Agenda EESM PI Meeting


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Earth and Environmental System Modeling (EESM) PI Meeting

William F. Bolger Center, 9600 Newbridge Drive, Potomac, Maryland 20854,   November 5 - 9, 2018

DAY 1 - Monday, November 5, 2018

Joint Session

 7:00                             Breakfast                                                                                Franklin Building Lobby


8:15 - 8:25 .    Dorothy Koch, Renu Joseph, Bob Vallario .    Ben Franklin


8:25 - 8:35      Sharlene Weatherwax

Associate Director for Biological and Environmental Research

8:35 - 8:45      Gary Geernaert . Geernaert Modeling PI meeting Geernaert presentation Nov 5 2018.pptx

Director for Earth and Environmental Systems Science


8:45 - 9:20      Inez Fung, University of California, Berkeley

Ecosystem-Water-Climate Dynamics: Lessons and New Challenges, 


9:20 - 9:55      Patrick Reed, Cornell University

The Art of Complexity: Understanding Errors, Actions, and Exascale Community Ambitions in Multi-sector Modeling


9:55 - 10:15                  Break                                                                           Franklin Building Lobby

Science Area (SA) Overviews

10:15 - 10:25   Dorothy Koch, Earth System Model Development                                                   Ben Franklin


10:25 - 10:35   Renu Joseph, Regional and Global Model Analysis 

                        Joseph RGMA Part I.pptx

10:35 - 10:45   Bob Vallario, Multisector Dynamics

                        Vallario Joint PI 2018 Final - Vallario.pptx

Next Steps

10:45                           Renu Joseph .  Joseph Next Steps.pptx

Panel Session in Plenary                                                                                  Ben Franklin

(Panelist remarks, panelist exchange, and audience interaction)

11:00 - 12:00

Integrated Water Cycle

       notes: IWC Panel Notes - TA OBrien.docx

       discussion notes:

12:00 - 1:30                  Lunch                                                                                      Osgood Dining Room

Poster Sessions (3 in parallel)

1:30 - 2:50    Extremes .    F21

                     Coastal Systems .   F1

                     Tools, Frameworks, and Transitions to Exascale .    F1

2:50 - 3:00                    Break                                                                                      Franklin Building Lobby

Panel Sessions in Plenary                                                                                          Ben Franklin

(Panelist remarks, panelist exchange, and audience interaction)

3:00 - 4:00                   

Extreme Scale Computational Modeling

      notes: Kooperman Notes from Extreme Scale Computational Modeling.docx,    ExacalePanel_Notes.docx

      session and discussion

4:00 - 5:00                   

Extremes, Variability, and Change

      notes: Extremes_variability_and_change_Bonfils_notes.docx

      session and discussion notes:

Day 1 Closeout      Bob Vallario


DAY 2 - Tuesday, November 6, 2018 Joint Session

7:00                             Breakfast                                                                                Franklin Building Lobby

Morning Breakouts (3 in parallel)

8:00 - 10:30                 

  Extremes                                                                                Ben Franklin

  •  Jonathan Lamontagne Tufts U, Co-chair
  •  Travis O’Brien               LBNL, Co-chair
  •  Claudia Tebaldi            NCAR, Co-chair
  1. Abagail Snyder: Coherent Joint emulation of Earth System Model Temperature-Precipitation Realizations: Fldgen v2.0 . snyder_DOE_PI_meeting_Nov2018_talk.pptx
  2. Céline Bonfils: Forced Changes in Temperature and Precipitation and their Influences on Global Changes in Vegetation Distribution or Aridity . 
  3. Jiwen Fan: Wildfire Impact on Environment Thermodynamics and Severe Convective Storms . Fan_wildfireimpact_PImeeting.pdf
  4. Stephen Price: Probabilistic Sea Level Projections from Ice Sheet and Earth System Models (ProSPect) . SPrice-ProSPect-E3SM-Nov2018b.pdf
  5. Colin Zarzycki: Investigating New Coastal Storm Metrics and Domain Size Sensitivity over the Eastern U.S. with a Multidecadal VR-CESM . zarzycki_2018_doepi_slides.pdf

      notes Extremes Breakout Live Notes.pptx , . Risser Extremes Notes Breakout Questions Day 1-2 Final.docx

