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Earth and Environmental System Modeling (EESM) PI Meeting

William F. Bolger Center, 9600 Newbridge Drive, Potomac, Maryland 20854,   November 5 - 9, 2018

DAY 1 - Monday, November 5, 2018

Joint Session

 7:00                             Breakfast                                                                                Franklin Building Lobby


8:15 - 8:25 .    Dorothy Koch, Renu Joseph, Bob Vallario .    Ben Franklin


8:25 - 8:35      Sharlene Weatherwax

Associate Director for Biological and Environmental Research

8:35 - 8:45      Gary Geernaert

Director for Earth and Environmental Systems Science


8:45 - 9:20      Inez Fung, University of California, Berkeley

Ecosystem-Water-Climate Dynamics: Lessons and New Challenges

9:20 - 9:55      Patrick Reed, Cornell University

The Art of Complexity: Understanding Errors, Actions, and Exascale Community Ambitions in Multi-sector Modeling

9:55 - 10:15                  Break                                                                           Franklin Building Lobby

Science Area (SA) Overviews

10:15 - 10:25   Dorothy Koch                                                                             Ben Franklin

Earth System Model Development

10:25 - 10:35   Renu Joseph

Regional and Global Model Analysis

10:35 - 10:45   Bob Vallario

Multisector Dynamics

Next Steps

10:45                           Renu Joseph

Panel Session in Plenary                                                                                  Ben Franklin

(Panelist remarks, panelist exchange, and audience interaction)

11:00 - 12:00

Integrated Water Cycle

  • Kate Calvin .  PNNL, Coordinator/Moderator
  • Bill Collins .   LBNL
  • Chris Golaz   LLNL
  • Nathalie Voisin .  PNNL
  • Ruby Leung .   PNNL

12:00 - 1:30                  Lunch                                                                                      Osgood Dining Room

Poster Sessions (3 in parallel)

1:30 - 2:50    Extremes .    F21

                     Coastal Systems .   F1

                     Tools, Frameworks, and Transitions to Exascale .    F1

2:50 - 3:00                    Break                                                                                      Franklin Building Lobby

Panel Sessions in Plenary                                                                                          Ben Franklin

(Panelist remarks, panelist exchange, and audience interaction)

3:00 - 4:00                   

Extreme Scale Computational Modeling

  • Michael Wehner            LBNL, Coordinator/Moderator
  • Peter Caldwell              LLNL
  • Forrest Hoffman            ORNL
  • Michael Pritchard          UC Irvine
  • Mark Taylor                  SNL

4:00 - 5:00                   

Extremes, Variability, and Change

  • Christina Patricola .   LBNL, Coordinator/Moderator
  • Benjamin Kirtman .    U of Miami
  • Ian Kraukunas .     PNNL
  • Jerry Meehl .    NCAR
  • James Randerson .  UC Irvine

Day 1 Closeout      Bob Vallario


DAY 2 - Tuesday, November 6, 2018 Joint Session

7:00                             Breakfast                                                                                Franklin Building Lobby

Morning Breakouts (3 in parallel)

8:00 - 10:30                 

  Extremes                                                                                Ben Franklin

  •  Jonathan Lamontagne Tufts U, Co-chair
  •  Travis O’Brien               LBNL, Co-chair
  •  Claudia Tebaldi            NCAR, Co-chair
  1. Abagail Snyder: Coherent Joint emulation of Earth System Model Temperature-Precipitation Realizations: Fldgen v2.0
  2. Céline Bonfils: Forced Changes in Temperature and Precipitation and their Influences on Global Changes in Vegetation Distribution or Aridity
  3. Jiwen Fan: Wildfire Impact on Environment Thermodynamics and Severe Convective Storms
  4. Stephen Price: Probabilistic Sea Level Projections from Ice Sheet and Earth System Models (ProSPect)
  5. Colin Zarzycki: Investigating New Coastal Storm Metrics and Domain Size Sensitivity over the Eastern U.S. with a Multidecadal VR-CESM

  Coastal Systems                                                                                 F18-19

  •  Mohamad Hejazi           PNNL, Co-chair
  •  Anastasia Piliouras LANL, Co-chair
  •  Phillip Wolfram              LANL, Co-chair
  1. Zeli Tan: Soil Erosion Causes Substantial Loss of Terrestrial Organic Carbon and Nutrients from the Conterminous United States to the Coastal Zone
  2. Bill Collins: Extremes and Coastal Urban Systems
  3. Nathan Urban: Translational science: An architecture for climate resilience studies with an application to coastal impacts
  4. Christa Brelsford: Empirical Strategies for Understanding Interactions among Infrastructural, Socioeconomic, and Natural Systems

