Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Identical to A_WCYCL1850S_CMIP6

Running F2010C5-CMIP6-LR on a coarse (ne4) resolution:

Running this compset on a coarse grid can greatly help in debugging where we can run the model with minimal number of tasks with a fast turnaround time. Following is a naive attempt to run this compset on the ne4 grid on Compy using the following series of commands.:

Code Block
git checkout maint-1.0
cd cime/scripts
./create_test SMS_D.ne4_ne4.F2010C5-CMIP6-LR --compiler intel -p e3sm -t 2010tst

We do expect the model to crash. Following is the list errors and their solutions:

  • " NC_FORMAT_NETCDF4 is not yet supported"
    • Change PIO_TYPENAME to netcdf in env_run.xml file to get past this error for the time being (thanks to Robert Jacob). Robert Jacob is working on converting files from netcdf4 format to netcdf 3 format
  • UrbanInputldomain and input file do not match dims
    UrbanInputldomain%ni,ni,= 866 48602
    UrbanInputldomain%nj,nj,= 1 1
    UrbanInputldomain%ns,ns,= 866 48602
    • Default was to use "/inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/" for "fsurdat" in lnd_in. If we switch this file with "inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/'" ne4 file, the model gets past this error.
  •  /inputdata/lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ 1966080
    check_dim ERROR: mismatch of input dimension 16368 with expected value 407 for variable gridcell
    ERROR in E3SM/components/clm/src/main/ at line 359
    • The initial condition file for land is based on ne30 grid. We can get past this error by using land cold start (finidat='' in user_nl_clm)
  • ERROR: negative layer thickness. timestep or remap time too large
    • The model is still using atmospheric initial condition file ("ncdata") which is on the ne30 grid. Changing the initial condition file to a file on the ne4 grid fixes this issue ( "ncdata = 'inputdata/atm/cam/inic/homme/'"  in user_nl_cam).

The model can run on ne4 grid but we need to supply it with the input files on native (ne4) grid.

Outstanding issues:

  • We need an atmospheric initial condition file on ne4 grid for this compset (if we are not okay with the current file)
  • We need to decide whether it is okay to run the model with a land cold start
  • We need to decided on the "fsurfdata" file for ne4 grid.