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Based on extensive evaluation of AMWG, UV-CDAT, and NCO codes for generating climatology files (see here), we have determined that NCO provides the most correct answers, has the best metadata, and is fastest. Until UV-CDAT bests NCO in these measures we advocate using NCO for creating climatologies.

The NCO command, ncclimo (formerly will generate and regrid all climatology files (NB: from model or measurement monthly input files).  The primary documentation is here. This presentation, given at the Albuquerque workshop on 20151104, conveys much of the information presented below, and some newer information, in a more graphical format. Currently (20160422) the major difference between the commands is that ncclimo fully implements the CF climatology-bounds and climatological statistics (for cell_methods) conventions, whereas does not.


Use ncclimo if possible. It requires and comes with NCO version 4.6.0 and later.  Its predecessor (which is deprecated) requires NCO version 4.5.2 or later. The newest versions of NCO are installed on rhea/ at ORNL, (CADES at ORNL), cooley/ at ANL, cori/ (NERSC), (LLNL), (NCSA), and (NCAR). The ncclimo and ncremap scripts are hard-coded to find the latest versions automatically, and do not require any module or path changes. To use other (besides the ncclimo and ncremap scripts) NCO executables from the command-line or from your own scripts may require loading modules. This is site-specific and not under my (CZ's) control. At OLCF, for example, "module load gcc" helps to run NCO from the command-line or scripts. For other machines check that the default NCO is recent enough (try "module load nco", then "ncks --version") or use developers' executables/libraries (in ~zender/[bin,lib] on all machines). Follow these directions (on the NCO homepage) to install on your own machines/directories.

The older version of ncclimo is which is distributed separately from NCO, and therefore cannot be as tightly coupled to new NCO features. The two are still nearly interchangeable so all documented features (except where indicated otherwise) apply to both.  You can obtain the deprecated script at or check-out the entire PreAndPostProcessingScripts Git repo (a better option for keeping up-to-date with changes to this script) with "git clone". Sometimes this works better: "git clone". Here's the ACME Git Tutorial. If you have permissions problems, try this:

Using ncclimo:


The basic way to use ncclimo is to bring up a terminal window and simply type:

ncclimo         -s start_yr -e end_yr -c run_id -i drc_in -o drc_out # CAM
ncclimo -v FSNT -s start_yr -e end_yr -c run_id -i drc_in -o drc_out # CAM subset
ncclimo -m clm2 -s start_yr -e end_yr -c run_id -i drc_in -o drc_out # ALM/CLM

A complete description of all available options is given in comments embedded in ncclimo, in the NCO documentation here, and in summary form:

-a: type of DJF average. Either -a scd (default) or -a sdd. scd is seasonally continuous December. The first month used will be Dec of the year before the start year you specify with -s. sdd is seasonally discontinuous December. The first month used will be Jan of the specified start year.

-c: caseid, i.e., simulation name. For input files like, specify "-c famipc5_ne30_v0.3_00001". The ".cam." and ".h0." bits are added to the filenames internally by default, and can be modified via the "-m mdl_nm" and "-h hst_nm" switches if needed. See comments in ncclimo for documentation. 
-e: end yr (example: 2000). Unless the optional flag "-a sdd" is specified, the last month used will be Nov of the specified end year. If "-a sdd" is specified, the last month will be Dec of the specified end year.
-i: directory containing all netcdf files to be used for input to this code.
-m: model type. Default is "cam". Other options are "clm2", "ocn", "ice", "cism", "cice", "pop".
-o: directory where computed native grid climo files will be placed. Regridded climos will also be placed here unless a separate directory for them is specified with -O (NB: capital "O") 
-O: directory where regridded climo files will be placed.
-s: start year (example: 1980). The first month used will be Dec of the year before the start year you specify (example Dec 1979 to allow for contiguous DJF climos). If "-a sdd" is specified, the first month used will be Jan of the specified start year.
-v: variable list, e.g., FSNT,AODVIS,PREC.? (yes, regular expressions work so this expands to PRECC,PRECL,PRECSC,PRECSL)

