v3 Variable list was extracted from:
Default Set of Model Output for ESGF publication with conversion formula Amon variable conversion table
The list of atmosphere variables requested by CMIP7 data request can be found here:
https://airtable.com/app0EnLeYGn8vhqCT/shrcxsTzsA0FbkbSD/tblvpZdfpKZyKj5MC/viwTOtTxNFMFP5S53?blocks=hide (Note: to use compound names: e.g. AERmon, Amon, CFmon to filter and get requested variable list)
Scratch area:
The variables that are included in v3 output but not reported to CMIP:
CMIP6 name | CMIP6 description | CF standard name | E3SM variable(s) | conversion formula | CMOR handler complete | Conversion Formula Verified by | Notes | CMORized files verified by | Date Verified | Data & Metadata Correct (yes/no) | Notes if no | Data correct(yes/no) b | |||
1 | AERMon.mmrbc | Elemental Carbon Mass Mixing Ratio | Mass_bc or bc_a1, bc_a3, bc_a4, bc_c1, bc_c3, bc_c4 | mmrbc=Mass_bc or bc_a1 + bc_a3 +bc_a4 + bc_c1 + bc_c3 + bc_c4 | |||||||||||
2 | AERMon.mmrdust | Dust Aerosol Mass Mixing Ratio | Mass_dust or dst_a1, dst_a3, dst_c1, dst_c3 | mmrdust=Mass_dust or dst_a1 + dst_a3 + dst_c1 + dst_c3 | |||||||||||
3 | AERMon.mmroa | Total Organic Aerosol Mass Mixing Ratio | Mass_pom + Mass_soa or pom_a1, pom_a3, pom_a4, soa_a1, soa_a2, soa_a3, pom_c1, pom_c3, pom_c4, soa_c1, soa_c2, soa_c3 | mmroa = Mass_pom + Mass_soa or pom_a1 + pom_a3 + pom_a4 + soa_a1 + soa_a2 + soa_a3 + pom_c1 + pom_c3 + pom_c4 + soa_c1 + soa_c2 + soa_c3 | |||||||||||
4 | AERMon.mmrsoa | Secondary Organic Aerosol Mass Mixing Ratio | Mass_soa or soa_a1, soa_a2, soa_a3, soa_c1, soa_c2, soa_c3 | mmrsoa = Mass_soa or soa_a1 + soa_a2 + soa_a3 + soa_c1 + soa_c2 + soa_c3 | |||||||||||
5 | AERMon.mmrss | Sea-Salt Aerosol Mass Mixing Ratio | Mass_ncl or ncl_a1, ncl_a2, ncl_a3, ncl_c1, ncl_c2, ncl_c3 | mmrss = Mass_ncl or ncl_a1 + ncl_a2 + ncl_a3 + ncl_c1 + ncl_c2 + ncl_c3 | |||||||||||
6 | AERMon.mmrso4 | Aerosol Sulfate Mass Mixing Ratio | Mass_so4 or so4_a1, so4_a2, so4_a3, so4_a5, so4_c1, so4_c2, so4_c3, so4_c5 | mmrso4 = Mass_so4*96.0636/115.10734 or (so4_a1 + so4_a2 + so4_a3 + so4_a5 + so4_c1 + so4_c2 + so4_c3 + so4_c5)*96.0636/115.10734 | v1/v2 use MAM4 which don’t have so4_a5/c5 should multiply by 96/115 since sulfate is NH4HSO4 in default MAM5/MAM4 | ||||||||||
7 | AERMon.emibc | Total Emission Rate of Black Carbon Aerosol Mass | SFbc_a4, bc_a4_CLXF | emibc = SFbc_a4 + bc_a4_CLXF*12.011/6.022e+22 | |||||||||||
8 | AERMon.emidust | Total Emission Rate of Dust | SFdst_a1, SFdst_a3 | emidust = SFdst_a1 + SFdst_a3 | |||||||||||
9 | AERMon.emiss | Total Emission Rate of Sea Salt | SFncl_a1, SF_a2, SFncl_a3 | emiss = SFncl_a1 + SFncl_a2 + SFncl_a3 | |||||||||||
10 | AERMon.emioa | Primary Emission and Chemical Production of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter | SFpom_a4, pom_a4_CLXF, soa_a1_sfgaex1, soa_a2_sfgaex1, soa_a3_sfgaex1 | emioa = SFpom_a4 + pom_a4_CLXF*12.011/6.022e+22 + soa_a1_sfgaex1 + soa_a2_sfgaex1 + soa_a3_sfgaex1 | |||||||||||
11 | AERMon.emiso4 | Total Direct Emission Rate of SO4 | SFso4_a1, SFso4_a2, SFso4_a3, so4_a1_CLXF, so4_a2_CLXF | emiso4 = (SFso4_a1 + SFso4_a2 + SFso4_a3)*96.0636/115.10734 + (so4_a1_CLXF + so4_a2_CLXF)*96.0636/6.022e+22 | |||||||||||
12 | AERMon.so2 | SO2 Volume Mixing Ratio | mole_fraction_of_sulfur_dioxide_in_air | SO2 | so2 = SO2 | ||||||||||
13 | AERMon.emiso2 | Total Emission Rate of SO2 | SFSO2, SO2_CLXF | emiso2 = SFSO2 + SO2_CLXF*64.0648/6.022e+22 | |||||||||||
1314 | AERMon.od550bc | Black Carbon Optical Thickness at 550nm | AODBC | 14od550bc=AODBC | |||||||||||
15 | AERMon.od550dust | Dust Optical Thickness at 550nm | AODDUST | 15od550dust=AODDUST | |||||||||||
16 | AERMon.od550so4 | Sulfate Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nm | AODSO4 | od550so4=AODSO4 | |||||||||||
1617 | AERMon.od550soa | Particulate Organic Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nm | AODSOA | 17od550soa=AODSOA | |||||||||||
18 | AERMon.od550ss | Sea-Salt Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nm | AODSS | 18od550ss=AODSS | |||||||||||
19 | AERMon.ptp | Tropopause Air Pressure | TROP_P | 19 | AERMon.so2 | SO2 Volume Mixing ptp=TROP_P | 2D monthly mean thermal tropopause calculated using WMO tropopause definition on 3d temperature | ||||||||
20 | AERMon.so2 | SO2 Volume Mixing Ratio | mole_fraction_of_sulfur_dioxide_in_air | SO2 | so2 = SO2 | ||||||||||
2021 | CFmon. clmodis | MODIS cloud area fraction | modis_cloud_area_fraction | CLMODIS | clmodis = CLMODIS/100. | MODIS cloud area fraction | |||||||||
2122 | CFmon.clmodisice | MODIS ice topped cloud area fraction | modis_ice_topped_cloud_area_fraction | CLIMODIS | clmodisice = CLIMODIS/100. | MODIS_LIQUIDICE_TOPPED_CLOUD_AREA FRACTION | |||||||||
2223 | CFmon.clmodisliquid | MODIS liquid topped cloud area fraction | modis_liquid_topped_cloud_area_fraction | CLWMODIS | clmodisliquid = CLWMODIS/100. | MODIS_ICELIQUID_TOPPED_CLOUD_AREA FRACTION | 23|||||||||
24 | |||||||||||||||
25 |
Greyed out variables currently not supported, required native variables are not saved in standard output.