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Summary of plans and status of the v1 low-res water cycle DECK simulation campaign for CMIP6. An overview of the CMIP6 experimental design is available in Eyring at al. (2016, GMD). The "entry card" simulations for CMIP6 consist of the DECK and historical simulations as listed in the table below extract from Table 2 of Eyring et al (2016):

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While the minimum ensemble members is one, our goal is between 3 and 5 ensemble members for the historical experiments.


The first DECK simulation is the piControl simulation which requires a minimum of 500 years. Other experiments will all be initialized by branching of from piControl at various stages. A possible scenario is provided in the figure below. Historical_H1, 1pctCO2, and abrupt-4xCO2 would start from year 101 of piControl, amip from year 1870 of historical_H1, historical_H2 from year 151 of piControl and all remaining historical members would be spaced 50 years apart (201, 251, 301).

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piControl (simulation page)


Due to time constraints, piControl year 1 (0001-01-01) initial conditions are taken from a pre-existing simulation rather than starting a new spin-up from scratch. The initial conditions are 0331-01-01 of 20171228.beta3rc13_1850.ne30_oECv3_ICG.edison.

Final tuning

At the time piControl needed to start, we were still in the process of fine tuning the control simulation to reduce its long term drift in surface air temperature as much as possible. 20171228.beta3rc13_1850.ne30_oECv3_ICG.edison was the configuration with the smallest drift at the time. However, due to its limited duration (80 years), we couldn't conclusively determine whether the drift was as small as it could be. As a result, we decided to start two piControl simulations with the goal of running both of them for 50-100 years and then selecting one:


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  • : start of DECK (piControl).
  • : DECK is complete.
    • 1770 simulated years in 64 days; average aggregate throughput of 27.7 SYPD.
    • Not a single model crash! Only problems were machine related.

Simulation pages

Initialization and Final Tuning

pi Control



Historical simulations

Future projection simulations

DAMIP hist-GHG simulations

DAMIP GHG only future simulations


amip 1850 all forcings

Same as amip but keeping all forcing agents at their 1850 values (to compute time evolving total adjusted forcing).

amip 1850 aerosol forcing

Same as amip but keeping aerosol related forcing agents at their 1850 values (to compute time evolving total aerosol-cloud forcing).


v1 DECK output HPSS archive

Known bugs


CLM-energy bug

RRTMG-lookup bug