MPAS O/I considerations:

MPAS ocean and ice models currently have their own (non-CESM'ish) naming convention for monthly output files. ncclimo recognizes input files as being MPAS-style when invoked with "-c hist" and "-m ocn" or "-m ice". Use the optional "-f fml_nm" switch to replace "hist" with a more descriptive simulation name for the output. Invocation looks like this:

ncclimo -c hist -m ocn -s 1980 -e 1983 -i drc_in -o drc_out # MPAS-O
ncclimo -c hist -m ice -s 1980 -e 1983 -i drc_in -o drc_out # MPAS-I

MPAS climos are unaware of missing values until/unless the input files are "fixed". I recommend that the person who produces the simulation annotate all floating point variables with the appropriate _FillValue prior to invoking ncclimo. Run something like this once in the history file directory:

for fl in `ls hist.*` ; do
ncatted -O -t -a _FillValue,,o,d,-9.99999979021476795361e+33 ${fl}

If/when MPAS O/I generates the _FillValue attributes itself, this step can and should be skipped. All other ncclimo features like regridding (below) are invoked identically for MPAS as for CAM/CLM users although under-the-hood ncclimo does do some special pre-processing (dimension permutation, metadata annotation) for MPAS. A five-year oEC60to30 MPAS-O climo with regridding to T62 takes < 10 minutes on rhea.

Regridding (climos and other files):

ncclimo will (optionally) regrid during climatology generation and produce climatology files on both the native and desired analysis grids. This regridding is virtually free, because it is performed on idle nodes/cores after the monthly climatologies have been computed and while the seasonal climatologies are being computed. This load-balancing can save half an hour on ne120 datasets. To regrid, simply pass the desired mapfile name with "-r", e.g., "-r ${DATA}/maps/". Although this should not be necessary for normal use, you may pass any options specific to regridding with "-R opt1 opt2". 

Specifying '-O drc_rgr' (NB: uppercase "O") causes ncclimo to place the regridded files in the directory ${drc_rgr}. These files have the same names as the native grid climos from which they were derived. There is no namespace conflict because they are in separate directories. These files also have symbolic links to their AMWG filenames. If '-O drc_rgr' is not specified, ncclimo places all regridded files in the native grid climo output directory, ${drc_out}, specified by '-o drc_out' (NB: lowercase "o") . To avoid namespace conflicts when both climos are stored in the same directory, the names of the regridded files are suffixed by the destination geometry string obtained from the mapfile, e.g., '*'. These files also have symbolic links to their AMWG filenames.

ncclimo -c famipc5_ne30_v0.3_00003 -s 1980 -e 1983 -i drc_in -o drc_out
ncclimo -c famipc5_ne30_v0.3_00003 -s 1980 -e 1983 -i drc_in -r map_file -o drc_out
ncclimo -c famipc5_ne30_v0.3_00003 -s 1980 -e 1983 -i drc_in -r map_file -o drc_out -O drc_rgr

The above commands perform a climatology without regridding, then with regridding (all climos stored in ${drc_out}), then with regridding and storing regridded files separately. Paths specified by $drc_in, $drc_out, and $drc_rgr may be relative or absolute. An alternative to regridding during climatology generation is to regrid afterwards with ncremap, which has more special features built-in for regridding. To use ncremap to regrid a climatology in $drc_out and place the results in $drc_rgr, use something like
ncremap -I drc_out -m -O drc_rgr
ls drc_out/*climo* | ncremap -m -O drc_rgr

See the full ncremap documentation for more examples (including MPAS!).

