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E4.10 Effects of climate variability on Thwaites Glacier (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
OP-E4.1 Ocean and Cryosphere Developments in E3SM (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
OP-E4.4 Development of a Prognostic Iceberg Model in E3SM (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
E4.6 Improving MPAS-O Time-Stepping Algorithm (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
E4.13 Exponential Integrators with Fast and Slow Mode Splitting for Multilayer Ocean Models (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
E4.4 Multi-resolution Unstructured Mesh Generation for MPAS (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
E4.8 SciDAC ProSPect 2: Optimization, V&V, and UQ (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
E4.7 SciDAC ProSPect 1: Ice Sheet Model Development (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)