  Coastal Systems                                                                                 F18-19

  •  Mohamad Hejazi           PNNL, Co-chair
  •  Anastasia Piliouras LANL, Co-chair
  •  Phillip Wolfram              LANL, Co-chair
  1. Zeli Tan: Soil Erosion Causes Substantial Loss of Terrestrial Organic Carbon and Nutrients from the Conterminous United States to the Coastal Zone
  2. Bill Collins: Extremes and Coastal Urban Systems
  3. Nathan Urban: Translational science: An architecture for climate resilience studies with an application to coastal impacts
  4. Christa Brelsford: Empirical Strategies for Understanding Interactions among Infrastructural, Socioeconomic, and Natural Systems

  Tools, Frameworks, and Transitions to Exascale                               F3

  • Forrest Hoffman            ORNL, Co-chair .  
  • Phil Jones                    LANL, Co-chair
  • Pat Reed                      Cornell, Co-chair
  1. Luca Bertagna: Exploring the Use of Kokkos in HOMME to Achieve Performance on Multiple Architectures Bertagna_HOMMEXX.pdf
  2. Phil Jones: How to Drive Your New Hybrid Computer . JonesDriveHybrid.pdf
  3. Michael Pritchard: Deep Learning to Represent Subgrid Cloud and Radiation Processes in Climate Models . Tuesday Pritchard Machine Learning.pdf
  4. Robert Jacob: The E3SM Code Development Process . E3SM_DevProcess_JacobSalinger.pptx

      notes: Tools, Frameworks, Transitions to Exascale - Topical Whitepaper.docx


Poster Sessions (3 in parallel)

10:30 - 12:10

  • Land and Land System Dynamics .   F1, F21
  • High Latitudes .                                   F23
  • Data, Metrics, and Diagnostics          F22, F23

12:10 - 1:10                  Lunch                                                            Osgood Dining Room

Afternoon Breakouts (3 in parallel)

1:10 - 3:30                   

  Land and Land System Dynamics                                                F3

  • Gabe Kooperman         U of Georgia, Co-chair
  • Ben Bond-Lamberty   U of MD, Co-chair
  • Karen Fisher-Vanden  Penn State, Co-chair
  1. Xiaojuan Yang: How the Sources and Sinks of Carbon are Affected by Phosphorus Cycle Dynamics in the Amazon Region - A Modeling Study using ELMv1 . Yang_PImeeting_I2_final.pptx
  2. Adam Schlosser: Confronting Global Water Risks into an Unprecedented Era: Successes and Challenges with Risk-Based, Multi-Sector Predictions
  3. David Lawrence: Applying ILAMB to Several Generations of the Community Land Model to Assess the Relative Contribution of Model Improvements and Forcing Uncertainty to Model-Data Agreement . lawrence.ilamb.clm5.doepi.2018.pptx
  4. Michael Notaro: Evaluation of the Representation of Land-Atmosphere Interactions Across Sub-Saharan Africa in the Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase Five

      Report out slides, Land and land systems.pptx

  High Latitudes .                                                                          F18-19

  1. Charlie Zender: Climatic Responses to Future Trans-Arctic Shipping Zender_smn_shp_e3sm_201811.pdf
  2. Matt Hoffman: Effects of Ocean and Ice Shelf Basal Melt Variability on Sea Level Rise Contribution from Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica  Hoffman_Thwaites_variability_DOE_02small.pdf
  3. William Riley: Non-Growing Season High-Latitude Plant Nitrogen and Phosphorus Uptake Impact Land Interactions with the Atmosphere and Climate WJ Riley DOE PI Mtg High Latitude BGC cycles.pptx

     High Latitude Grand Challenges.docx,  Breakout Notes.docx

  Data, Metrics, and Diagnostics                                               Ben Franklin

  • Casey Burleyson          PNNL, Co-chair
  • Paul Ulrich                    UC Davis, Co-chair
  • Jill Zhang                     LLNL, Co-chair
  1. Melissa Allen: Energy-Water Nexus Knowledge Discovery Framework: An Integrated Platform for Integration, Analysis, and Synthesis of Spatiotemporal Data
  2. Peter Gleckler: Using the PCMDI Metrics Package to Provide Objective Performance Summaries of all CMIP Class Models
  3. Khachik Sargsyan: Overview of Uncertainty Quantification Methods for Complex Models
  4. Daniel Walton: Do Dynamical and Statistical Downscaling Fundamentally Disagree on Climate Change?


3:30 - 3:50                    Break                                                          Franklin Building Lobby

Breakout Session Report Outs (7-8 minutes)

3:50 - 4:40                                                                                        Ben Franklin

Panel Session in Plenary: Interagency/Inter-organizational Perspectives

(Panelist remarks, panelist exchange, and audience interaction)

4:40 - 5:30                                                                                     Ben Franklin


Special Announcement and Final Remarks

5:30 - 5:40 .      Gary Geernaert .                                                Ben Franklin

Next Steps

5:40 - 6:00 .      Dorothy Koch, Renu Joseph, Bob Vallario


DAYS 3 - 5

Agendas Follow for: 

E3SM Community Model Development Activities

Regional and Global Model Analysis (RGMA) Activities

Multisector Dynamics Activities

E3SM Community Model Development Sessions

November 7-8 

DAY 3 - E3SM - Wednesday Nov 7, 2018

E3SM Community Model Development Activities

7:00                             Breakfast                                                                                Franklin Building Lobby

Programmatic and Project Updates                                                                            Ben Franklin

8:30 - 8:45                    Programmatic Update, Dorothy Koch 


8:45 - 9:00                    E3SM Project Updates, Dave Bader


E3SM Experimental Campaigns                                                                                 Ben Franklin

9:00 - 9:30 .                   Water Cycle Campaign, Chris Golaz


9:30 - 10:00 .                 Biogeochemistry Campaign,  Kate Calvin


10:00 - 10:30              Break                                                                           Franklin Building Lobby

10:30 - 11:00 .               Cryosphere-Ocean Campaign,  Steve Price



Community Engagement                                                                                            Ben Franklin

11:00 - 11:30                 E3SM Release – How to Work with E3SM,  Renata McCoy, Rob Jacob



Coupled System Science Plans                                                                                  Ben Franklin

11:30 - 12:00                Overview of E3SM Phase 2 Science and Development Plans, Ruby Leung



12:00 - 1:00                  Lunch                                                                                      Osgood Dining Room

Parallel Sessions - E3SM Future Developments and Partner Projects

1:00 - 2:30                    v2-v3 Atmospheric Physics                                                    Ben Franklin

     Chair: Shaocheng Xie

1:00 - 2:30                    v2-v4 Land/Energy                                                                              F3

     Chair: Ben Bond-Lamberty

2:30 - 3:30                    v3-v4 Atmosphere – Cloud-Resolving-Scales                        Ben Franklin

     Chair: Peter Caldwell


2:30 - 3:30                    v2-v4 Ocean/Cryosphere Developments                                            F3

     Chair: Mark Peterson


3:30 - 4:00                    Break                                                                                      Franklin Building Lobby

4:00 - 5:30                    Coupled System Science – Results and  Future Directions                     Ben Franklin

    Chair: Susannah Burrows

Awards and Deep-Dives Performance                                                                        Ben Franklin

6:00 .                      Award Presentations

Dr. Sharlene Weatherwax

6:30                        Deep Dives Performance


Evening Session

7:30 - 9:00             Ocean BGC meeting                        F6

DAY 4 - E3SM -Thursday, November 8, 2018

E3SM Community Model Development Activities


7:00                             Breakfast                                                                                Franklin Building Lobby

Computation and Software                                                                                                     F9

8:30 - 9:00                    Slides: E3SM Computational Overview

      Mark Taylor


9:00 - 10:00                  E3SM Performance

      Chair: Phil Jones


10:00 - 10:30                Break                                                                                      Franklin Building Lobby

10:30 - 11:30                E3SM Infrastructure                                                                            F9

     Chair: Rob Jacob


11:30 - 12:30                E3SM Next-Generation Software/Algorithms                                      F9

      Chair: Andy Salinger


12:30 - 1:30                  Lunch                                                                                      Osgood Dining Room

1:15                    Informal Discussion on Next-Generation Approaches to High-Resolution Model Initialization                         F9 

Poster Sessions

1:30 - 5:30                    E3SM Community Poster Session


1:30 - 3:30                    E3SM Community Poster Session 1                                                   F1

  • E3SM – v1 Results – BGC
  • E3SM – v1 Results – Ocean-Cryosphere
  • E3SM – v1 Results – Water Cycle
  • E3SM – Ocean/Cryosphere (v2-v4)

3:30 - 5:30                    E3SM Community Poster Session 2                                                   F1

  • E3SM – Land/Energy
  • E3SM – v4 Atmosphere
  • E3SM – v2/v3 Atmospheric Physics
  • E3SM – Next Generation Coupled System Science
  • E3SM – Performance (v2)
  • E3SM – Infrastructure (v2)
  • E3SM – NGD-computation (v3-v4)

Evening Session

6:15 - 7:15 .                   E3SM data for CMIP6                                                                               F6

cmip6-publication.pptx ,    Zender_smn_cmip6_e3sm_201811.pdf

7:30 - 9:00                     E3SM Simulation Coordination Meeting                                              F3


DAY 5 - E3SM - Friday, November 9, 2018

E3SM Community Model Development Activities


7:00                             Breakfast                                                                                Franklin Building Lobby

Parallel Sessions - E3SM Project Group Meetings   8:00 - 9:30

8:00 - 9:30

E3SM Water Cycle Coupled Group (/wiki/spaces/EWCG/pages/879656961)

Chair: Chris Golaz


8:00 - 9:30

E3SM NGD Software and Algorithms

Chair: Andy Salinger


8:00 - 9:30

E3SM NGD Land and Energy

Chair: Ben Bond-Lamberty



9:30 - 10:00                Break                                                                                      Franklin Building Lobby

Parallel Sessions - E3SM Project Group Meetings . 10:00 - 11:00

10:00 - 11:00

E3SM Biogeochemical Cycles Coupled Group

Chair: Kate Calvin


10:00 - 11:00

E3SM NGD Atmospheric Physics /wiki/spaces/NGDAP/pages/881492190

Chair: Shaocheng Xie


10:00 - 11:00

E3SM Infrastructure Group /wiki/spaces/EIDMG/pages/881655844

Chair: Rob Jacob



Parallel Sessions - E3SM Project Group Meetings .  11:00 - 12:00

11:00 - 12:00

E3SM Cryosphere Coupled Group 2018-11-09 Meeting Notes

Chair: Steve Price


11:00 - 12:00

E3SM Performance Group


Chair: Phil Jones

11:00 - 12:00

E3SM NGD Atmosphere-SCREAM

Chair: Peter Caldwell


RGMA - Regional and Global Model Analysis  

DAY 1 - RGMA - Monday, November 5, 2018

Regional and Global Model Analysis (RGMA) Activities


6:30 - 8:00 p.m.            Group Meeting – Interannual to Multidecadal Variability: Variability, Predictability, and Change .        F3

              Contact Ben Kirtman, Wilbert Weijer, or Forrest Hoffman ( .  if you’d like to participate

DAY 2 - RGMA - Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Regional and Global Model Analysis (RGMA) Activities


6:30 - 8:00 p.m.            Group Meeting – Synoptic to Interannual Variability: Variability, Predictability, and Change               F3 

      Contact Travis O’ Brien ( .  if you’d like to participate

DAY 3 - RGMA - Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Regional and Global Model Analysis (RGMA) Activities 

1:00 - 2:30

Posters – Synoptic to Interannual Variability: Variability, Predictability, and Change

F1, F21, F22

4:00 - 6:30

Posters – Interannual to Multidecadal Variability: Variability, Predictability, and Change

F1, F21, F22, F23


DAY 4 - Thursday, November 9, 2018

Regional and Global Model Analysis (RGMA) Activities


7:00                 Breakfast                                                                                            Franklin Building Lobby

Welcoming Plenary

8:00                 Regional and Global Model Analysis (RGMA)                                     Benjamin Franklin

Renu Joseph


8:10 - 10:10     

SFAs, Cooperative Agreements, and University                                 Benjamin Franklin

Projects - Part 1

8:10     Water Cycle and Climate Extremes Modeling (WACCEM)

Ruby Leung

8:25     Calibrated and Systematic Characterization, Attribution, and Detection of Extremes (CASCADE)

Bill Collins

8:40     Clouds at LLNL: Observational Understanding and Diagnosed Simulations

Steve Klein

8:55     Understanding Hydroclimate Data with Use-Inspired Metrics (HYPERION)

Paul Ullrich

9:10     Framework for Assessing Climate Simulations Relevant to the Energy-Water-Land Nexus (FACETS)

Bill Gutowski

9:25 Simulating Extreme Precipitation in the United States in the E3SM: Investigating the Importance of Representing Convective Intensity Versus Dynamic Structure

Gabe Kooperman

9:40     Monsoon Extremes: Impacts, Metrics, and Synoptic-Scale Drivers

William Boos

9:55     Madden-Julian Oscillation, Tropical Cyclones, and Precipitation Extremes in E3SM

Daeyun Kim


10:10               Group Photo                                                                                        Franklin Courtyard

10:15               Break                                                                                                  Franklin Building Lobby

10:30 - 12:00    Breakout Session 1: Synoptic to Interannual Timescales - Research Gaps Whitepaper

Leads: Travis O'Brien, Ruby Leung

Convection and Land-Atmosphere Interaction                                    Benjamin Franklin

Leads: Ruby Leung and Gabe Kooperman

  • A Hierarchical Evaluation of Mesoscale Convective Systems Simulated by Variable-Resolution MPAS-CAM in the Central US - Jiwen Fan
  • Wildfire Impact on Environment Thermodynamics and Severe Convective Storms - Zhe Feng
  • Sub-Cloud Moist Entropy Curvature as a Predictor for Changes in the Seasonal Cycle of Tropical Precipitation - Bryce Harrop
  • The Madden-Julian Oscillation, Tropical Cyclones, and Precipitation Extremes in E3SMv1 - Daehyun Kim
  • What are the Causes of a Warm Bias in Surface Air Temperature over Land? - Hsi-Yen Ma
  • Radiative Forcing Associated with Regional Aerosol Emissions - Brian Medeiros
  • Boundary Layer Diabatic Processes, the Virtual Effect, and Convective Self-Aggregation - Da Yang

Synoptic-to-Seasonal Variability                                                                    F3

