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This page documents the recommended mapping files specifications for running E3SM and analyzing the output, which should be used for all E3SMv2 configurations. This will ease the transition to inline mapping in E3SMv2 with the MOAB based coupler which has inline support for Tempest algorithms.  

For each map (i.e. FV-FV mono, FV-SE monotr), see the sections below on naming conventions and specific command line options used to produce each map.  

Recommended Settings   

E3SMv2 with pg2

ATM FV grids with physics on the 2x2 physgrid (i.e. pg2) coupled to FV ocean and FV land. E3SMv2 will still use the spectral element dynamical core on the GLL grid, but the coupling between component always happens between the physics columns, which are now on a FV grid. 

  1. fluxes:  FV→FV mono
  2. state variables:
    1. ocn→atm: currently this map must be the same as used for fluxes (FV→FV mono)
    2. lnd↔atm and atm→ocn
      1. if source grid resolution >> target grid resolution:  "FV→FV mono"  
      2. if source grid resolution <= target grid resoluiton:  use ESMF's bilin.
        (will be replaced by TR's FV→FV intbilin when it becomes available) 


ATM SE grids with physics on the "np4" grid (used in V1), coupled to FV ocean and FV land. E3SMv1 uses the same spectral element GLL grid for both dynamics and physics in the atmosphere, so coupling between components happens on this grid.

  1. SE→FV  for fluxes:  use "SE→FV mono" 
  2. SE→FV for state variables: SE->FV intbilin
  3. FV→SE for fluxes:  FV→SE monotr
    1. The best map is the transpose of the SE->FV map computed above:
    2. This is the most important map, as it is used to compute the domain files and defines the ocean/land mask on the atm/land grid.  
  4. FV→SE for state variables
    1. ocn→atm: currently this map must be the same as used for fluxes (FV→SE monotr) 
    2. lnd→atm:   if land grid resolution >> atmosphere resolution:  "FV→SE mono". 
    3. lnd→atm:   if land grid resolution <= atmosphere resolution:   ESMF's bilin.  (replace by FV→SE intbilin if it becomes available)

analysis and input data (lat-lon grids)

For ESMF maps, we previously recommend bilinear maps for upscaling and aave for downscaling.  All the TempestRemap algorithms recommended here should work well for either upscaling or downscaling.  The choice depends mostly on the tradeoff between monotonicity and accuracy:

  1. SE → Lat/Lon:   "intbilin"
    1. "intbilin" if exact conservation is not needed.
    2. "mono" if exact conservation is needed and 1st order accurate is ok (i.e. for downscaling).    
  1. Lat/Lon → SE 
    1. FV→SE "mono".   Disabling the conservation constraint with --noconserve does not improve accuracy
    2. NOTE:  For Lat/Lon grids, check the min/max of the weights - if the values are far outside the "[0,1]" interval, may need more coefficients for Vandermonde inverse near poles: edit LinearRemapFV.cpp: nRequiredFaceSetSize = 2*nCoefficients. 
  2. SE → SE
    1. SE→SE "mono"


Motivation for Moving to TempestRemap

Most mapping files used in the E3SM coupled system and used to remap to lat/lon grids for analysis are based on the ESMF_Regrid package. The ESMF remap algorithms and underlying tools are quite good, but they are targeted at finite volume grids and assume cell centered data.   The TR algorithms have native support for vertex centered finite element grids, such as used by the E3SM atmosphere dycore.

Issues with the current algorithms supported by the ESMF tools: 

  1. Some compsets use ESMF bilinear maps for state variables The bilinear algorithm introduces aliasing artifacts when mapping from a high-resolution to low-resolution region (downscaling).  Some v1 compsets already use TR high-order for atm2ocn maps, which avoid this issue.    
  2. We currently use ESMF conservative maps for fluxes. This algorithm uses piecewise-constant finite volume reconstruction. These maps are good for downscaling, but will produce blocky artifacts when upscaling. 
  3. ESMF conservative maps for spectral element grids requires us to first generate a "dual grid" that puts a finite volume around each spectral element node.  Constructing this dual grid requires running a Matlab tool that uses Newton iteration to find the dual grid. For a high-resolution grid, this procedure can take several days.  (For information on the dual grid, see CAM-SE Grid Overview).  The dual grid is contained in the SCRIP format metadata file.  
  4. TR algorithms natively support finite element grids, do not require the SCRIP dual grid, and give more accurate results when remapping to/from a spectral element atmosphere grid.
  5. TR algorithm recommended for state variables is automatically downscaling, so can always be used when mapping from high-res to low-res grids.
  6. Inline mapping: TempestRemap algorithms are part of the MOAB coupler, making it possible to eliminate mapping files and have them computed as needed.
  7. Land/Ocean Mask consistency:   The flux ocn2atm map is used to define the land/ocean mask on the atmosphere grid. All other ocn2atm maps (state and vectors) must have the same range as the map uses for fluxes.  That is, if a point on the atmosphere grid receives ocean data from the flux map, it must also receive ocean data from all other maps.  The aave and bilinear maps do not have the same range, and thus if an aave map is used for fluxes, it must be used for all other ocn2atm maps.   We speculate that TR maps all have the same range and thus we can use high order maps for ocn2atm state and vectors.   

Notation and Abbreviations

SE =  Atmosphere spectral element dycore mesh ( CAM-SE Grid Overview ). Usually in "np4" configuration where each element has a 4x4 array of GLL nodes.   

GLL = stands for "Gauss-Lobatto-Legende" quadrature, but we often use it to refer to the quadrature "nodes" that define the SE grid. Although quantities are technically continuous and differentiable on the SE grid, the discrete values live at the GLL nodes, which should be thought of as points rather than volumes or areas. 

FV =  MPAS finite volume mesh, the FV r05 and r0125 land and river runoff grids, and SE atmosphere "physgrids"  pg2 and pg3 options.     

Grid description/template files: 

$atmgrid = SE Atmosphere grid in Exodus format. These are .g files. 
$atmw = SE Atmosphere grid weights. These are files
$ocngrid = FV MPAS grid file in "scrip" format. These are files

These grid description files are available on the E3SM inputdata server E3SM Input Data Repository.  The atmosphere grids are in collected in the mapping folder: The MPAS grids are together with the inputdata for each grid.  For example:

Note 1: For Atmosphere RRM grids, the Exodus .g file should be put in  But cubed-sphere grids are computed internally by the model and we dont have .g files for these grids.  They can be computed via a utility included with TempestRemap:

./GenerateCSMesh --alt --res 30  --file NE30.g                                               # the standard atmosphere SE grid, using the np4" GLL spectral element
./GenerateVolumetricMesh --in NE30.g --np 2 --out NE30pg2.g                  # An atmosphere "FV" grid (for the new pg2 option where physics is on a FV grid)

Note 1: It is important to use the "–alt" option with older versions of TR, so the mesh ordering matches what is used internally by E3SM.  This option was made the default in 2020/2.  

Note 2:  For SE atmosphere grids, the Exodus file is what is used by the model, and it contains the corners of all the spectral elements.  The dual grid (SCRIP format) metadata files are not needed by TempestRemap.  

Map File Naming Convention

See Mapping file algorithms and naming convention page.  

Using TempestRemap

Generic TR Commands to Generate Mapping Files

Update to TR options 2020/2/21:  to fix precision issues, with row sums and conservation errors not close to machine precision at high resolution meshes, added the "–correct_areas" option to the recommendations.  