Coupled Runs:

ncclimo works on all ACME models. It can simultaneously generate climatologies for a coupled run, where climatologies mean both native and regridded monthly, seasonal, and annual averages as per the AG specification. Here are template commands for a recent simulation:

ncclimo -p mpi -c ${caseid} -m cam  -s 2 -e 5 -i $drc_in -r $map_atm -o ${DATA}/acme/atm
ncclimo -c ${caseid} -m clm2 -s 2 -e 5 -i $drc_in -r $map_lnd -o ${DATA}/acme/lnd
ncclimo -p mpi -c hist -m ocn -s 2 -e 5 -i $drc_in -r $map_ocn -o ${DATA}/acme/ocn
ncclimo -c hist -m ice -s 2 -e 5 -i $drc_in -r $map_ice -o ${DATA}/acme/ice

The atmosphere and ocean model output is significantly larger than the land and ice model output. These commands recognize that by using different parallelization strategies that may (rhea standard queue) or may not (cooley or rhea bigmem queue) be required, depending on the fatness of the analysis nodes, as explained below.

Memory Considerations:

It is important to employ the optimal ncclimo  parallelization strategy for your computer hardware resources. Select from the three available choices with the '-p par_typ' switch. The options are serial mode ('-p nil' or '-p serial'), background mode parallelism ('-p bck'), and MPI parallelism ('-p mpi'). The default is background mode parallelism, which is appropriate for lower resolution (e.g., ne30L30) simulations on most nodes at high-performance computer centers. Use (or at least start with) serial mode on personal laptops/workstations. Serial mode requires twelve times less RAM than the parallel modes, and is much less likely to deadlock or cause OOM (out-of-memory) conditions on your personal computer. If the available RAM (+swap) is < 12*4*sizeof(monthly input file), then try serial mode first (12 is the optimal number of parallel processes for monthly climos, the computational overhead is a factor of four). CAM-SE ne30L30 output is about ~1 GB per month so each month requires about 4 GB of RAM. CAM-SE ne30L72 output (with LINOZ) is about ~10 GB/month so each month requires ~40 GB RAM. CAM-SE ne120 output is about ~12 GB/month so each month requires ~48 GB RAM. The computer does not actually use all this memory at one time, and many kernels compress RAM usage to below what top reports, so the actual physical usage is hard to pin-down, but may be a factor of 2.5-3.0 (rather than a factor of four) times the size of the input file. For instance, my 16 GB MacBookPro will successfully run an ne30L30 climatology (that requests 48 GB RAM) in background mode, but the laptop will be slow and unresponsive for other uses until it finishes (in 6-8 minutes) the climos. Experiment a bit and choose the parallelization option that works best for you. 

Serial mode, as its name implies, uses one core at a time for climos, and proceeds sequentially from months to seasons to annual climatologies. Serial mode means that climos are performed serially, but regridding will employ OMP threading on platforms that support it, and use up to 16 cores. By design each month and each season is independent of the others, so all months can be computed in parallel, then each season can be computed in parallel (using monthly climatologies), then the annual average can be computed. Background parallelization mode exploits this parallelism and executes the climos in parallel as background processes on a single node, so that twelve cores are simultaneously employed for monthly climatologies, four for seasonal, and one for annual. The optional regridding will employ up to two cores per process. MPI parallelism executes the climatologies on different nodes so that up to (optimally) twelve nodes are employed performing monthly climos. The full memory of each node is available for each individual climo. The optional regridding will employ up to eight cores per node. MPI mode or Background mode on a big memory queue must be used to process ne30L72 and ne120L30 climos on some, but not all, DOE computers. For example, attempting an ne120L30 climo on in background mode on rhea (i.e., on one 128 GB compute node) will fail due to OOM. (OOM errors do not produce useful return codes so if your climo processes die without printing useful information, the cause may be OOM). However the same climo will succeed if executed on a single big-memory (1 TB) node on rhea (use -lpartition=gpu, as shown below). Or MPI mode can be used for any climatology. The same ne120L30 climo will also finish blazingly fast in background mode on cooley (i.e., on one 384 GB compute node), so MPI mode is unnecessary on cooley. In general, the fatter the memory, the better the performance. 