Leads: Jian Lu and William Boos


  • High Mountains of Asia: Moisture Sources and Contribution to Summer Monsoon - Moetasim Ashfaq
  • Intensification of the Pre-Meiyu Rainband in the Late 21st Century - John Chiang
  • SOM-Based Hybrid Downscaling of AR Days - Naomi Goldenson
  • The Origins of Sub-Seasonal triggers of South Asian Monsoon Onset - Samson Hagos
  • Characterizing the Changes of the Top Atmospheric River Events over the California in the Future - Xingying Huang
  • A Probabilistic Gridded Product for Daily Precipitation Extremes - Mark Risser
  • Rossby Wave Breaking and Transient Eddy Forcing during Euro-Atlantic Circulation Regimes - David Straus
  • Resolution Dependence and Rossby Wave Modulation of Atmospheric Rivers in an Aquaplanet Model - Erik Swenson
  • Circumglobal Teleconnections and Linkages with Climate Extremes in the Northern Hemisphere Summer - Haiyan Teng 

Extremes and Impacts                                                                                    F18-19

Leads: Angie Pendergrass and Kevin Reed

  • Hurricane Rapid Intensification: 30-Year Trends and Significance of Ocean Salinity for its Prediction - Karthik Balaguru
  • Using the Community Earth System Model Large Ensemble to Investigate Changes in Frequency of Major Precipitation Accumulations in a Warming Climate - Naresh Devineni
  • The Origins of Sub-Seasonal Triggers of South Asian Monsoon Onset - Patrick Kelly
  • Using the Community Earth System Model Large Ensemble to Investigate Changes in Frequency of Major Precipitation Accumulations in a Warming Climate - Kevin Reed
  • CMEC Early Results: Extreme Temperature and Precipitation Metrics - Michael Wehner

12:00               Lunch                                                                                                  Osgood Dining Room

1:00 - 2:45       

SFAs, Cooperative Agreements, and University                                 Benjamin Franklin

Projects - Part 2

1:00     CATALYST

Jerry Meehl

1:15     Program for Climate Model Diagnosis & Intercomparison (PCMDI)

Karl Taylor

1:30     Reducing Uncertainties in Biogeochemical Interactions through Synthesis and Computation (RUBISCO)

Forrest Hoffman

1:45     High-Latitude Earth System Modeling (HiLAT-RASM)

Wilbert Weijer

2:00     Decadal Prediction and Predictability of Extremes in Ocean Eddy Resolving Coupled Models

Ben Kirtman

2:15     Mechanisms of Pacific Decadal Variability in ESMs: The Roles of Stochastic Forcing, Feedbacks and External Forcing Emanuel Di Lorenzo

2:30     Reducing Uncertainty of Polar to Midlatitude Linkages using DOE’s E3SM in a Coordinated Model-Experiment Setting Gudrun Magnusdottir

2:45 - 3:30        Breakout Session 2: Interannual to Multi-Decadal Timescales - Research Gaps Whitepaper

Leads: Ben Kirtman, Forrest Hoffman, Wilbert Weijer


Multi-year Earth System Variability                                                    Benjamin Franklin

Chair: Ben Kirtman, Jerry Meehl, Christina Patricola

  • Do Dynamical and Statistical Downscaling Fundamentally Disagree on Climate Change - Neil Berg
  • Diversity of ENSO Events Unified by Convective Threshold Sea Surface Temperature: A Nonlinear ENSO Index - Christina Patricola
  • Coupled CAPT: Using Ensemble Seasonal Hindcasts for Diagnosis and Attribution of Systematic SST Biases - Angela Cheska Siongco
  • Diversity of Natural Variations of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in the Community Earth System Model - Wei Cheng
  • Is the AMOC and PMOC a Nature Seesaw Pattern of Modern Climate? - Aixue Hu
  • Quantifying the Agreement Between Observed and Simulated Extratropical Modes of Interannual Variability - Jiwoo Lee
  • Plans and charge for remaining breakout activities

Ecosystem Responses and Feedbacks                                                          F3

