C1 SNICAR-AD Shortwave Radiation for Sea Ice Validation Phase 1

This page should describe Validation Tests performed for this stand-alone feature and should provide links to all the result pages.


The new feature is tested with fully coupled E3SM simulation for Pi-Control configuration, with code branch maint 1.0.

Validation Test 1

Validation Test 1: 30-year Pi-Control simulation

Date last modified: Jul 17, 2019

Contributors: Cheng Dang (Unlicensed)

Provenance: (Run provenance Link, Code Tag, etc.) 

Results: (link to results, data and plots)

After implementing SNICAR-AD in both ELM and MPAS-seaice:

  • The experimental run and Deckv1b run show similar sea-ice concentration, volume, and thickness. In the time series, there is a slight improvement in sea ice extent in both hemispheres when using the new physics.
  • Over the land, there are changes in snow albedo, snow depth, and black carbon concentration in snow. There has yet to be any extensive work evaluating snow cover over land or glaciated areas, and the aerosols embedded in the snow in E3SM. Further development and testing of the snowpack model with respect to its representation of ice sheet surface mass balance is part of ongoing work under both E3SM phase 2 and SciDAC ProSPect.

Results over sea ice (from MPAS-Analysis):

Results over land:

For more comparisons please see the following analyses: