
This is a special atmosphere-only compset with perpetual 2010 forcings based on CMIP6 input4mips data. The main purpose of this compset is for the HR overview paper to compare with the parallel HR compset.

Compset Creation Code:

place holder for github link

Ocean Initial Condition:

Land Initial Condition:

Land Surface File:

Atmosphere Initial Condition:

Solar file:

Aerosol Emissions:

Greenhouse Gas Concentrations:

Volcano Forcing:

Land Use/Land Cover:


Running F2010C5-CMIP6-LR on a coarse (ne4) resolution:

Running this compset on a coarse grid can greatly help in debugging where we can run the model with minimal number of tasks with a fast turnaround time. Following is a naive attempt to run this compset on the ne4 grid on Compy using the following series of commands.:

git checkout maint-1.0
cd cime/scripts
./create_test SMS_D.ne4_ne4.F2010C5-CMIP6-LR --compiler intel -p e3sm -t 2010tst

We do expect the model to crash. Following is the list errors and their solutions:

The model can run on ne4 grid but we need to supply it with the input files on native (ne4) grid.

Outstanding issues: