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CMIP6 nameCMIP6 descriptionE3SM variable(s)conversion formulaCMOR handler completeconversion formula verified byNotes
1tasNear-Surface Air TemperatureTREFHTtas = TREFHTyesJ.Zhang
2tsSurface TemperatureTSts = TSyesJ.Zhang
3pslSea Level PressurePSLpsl = PSLyesJ.Zhang
4psSurface Air PressurePSps = PSyesJ.Zhang
5sfcWindNear-Surface Wind SpeedU10sfcWind = U10yesJ.Zhang
6hussNear-Surface Specific HumidityQREFHThuss = QREFHTyesJ.Zhang
7prPrecipitationPRECC PRECLpr = (PRECC  + PRECL) * 1000.0yesJ.Zhang
8prcConvective PrecipitationPRECCprc = PRECC * 1000.0
9prsnSnowfall FluxPRECSC, PRECSLprsn = (PRECSC + PRECSL) * 1000.0yesJ.Zhang
10evspsblEvaporation Including Sublimation and TranspirationQFLXevspsbl = QFLXyesJ.Zhang
11tauuSurface Downward Eastward Wind StressTAUXtauu = -TAUXyesJ.Zhang Note, I was analyzing this variable from e3sm output. It turns out that TAUX(Y) is surface stress, which is in opposite direction to tauu(v) (wind stress). This was not caught in CAM's conversion table.
12tauvSurface Downward Northward Wind StressTAUYtauv =- TAUYyesJ.ZhangSame as above
13hflsSurface Upward Latent Heat FluxLHFLXhfls = LHFLXyesJ.Zhang
14cltTotal Cloud Cover PercentageCLDTOTclt = CLDTOT * 100.0
yesChris Golaz
15rldsSurface Downwelling Longwave RadiationFLDSrlds = FLDSyes


Chris Golaz

16rlusSurface Upwelling Longwave RadiationFLDS, FLNSrlus = FLDS + FLNSyes


Chris Golaz

17rsdsSurface Downwelling Shortwave RadiationFSDSrsds = FSDSyes


Chris Golaz

18rsusSurface Upwelling Shortwave RadiationFSDS, FSNSrsus = FSDS - FSNSyes


Chris Golaz

19hfssSurface Upward Sensible Heat FluxSHFLXhfss = SHFLXyesJ.Zhang
20clPercentage Cloud CoverCLOUDcl = CLOUD *100.0
Chris Golazon model levels
21cliMass Fraction of Cloud IceCLDICEcli = CLDICE

on model levels

For consistency with clivi, don't include snow in cli.

22cliviIce Water PathTGCLDIWPclivi = TGCLDIWP

Kai Zhang

TGCLDIWP doesn't include snow water path.
23clwMass Fraction of Cloud Liquid WaterCLDLIQclw = CLDLIQ

Kai Zhang

on model levels

For consistency with clwvi, don't include rain in clw. 

24clwviCondensed Water PathTGCLDCWPclwvi = TGCLDCWP

Kai Zhang

TGCLDCWP doesn't include rain and snow water path.
25hurRelative HumidityRELHUMhur = RELUM
Chris Golazinterpolated to 19 pressure levels
26hursNear-Surface Relative HumidityRHREFHThurs = RHREFHT

27husSpecific HumidityQhus = Q
Chris Golazinterpolated to 19 pressure levels
28mcConvective Mass Flux

29o3Mole Fraction of O3O3o3 = O3Need input from Philip Cameron-Smith (Unlicensed)
interpolated to 19 pressure levels
30pfullPressure at Model Full-LevelsP0, PS, hyam, hybmpfull = P0*hyam + PS*hybm
Chris Golaz
31phalfPressure on Model Half-LevelsP0, PS, hyai, hybiphalf = P0*hyai + PS*hybi
Chris Golaz
32prwWater Vapor PathTMQprw = TMQ
Chris Golaz
33rldscsSurface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave RadiationFLDS, FLNS, FLNSC
rldscs = FLDS + FLNS - FLNSC
Chris Golaz
34rlutTOA Outgoing Longwave RadiationFSNTOA, FSNT, FLNT


Chris Golaz

Equation originally from NCAR. Using this ensures that individual TOA terms (SW, LW, up/down) are consistent with TOM net flux (rtmt):

rtmt = rsdt - rsut - rlut

35rlutcsTOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave RadiationFLUTCrlutcs = FLUTC

 Chris Golaz

Slight approximation here since we are using TOM, but NCAR does the same.
36rsdscsSurface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave RadiationFSDSCrsdscs = FSDSC
Chris Golaz
37rsdtTOA Incident Shortwave RadiationSOLINrsdt = SOLIN
Chris Golaz
38rsuscsSurface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave RadiationFSDSC, FSNSCrsuscs = FSDSC - FSNSC
Chris Golaz
39rsutTOA Outgoing Shortwave RadiationFSUTOArsut = FSUTOA
Chris Golaz
40rsutcsTOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave RadiationFSUTOACrsutcs = FSUTOAC
Chris Golaz
41rtmtNet Downward Radiative Flux at Top of ModelFSNT, FLNTrtmt = FSNT - FLNT
Chris Golaz
42taAir TemperatureTta = T
Chris Golazinterpolated to 19 pressure levels
43tasmaxDaily Maximum Near-Surface Air TemperatureTREFHTMX

J. Zhang

We cannot use monthly h0 output for this. But the necessary data is in daily h1 files. We would have to create time series of monthly averages from these daily files. double checked that TREFHTMX and TREFHTMN saved to h1 have the same values as TREFHT. Checked code in cam_diagnostics.F90, TREFMNAV and TREFMXAV should be the correct field to output. Unfortunately, those high frequency data saved are note useful

44tasminDaily Minimum Near-Surface Air TemperatureTREFHTMN

J. ZhangSame as above
45uaEastward WindUua = U
Chris Golazinterpolated to 19 pressure levels
46uasEastward Near-Surface Wind

47vaNorthward WindVva = V
Chris Golazinterpolated to 19 pressure levels
48vasNorthward Near-Surface Wind

49wapOmega (=dp/dt)OMEGAwap = OMEGA
Chris Golazinterpolated to 19 pressure levels
50zgGeopotential HeightZ3zg = Z3
Chris Golazinterpolated to 19 pressure levels

51abs550aerAmbient Aerosol Absorption Optical Thickness at 550nmAODABSabs550aer = AODABS
J. Zhang
52od550aerAmbient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nmAODVISod550aer = AODVIS
J. Zhang
53reffclwtopCloud-Top Effective Droplet RadiusARELreffclwtop = AREL
J. Zhang