Chair: Forrest Hoffman, Dave Lawrence, Charlie Koven

  • Forced Changes in Temperature and Precipitation and Their Influences on Global Changes in Vegetation Distribution or Aridity - Céline Bonfils
  • Global River Responses to Rising CO2: Separating the Effects of Physiological and Radiative Changes on Streamflow and Flooding - Megan Fowler
  • Increases in Freshwater Runoff at High Latitudes with Sustained Climate Warming Disrupts Marine Ecosystem Function in the Arctic Ocean - Weiwei Fu
  • Greening of the Land Surface in the World’s Cold Regions Consistent with Recent Warming - Trevor Keenan
  • Evaluation of the Representation of Land-Atmosphere Interactions across Sub-Saharan Africa in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase Five - Michael Notaro
  • Investigation of Under-Ice Phytoplankton Blooms in the Fully-Coupled, High-Resolution Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) with Marine Biogeochemistry - Wieslaw Maslowski
  • Plans and charge for remaining breakout activities

High Latitude Processes and Feedbacks                                                       F18-19

Chair: Wilbert Weijer, Hailong Wang, Gudrun Magnusdottir

  • Sea Ice-Originated Global Cooling as a Nonlinear Mode Response to Heat Perturbations - Jian Lu
  • Effects of Ice and Permafrost on Delta Channel Dynamics - Anastasia Piliouras
  • Impact of Sea Ice Anomaly on Antarctic Precipitation and Its Source Attribution - Hailong Wang
  • Investigation of the Latent Heat Polynya to the North of Greenland in February 2018 - Younjoo Lee
  • Reducing Uncertainty of Polar to Midlatitude Linkages using DOE’s E3SM in a Coordinated Model-Experiment Setting - Gudrun Magnusdottir
  • Sudden Antarctic Sea Ice Retreat, Connections to the Tropics, and Ocean Regime Change around Antarctica - Gerald Meehl
  • Plans and charge for remaining breakout activities


3:30 - 3:45        Break                                                                                                  Franklin Building Lobby

3:45 - 4:50        Breakout Session 2: Interannual to Multi-Decadal Timescales - Research Gaps

  • Multi-year Earth System Variability (continued) .    Benjamin Franklin
  • Ecosystem Responses and Feedbacks (continued) .    F3
  • High Latitude Processes and Feedbacks (continued) .   F18-19

4:30                 Plenary Presentation                                                                          Benjamin Franklin

Simon Wang

4:40 .             Plenary Presentation                                                                          Benjamin Franklin

Mike Pritchard

4:50 - 6:30        Breakout Session 3: Prioritized Research Goals

  • Synoptic to Interannual: 3-, 5-, 10-Year Goals                                        Benjamin Franklin
  • Interannual to Multi-Decadal: 3-, 5-, 10-Year Goals                                                                                                  F3

6:30                 Dinner                                                                                                 Osgood Dining Room

7:30                 E3SM Simulation Coordination Meeting .                         Benjamin Franklin

Ruby Leung

9:00                 Adjourn

DAY 5 - Friday, November 9, 2018

Regional and Global Model Analysis (RGMA) Activities




Franklin Building Lobby






Report Out from Breakout Sessions Synoptic to Interannual Timescales Travis O'Brien, Ruby Leung

Interannual to Multi-Decadal Timescales

Ben Kirtman, Forrest Hoffman, Wilbert Weijer



Report out from Emulation and Hierarchical Modeling

Nate Urban


Parallel Working Sessions Metrics and Diagnostics

Primary Participants: Peter Gleckler, Nate Collier,

Olu Ogunro, Forrest Hoffman, Michael Wehner, David Lawrence, Bill Collins, Shaocheng Xie, Chengzhu Zhang



Climate Information at Regional and Local Scales Primary Participants: Bill Gutowski, Paul Ullrich, Ruby Leung, Alex Hall, Travis O'Brien


10:15 -



Franklin Building Lobby


Parallel Working Sessions (continued)

Metrics and Diagnostics



Climate Information at Regional and Local Scales



RGMA Activities Wrap-Up

Renu Joseph



RGMA Activities Adjourn