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OP-E8.2 Discrete Element Model for Sea Ice (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
OP-E6.2 Improving Performance via Physics/Dynamics Coupling (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
OP-E7.1 E3SM Diagnostics Package: E3SM_diags (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
OP-I5.1 Climatic responses to future trans-Arctic shipping (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
OP-E4.1 Ocean and Cryosphere Developments in E3SM (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
OP-E4.4 Development of a Prognostic Iceberg Model in E3SM (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
OP-E1.1 Next Generation Development (NGD) of Atmospheric Physics for E3SM v2/v3 (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
OP-I2.1 Sources and sinks of carbon affected by phosphorus cycle dynamics (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
OP-I5.4 Effects of climate variability on Thwaites Glacier (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
OP-E5.4 High-Resolution Fully-Coupled E3SMv0.1 Approximate Present Day Transient Climate Simulations (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)