Pointers to documentation on the coupler.


Main documentation:  https://esmci.github.io/cime/versions/cesm2.2/html/driver_cpl/index.html

Coupler sequencing diagrams from Anthony Craig:  Over a complete coupling cycle, the driver will execute the component models in a runtime-specified sequence.  The different options are illustrated in the linked diagram.  E3SM fully coupled cases use RASM_OPTION1   

Driver namelist:  Documenation of options in the drv_in file. http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.2/cesm/doc/modelnl/nl_drv.html

Coupler paper:  Description of cpl7, some history behind its development, performance plots and illustrations: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1094342011428141

Coupling overview paper:  good summary of coupling problems in climate models: "Physics–Dynamics Coupling in Weather, Climate, and Earth System Models: Challenges and Recent Progress"  https://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/full/10.1175/MWR-D-17-0345.1

At the request of the CANGA project, the coupler time integration is more carefully described in E3SM Time Integration, Flux Calculation and Field Transfer.   This material will eventually be moved to the CIME coupler documentation.

Coupler school:   As part of the /wiki/spaces/CMDV/pages/94699673 in CMDV, several developers went over the entire coupler/driver source code in order and each session was recorded.  Recordings are available at https://anl.box.com/s/bss08sjmndvx3zk53btv58dmgyxjcgsh

Coupler flow diagrams from Jason Sarich

Old CESM coupler docs: http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.2/cpl7/