  Tools, Frameworks, and Transitions to Exascale                               F3

  • Forrest Hoffman            ORNL, Co-chair
  • Phil Jones                    LANL, Co-chair
  • Pat Reed                      Cornell, Co-chair
  1. Luca Bertagna: Exploring the Use of Kokkos in HOMME to Achieve Performance on Multiple Architectures
  2. Phil Jones: How to Drive Your New Hybrid Computer
  3. Michael Pritchard: Deep Learning to Represent Subgrid Cloud and Radiation Processes in Climate Models
  4. Robert Jacob: The E3SM Code Development Process

Poster Sessions (3 in parallel)

10:30 - 12:10

  • Land and Land System Dynamics .   F1, F21
  • High Latitudes .                                   F23
  • Data, Metrics, and Diagnostics          F22, F23

12:10 - 1:10                  Lunch                                                            Osgood Dining Room

Afternoon Breakouts (3 in parallel)

1:10 - 3:30                   

  Land and Land System Dynamics                                                F3

  • Gabe Kooperman         U of Georgia, Co-chair
  • Ben Bond-Lamberty   U of MD, Co-chair
  • Karen Fisher-Vanden  Penn State, Co-chair
  1. Xiaojuan Yang: How the Sources and Sinks of Carbon are Affected by Phosphorus Cycle Dynamics in the Amazon Region - A Modeling Study using ELMv1
  2. Adam Schlosser: Confronting Global Water Risks into an Unprecedented Era: Successes and Challenges with Risk-Based, Multi-Sector Predictions
  3. David Lawrence: Applying ILAMB to Several Generations of the Community Land Model to Assess the Relative Contribution of Model Improvements and Forcing Uncertainty to Model-Data Agreement
  4. Michael Notaro: Evaluation of the Representation of Land-Atmosphere Interactions Across Sub-Saharan Africa in the Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase Five

  High Latitudes .                                                                          F18-19

  • Jennifer Holm .  LBNL, Co-chair
  • Wilbert Weijer .  LANL, Co-chair
  • Charles Zender    UC Irvine, Co-chair
  1. Charlie Zender: Climatic Responses to Future Trans-Arctic Shipping
  2. Matt Hoffman: Effects of Ocean and Ice Shelf Basal Melt Variability on Sea Level Rise Contribution from Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica
  3. William Riley: Non-Growing Season High-Latitude Plant Nitrogen and Phosphorus Uptake Impact Land Interactions with the Atmosphere and Climate

  Data, Metrics, and Diagnostics                                               Ben Franklin

  • Casey Burleyson          PNNL, Co-chair
  • Paul Ulrich                    UC Davis, Co-chair
  • Jill Zhang                     LLNL, Co-chair
  1. Melissa Allen: Energy-Water Nexus Knowledge Discovery Framework: An Integrated Platform for Integration, Analysis, and Synthesis of Spatiotemporal Data
  2. Peter Gleckler: Using the PCMDI Metrics Package to Provide Objective Performance Summaries of all CMIP Class Models
  3. Khachik Sargsyan: Overview of Uncertainty Quantification Methods for Complex Models
  4. Daniel Walton: Do Dynamical and Statistical Downscaling Fundamentally Disagree on Climate Change?

3:30 - 3:50                    Break                                                          Franklin Building Lobby

Breakout Session Report Outs (7-8 minutes)

3:50 - 4:40                                                                                        Ben Franklin

  • Extremes
  • Coastal Systems
  • Tools, Frameworks, and Transitions to Exascale
  • Land and Land System Dynamics
  • High Latitudes
  • Data, Metrics, and Diagnostics

Panel Session in Plenary: Interagency/Inter-organizational Perspectives

(Panelist remarks, panelist exchange, and audience interaction)

4:40 - 5:30                                                                                     Ben Franklin

  • Brita Bierwagen      EPA
  • David Considine .    NASA
  • Jia Li     EPA
  • Alejandro Moreno .   DOE
  • Mike Patterson .     US CLIVAR
  • Jennifer Saleem Arrigo .    USGCRP


Special Announcement and Final Remarks

5:30 - 5:40 .      Gary Geernaert .                                                Ben Franklin

Next Steps

5:40 - 6:00 .      Dorothy Koch, Renu Joseph, Bob Vallario


DAYS 3 - 5

Agendas Follow for: 

E3SM Community Model Development Activities

Regional and Global Model Analysis (RGMA) Activities

Multisector Dynamics Activities

E3SM Community Model Development Sessions

November 7-8 

DAY 3 - E3SM - Wednesday Nov 7, 2018

E3SM Community Model Development Activities

7:00                             Breakfast                                                                                Franklin Building Lobby

