E1.9 Development of a Global Q3D MMF for E3SM


Poster Title

Development of a Global Quasi-3-D Multiscale Modeling Framework for E3SM


Joon-Hee Jung, Celal S. Konor, and David A. Randall (Colorado State University)

First AuthorJoon-Hee Jung
Session TypeE3SM Session
Session IDE1
Submission TypePoster
Poster Link


In this project our ultimate objective is to implement the Quasi-3D Multiscale Modeling Framework (Q3D MMF) in E3SM as a physics option. The Q3D MMF is a second-generation MMF, which has following advances over the first-generation MMF: 1) The cloud-resolving models (CRMs) that replace conventional parameterizations are not confined to the large-scale dynamical-core grid cells; instead, they are seamlessly connected to each other in the form of “channels” that wrap around the planet. 2) The CRMs sense the three-dimensional large- and cloud-scale environment. 3) Two perpendicular sets of CRM channels are used. 4) The CRMs can resolve the steep surface topography along the channel direction. As a part of the development, the Vector-Vorticity Model (VVM), which is the cloud-resolving component of the Q3D MMF,has been adapted to the cubed-sphere grid so that it can be easily coupled with the E3SM Dycore. The VVM on cubed sphere grid has been successfully tested. The interfaces for the coupling are currently under intensive development. The computational infrastructure to implement the VVM to E3SM will be set up in a separate repository very soon. On a parallel track of the development, we are also working on the improvement of the dynamical formulations and physical parameterizations used in the VVM. In this poster, we will discuss the current status of the development of the global Q3D MMF and present some test results.