For a Single, Dedicated Node on LCFs:

The basic approach above (running the script from a standard terminal window) works well for small cases can be unpleasantly slow on login nodes of LCFs and for longer or higher resolution (e.g., ne120) climatologies. As a baseline, generating a climatology of 5 years of ne30 (~1x1 degree) CAM-SE output with ncclimo takes 1-2 minutes on rhea (at a time with little contention), and 6-8 minutes on a 2014 MacBook Pro. To make things a bit faster at LCFs, you can ask for your own dedicated node (note this approach doesn't make sense except on supercomputers which have a job-control queue). On rhea do this via:

qsub -I -A CLI115 -V -l nodes=1 -l walltime=00:10:00 -N ncclimo # rhea standard node (128 GB)
qsub -I -A CLI115 -V -l nodes=1 -l walltime=00:10:00 -lpartition=gpu -N ncclimo # rhea bigmem node (1 TB)

The equivalents on cooley and cori are:

qsub -I -A HiRes_EarthSys --nodecount=1 --time=00:10:00 --jobname=ncclimo # cooley node (384 GB)
salloc  -A acme --nodes=1 --partition=debug --time=00:10:00 --job-name=ncclimo # cori node (128 GB)

Acquiring a dedicated node is useful for any calculation you want to do quickly, not just creating climo files though it does burn through our computing allocation so don't be wasteful. This command returns a prompt once nodes are assigned (the prompt is returned in your home directory so you may then have to cd to the location you meant to run from). At that point you can simply use the 'basic' ncclimo invocation to run your code. It will be faster because you are not sharing the node it's running on with other people. Again, ne30L30 climos only require < 2 minutes, so the 10 minutes requested in the example is excessive and conservative. Tune-it with experience. Here is the meaning of each flag used:

-I (that's a capital i): submit in interactive mode = return a prompt rather than running a program.
--time: how long to keep this dedicated node for. Unless you kill the shell created by the qsub command, the shell will exist for this amount of time, then die suddenly. In the above examples, 3 hrs is requested.
"-l nodes=1" (rhea) or "--nodecount 1" (cooley) or "--nodes=1" (cori/edison): the number of nodes to request. ncclimo will use multiple cores per node.
-V: export existing environmental variables into the new interactive shell. Peter doubts this is actually needed.

-q: the queue name (needed for locations like edison that have multiple queues with no default queue)

-A: the name of the account to charge for time used. This page may be useful for figuring that out if the above defaults don't work: Computational Resources

For a 12 node, MPI Job:

The above parallel approaches will fail when a single node lacks enough RAM (plus swap) to store all twelve monthly input files, plus extra RAM for computations. One should employ MPI multinode parallelism (-p mpi) on nodes with less RAM than 12*3*sizeof(monthly input).  The longest an ne120 climo will take is less than half an hour (~25 minutes on Edison or Rhea), so the simplest method to run MPI jobs is to request 12-interactive nodes using the above commands (though remember to add -p mpi), then execute the script at the command line. It is also possible, and sometimes preferable, to request non-interactive compute nodes in a batch queue. Executing an MPI-mode climo (on machines with job scheduling and, optimally, 12 available nodes) in a batch queue can be done in 2 commands. First, write an executable file which calls the ncclimo script with appropriate arguments. We do this below by echoing to a file ~/ncclimo.pbs, but you could also open an editor and copy the stuff in quotes below into a file and save it:

echo "ncclimo -p mpi -c famipc5_ne120_v0.3_00003 -s 1980 -e 1983 -i /lustre/atlas1/cli115/world-shared/mbranst/famipc5_ne120_v0.3_00003-wget-test -o ${DATA}/ne120/clm" > ~/ncclimo.pbs