Programmatic and Project Updates                                                                            Ben Franklin

8:30 - 8:45                    Programmatic Updates

                                     Dorothy Koch 

8:45 - 9:00                    E3SM Project Updates

                                     Dave Bader

E3SM Experimental Campaigns                                                                                 Ben Franklin

9:00 - 9:30 .                 Water Cycle Campaign

     Chris Golaz

9:30 - 10:00 .              Biogeochemistry Campaign

    Kate Calvin

10:00 - 10:30              Break                                                                           Franklin Building Lobby

10:30 - 11:00 .            Cryosphere-Ocean Campaign

    Steve Price

Community Engagement                                                                                            Ben Franklin

11:00 - 11:30                E3SM Release – How to Work with E3SM

     Renata McCoy, Rob Jacob

Coupled System Science Plans                                                                                  Ben Franklin

11:30 - 12:00                Overview of E3SM Phase 2 Science and Development Plans

      Ruby Leung


12:00 - 1:00                  Lunch                                                                                      Osgood Dining Room

Parallel Sessions - E3SM Future Developments and Partner Projects

1:00 - 2:30                    v2-v3 Atmospheric Physics                                                    Ben Franklin

     Chair: Shaocheng Xie

  • Overview of E3SM NGD-Atmospheric Physics for v2/v3 - Xie
  • EAMv1P: Remarkable Improvements on Simulations of Present-Day Atmosphere - Ma
  • A Unified Convection and Turbulence Parameterization: The EDMF Approach - Teixeira
  • Organized Convection Parameterization - Moncrieff
  • Implementation and Evaluation of the P3 Cloud Microphysics in the E3SM Atmosphere Model - Zhang
  • Solar Radiation Benchmark - Prather

1:00 - 2:30                    v2-v4 Land/Energy                                                                              F3

     Chair: Ben Bond-Lamberty

  • Responses of the Carbon, Energy and Water Fluxes to Different Land Use and Land Cover Products in E3SM - Jain
  • Economic Carbon Cycle Feedbacks May Offset Additional Warming from Natural Feedbacks - Randerson
  • Connecting Climate Models to Energy Impacts - Evans (for Deeksha Rastogi)
  • Soil Erosion Causes Substantial Loss of Terrestrial Carbon and Nutrients in Coastal Zones - Tan
  • Precipitation Downscaling Method for Topography-Based Subgrid Structure in E3SM - Tesfa

2:30 - 3:30                    v3-v4 Atmosphere – Cloud-Resolving-Scales                        Ben Franklin

     Chair: Peter Caldwell

  • Global Cloud-Resolving E3SM Overview - Caldwell
  • Superparameterized E3SM - Hillman
  • E3SM-FIVE Overview - Yamaguchi
  • The Non-Hydrostatic Dycore Effort - Steyer


2:30 - 3:30                    v2-v4 Ocean/Cryosphere Developments                                            F3

     Chair: Mark Peterson

  • Overview of Ocean/cryosphere Development - Petersen and Price
  • Ocean Vertical Mixing - Van Roekel
  • Coastal Modeling - Wolfram
  • Icebergs in E3SM - Comeau


3:30 - 4:00                    Break                                                                                      Franklin Building Lobby

4:00 - 5:30                    Coupled System Science – Results and  Future Directions                     Ben Franklin

    Chair: Susannah Burrows

  • Overview - Burrows
  • Some General Considerations about the Surface-Atmosphere Radiative Coupling in the Earth System Mode - Huang
  • Land Cryosphere Biases and Their Impact on Atmosphere-Surface Exchange in E3SMv1 - Brunke
  • High-Resolution Fully-Coupled E3SMv0.1 Approximate Present Day Transient Climate Simulations – McClean
  • Global Phosphorus Redistribution and Climate Impacts from Wildfires in E3SM - Xu

Awards and Deep-Dives Performance                                                                        Ben Franklin

6:00 .                      Award Presentations

Dr. Sharlene Weatherwax

6:30                        Deep Dives Performance

DAY 4 - E3SM -Thursday, November 8, 2018

E3SM Community Model Development Activities


7:00                             Breakfast                                                                                Franklin Building Lobby

Computation and Software                                                                                                     F9

8:30 - 9:00                    E3SM Computational Overview

      Mark Taylor


9:00 - 10:00                  E3SM Performance

      Chair: Phil Jones

  • Performance Improvement from Semi-Lagrangian Transport - Bosler/Guba
  • Improving Performance via Physics/Dynamics Coupling - Donahue
  • Performance Analytics Tool (PACE) - Sreepathi
  • Visualizing Performance Profile - Keen


