session number to the google doc below:



Session 59653: New Python Tools in the Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences (session link)

Session 59505: Numerical Modeling of the MJO and Subseasonal Convection (session link)


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