The only new argument here is "-p mpi", which tells the script to use MPI parallelism. Once this file exists, submit a 12 node, non-interactive job to execute it:

qsub -A CLI115 -V -l nodes=12 -l walltime=00:30:00 -j oe -m e -N ncclimo -o ~/ncclimo.txt ~/ncclimo.pbs

This script adds the following new flags:

"-j oe": combine output and error streams into standard error.
"-m e": send email to the job submitter when the job ends
"-o ~/ncclimo.txt": write all output to ~/ncclimo.txt

The above commands are meant for Rhea/Titan. The equivalent commands for Cooley/Mira and Cori/Edison are:

# Cooley/Mira (Cobalt scheduler):
echo '#!/bin/bash' > ~/ncclimo.cobalt
echo "ncclimo -a scd -d 1 -p mpi -c famipc5_ne120_v0.3_00003 -s 1980 -e 1983 -i /projects/EarthModel/qtang/archive/famipc5_ne120_v0.3_00003/atm/hist -o ${DATA}/ne120/clm" >> ~/ncclimo.cobalt;chmod a+x ~/ncclimo.cobalt
qsub -A HiRes_EarthSys --nodecount=12 --time=00:30:00 --jobname ncclimo --error ~/ncclimo.err --output ~/ncclimo.out --notify ~/ncclimo.cobalt
# Cori/Edison (SLURM scheduler):
echo '#!/bin/bash' > ~/ncclimo.slurm
echo "ncclimo -a scd -d 1 -p mpi -c AMIP_ACMEv02ce_FC5_ne30_ne30_COSP -s 2008 -e 2012 -i /scratch1/scratchdirs/wlin/archive/AMIP_ACMEv02ce_FC5_ne30_ne30_COSP/atm/hist -o ${DATA}/ne30/clm -r ${DATA}/maps/" >> ~/ncclimo.slurm;chmod a+x ~/ncclimo.slurm
sbatch -A acme --nodes=12 --time=03:00:00 --partition=regular --job-name=ncclimo --mail-type=END --output=ncclimo.out ~/ncclimo.slurm

Notice that both Cooley/Mira (Cobalt) and Cori/Edison (SLURM) require the introductory shebang-interpreter line (#!/bin/bash) which PBS does not need. Set only the batch queue parameters mentioned above. In MPI-mode, ncclimo determines the appropriate number of tasks-per-node based on the number of nodes available and script internals (like load-balancing for regridding). Hence do not set a tasks-per-node parameter with scheduler configuration parameters as this could cause conflicts.

What does ncclimo do?

The basic idea of this script is very simple. For monthly climatologies (e.g. JAN), ncclimo passes the list of all relevant January monthly files to NCO's ncra command, which averages each variable in these monthly files over their time dimension (if it exists) or copies the value from the first month unchanged (if no time axis exists). Seasonal climos are then created by taking the average of the monthly climo files using ncra. In order to account for differing numbers of days per month, the "-w" flag in ncra is used, followed by the number of days in the relevant months. For example, the MAM climo is computed from: "ncra -w 31,30,31" (details about file names and other optimization flags have been stripped here to make the concept easier to follow). The ANN climo is then computed by doing a weighted average of the seasonal climos.

Assumptions, Approximations, and Algorithms (AAA) Employed:

A climatology embodies many algorithmic choices, and regridding from the native to the analysis grid involves still more choices. A separate method should reproduce the ncclimo and NCO answers to round-off precision if it implements the same algorithmic choices. For example, ncclimo agrees to round-off with AMWG diagnostics when making the same (sometimes questionable) choices. The most important choices have to do with converting single- to double-precision (SP and DP, respectively), treatment of missing values, generation/application of regridding weights. For concreteness and clarity we describe the algorithmic choices made in processing a CAM-SE monthly output into a climatological annual mean (ANN) and then regridding that. Other climatologies (e.g., daily to monthly, or annual-to-climatological) involve similar choices.