10:00 - 10:30                Break                                                                                      Franklin Building Lobby

10:30 - 11:30                E3SM Infrastructure                                                                            F9

     Chair: Rob Jacob

  • Diagnostics Package for Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM_diags) - Zhang
  • New Infrastructure and Examples of Code Verification in E3SM - Wilke
  • Using LIVVkit to Evaluate Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance in E3SM - Kennedy
  • Modernization of the E3SM Single-Column Model - Bogenschutz


11:30 - 12:30                E3SM Next-Generation Software/Algorithms                                      F9

      Chair: Andy Salinger

  • Improving Solution Accuracy and Convergence for Physics Parameterizations - Wan
  • The Discrete Element Model for Sea Ice - Turner
  • Improving ESM Predictions Using New Surrogate Modeling Approaches and Observation Networks - Ricciuto
  • Beyond Bit-for-Bit, Reproducibility Testing CMDV-SM - Kennedy/Mahajan


12:30 - 1:30                  Lunch                                                                                      Osgood Dining Room

1:00                    Informal Discussion on Next-Generation Approaches to High-Resolution Model Initialization                         F9 

Poster Sessions

1:30 - 5:30                    E3SM Community Poster Session


1:30 - 3:30                    E3SM Community Poster Session 1                                                   F1

  • E3SM – v1 Results – BGC
  • E3SM – v1 Results – Ocean-Cryosphere
  • E3SM – v1 Results – Water Cycle
  • E3SM – Ocean/Cryosphere (v2-v4)

3:30 - 5:30                    E3SM Community Poster Session 2                                                   F1

  • E3SM – Land/Energy
  • E3SM – v4 Atmosphere
  • E3SM – v2/v3 Atmospheric Physics
  • E3SM – Next Generation Coupled System Science
  • E3SM – Performance (v2)
  • E3SM – Infrastructure (v2)
  • E3SM – NGD-computation (v3-v4)

Evening Session

7:30 - 9:00                    E3SM Simulation Coordination Meeting                                              F3

DAY 5 - E3SM - Friday, November 9, 2018

E3SM Community Model Development Activities


7:00                             Breakfast                                                                                Franklin Building Lobby

Parallel Sessions - E3SM Project Group Meetings   8:00 - 9:30

8:00 - 9:30

E3SM Water Cycle Coupled Group

Chair: Chris Golaz


8:00 - 9:30

E3SM NGD Software and Algorithms

Chair: Andy Salinger


8:00 - 9:30

E3SM NGD Land and Energy

Chair: Ben Bond-Lamberty



10:00 - 10:30                Break                                                                                      Franklin Building Lobb

Parallel Sessions - E3SM Project Group Meetings . 10:00 - 11:00

10:00 - 11:00

E3SM Biogeochemical Cycles Coupled Group

Chair: Kate Calvin


10:00 - 11:00

E3SM NGD Atmospheric Physics

Chair: Shaocheng Xie


10:00 - 11:00

E3SM Infrastructure Group

Chair: Rob Jacob



Parallel Sessions - E3SM Project Group Meetings .  11:00 - 12:00

11:00 - 12:00

E3SM Cryosphere Coupled Group

Chair: Steve Price


11:00 - 12:00

E3SM Performance Group


Chair: Phil Jones

11:00 - 12:00

E3SM NGD Atmosphere-SCREAM

Chair: Peter Caldwell


RGMA - Regional and Global Model Analysis  

DAY 1 - RGMA - Monday, November 5, 2018

Regional and Global Model Analysis (RGMA) Activities


6:30 - 8:00 p.m.            Group Meeting – Interannual to Multidecadal Variability:                        F3 Variability, Predictability, and Change

Contact Ben Kirtman, Wilbert Weijer, or Forrest Hoffman (

if you’d like to participate

DAY 2 - RGMA - Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Regional and Global Model Analysis (RGMA) Activities


6:30 - 8:00 p.m.            Group Meeting – Synoptic to Interannual Variability:                              F3 Variability, Predictability, and Change

Contact Travis O’ Brien (

if you’d like to participate

DAY 3 - RGMA - Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Regional and Global Model Analysis (RGMA) Activities


1:00 - 2:30

Posters – Synoptic to Interannual Variability: Variability, Predictability, and Change

F1, F21, F22

4:00 - 6:30

Posters – Interannual to Multidecadal Variability: Variability, Predictability, and Change

F1, F21, F22, F23



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