ACME (and CESM) computes fields in DP and outputs history (not restart) files as monthly means in SP. The NCO climatology generator (ncclimo) processes these data in four stages. Stage N accesses input only from stage N-1, never from stage N-2 or earlier. Thus the (on-disk) files from stage N determine the highest precision achievable by stage N+1. The general principal is to perform math (addition, weighting, normalization) in DP and output results to disk in the same precision in which they were input from disk (usually SP). In Stage 1, NCO ingests Stage 0 monthly means (raw CAM-SE output), converts SP input to DP, performs the average across all years, then converts the answer from DP to SP for storage on-disk as the climatological monthly mean. In Stage 2, NCO ingests Stage 1 climatological monthly means, converts SP input to DP, performs the average across all months in the season (e.g., DJF), then converts the answer from DP to SP for storage on-disk as the climatological seasonal mean. In Stage 3, NCO ingests Stage 2 climatological seasonal means, converts SP input to DP, performs the average across all four seasons (DJF, MAM, JJA, SON), then converts the answer from DP to SP for storage on-disk as the climatological annual mean.

Stage 2 weights each input month by its number of days (e.g., 31 for January), and Stage 3 weights each input season by its number of days (e.g., 92 for MAM). ACME runs CAM-SE with a 365-day calendar, so these weights are independent of year and never change.

The treatment of missing values in Stages 1-3 is limited by the lack of missing value tallies provided by Stage 0 (model) output. Stage 0 records a value as missing if it is missing for the entire month, and present if the value is valid for one or more timesteps. Stage 0 does not record the missing value tally (number of valid timesteps) for each spatial point. Thus a point with a single valid timestep during a month is weighted the same in Stages 1-4 as a point with 100% valid timesteps during the month. The absence of tallies inexorably degrades the accuracy of subsequent statistics by a amount that varies in time and space. On the positive side, it significantly reduces the output size (by a factor of two) and complexity of analyzing fields that contain missing values. Due to the ambiguous nature of missing values, it is debatable whether they merit efforts to treat them more exactly.

The vast majority of fields undergo three promotion/demotion cycles between CAM-SE and ANN. No promotion/demotion cycles occur for history fields that CAM-SE outputs in DP rather than SP, nor for fields without a time dimension. Typically these fields are grid coordinates (e.g., longitude, latitude) or model constants (e.g., CO2 mixing ratio). NCO never performs any arithmetic on grid coordinates or non-time-varying input, regardless of whether they are SP or DP. Instead, NCO copies these fields directly from the first input file.

Stage 4 uses a mapfile to regrid climos from the native to the desired analysis grid. ACME currently uses mapfiles generated by ESMF_RegridWeightGen (ERWG). The algorithmic choices, approximations, and commands used to generate mapfiles from input gridfiles are described here. As that page describes, the input gridfiles used by ACME until ~20150901 contained flaws that effectively reduced their precision, especially at regional scales. ACME (and CESM) mapfiles continue to approximate lat/lon grids as connected by great circles. This assumption may be removed in the future. Constraints imposed by ERWG during weight-generation ensure that global integrals of fields undergoing conservative regridding are exactly conserved.

Application of weights from the mapfile to regrid the native data to the analysis grid is straightforward. Grid fields (e.g., latitude, longitude, area) are not regridded. Instead they are copied (and area is reconstructed if absent) directly from the mapfile. NCO ingests all other native grid (source) fields, converts SP to DP, and accumulates destination gridcell values as the sum of the DP weight (from the sparse matrix in the mapfile) times the (usually SP-promoted-to-DP) source values. Fields without missing values are then stored to disk in their original precision. Fields with missing values are treated (by default) with what NCO calls the "conservative" algorithm. The conservative algorithm uses all valid data from the source grid on the destination grid once and only once. Destination cells receive the weighted valid values of the source cells. This is conservative because the global integrals of the source and destination fields are equal. See the NCO documentation here for more description of the conservative and of the optional ("renormalized") algorithm.

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