  • SE→FV mono (conservative, monotone, 1st order)
    • ./GenerateOfflineMap --in_mesh $atmgrid --out_mesh $ocngrid --ov_mesh overlap_mesh.g --in_type cgll --in_np 4  --out_type fv  --mono --correct_areas --out_map
  • SE→FV intbilin (nonconservative, monotone, higher order)
    • ./GenerateOfflineMap --in_mesh $atmgrid --out_mesh $ocngrid --ov_mesh overlap_mesh.g --in_type cgll --in_np 4  --out_type fv --mono3 --noconserve --correct_areas --out_map
  • SE→FV highorder. (conservative, nonmonotone)
    • ./GenerateOfflineMap --in_mesh $atmgrid --out_mesh $ocngrid --ov_mesh overlap_mesh.g --in_type cgll --in_np 4  --out_type fv --correct_areas --out_map
  • FV→SE monotr (conservative, monotone, 1st order)
  • FV→SE highorder (conservative, non-monotone)
    • ./GenerateOfflineMap --in_mesh $ocngrid --out_mesh $atmgrid --ov_mesh overlap_mesh.g --in_type fv --in_np 2 --out_type cgll --out_np 4  --out_map
    • Does these maps need "–correct_areas" ?
  • FV→SE mono (conservative, monotone, 1st order)
    • ./GenerateOfflineMap --in_mesh $ocngrid --out_mesh $atmgrid --ov_mesh overlap_mesh.g --in_type fv --in_np 1 --out_type cgll --out_np 4 --out_map
    • Does these maps need "–correct_areas" ?
  • FV→SE intbilintr  (nonconservative, nonmonotone, higher order)
  • FV→FV aave (conservative, monotone, 1st order)
    • The classic cell integrated piecewise constant map.  Equivalent to the ESMF "aave" map and NCO's built in map.  
    • ./GenerateOfflineMap --in_mesh $ocngrid --out_mesh $atmgrid --ov_mesh overlap_mesh.g --in_type fv --in_np 1 --out_type fv --out_np 1 -correct_areas  --out_map
  • FV→FV highorder (conservative, non-monotone, high order)
    • ./GenerateOfflineMap --in_mesh $atmgrid --out_mesh $ocngrid --ov_mesh overlap_mesh.g  --in_np 2 --in_type fv  --out_type fv  --out_np 1 -correct_areas --out_map
    • --in_np 2 means all the nearest neighbor cells will be used for a higher order reconstruction of the source data, which will then be integrated over the target cell.  Unlike the SE case, no mass matrix is used for an FV target grid, and thus --out_np is ignored (and will always be 1 internally).  

The Overlap Mesh

IMPORTANT!!!: MAPS grids often have holes where there are no mesh points. When computing the TempestRemap overlap grid (step 1 below), the grid with less coverage must be the "a" grid, while the global grid should be the "b" grid.   To generate the overlap grid:

./GenerateOverlapMesh --a $ocngrid --b $atmgrid --out overlap_mesh.g

TR support in NCO and ncremap

The TR maps discussed in "Recommended Settings" above include many options and requirements (transposes, ocean grid first) that might slow-down casual TR users. NCO's ncremap provides a "Make Weight Files" (MWF) mode that automatically generates and correctly names all recommended TR (or ESMF) maps. Instructions and examples for MWF mode are summarized on the ncremap page here, with more in-depth discussion in the NCO manual here.

Testing and Validating Mapping Files

NCO as of 4.9.0-beta01 can test maps for conservation and consistency.   See:  Assess and Address Regridding Weights in Map-Files with ncks.  

In addition, maps can be checked for accuracy.   TempestRemap can automatically generate some standard test functions which can then be remapped and we can compute the mapping error, and check if it is at the expected level.   In practice, all 1st order conservative maps give the same l2 and max error if they pass the conservation and consistency checks.  For higher order maps, these errors can be used to compare different algorithms.  

Check the quality of the mapping file with "ncks --chk_map"

  1. sum of area weights is close to physical area 
  2. mapping weights are between 0 and 1.  for higher order maps, it may be acceptable for small overshoots, but we need to test this. 

  3. Consistency:  Row sum of weights = 1.

    1. Should be 1 to machine precision for all grids where a >= b.  (global → regional)
    2. For grids with a<b (such as ocn→atm) row sums should be 1.0 at all ocean points, 0 at all land points, and between 0 and 1 at coastal points.   
  4. Conservation:  area_b weighted column sum of weights =  area_a (exact for conservation, close otherwise)  
    1. Should be equal to machine precision for all grids where a <= b. (regional → global)
    2. For grids with a>b (such as atm->ocn) should be equal to machine precision at all ocean points, 0 at all land points and between 0 and 1 at coastal points
    3. Non-conservatives maps are expected to have small errors.   The traditional ESMF bilinear map does not include areas in the map file and this metric might not be accurate.  
  5. no missing target points (unless source grid has holes)

NOTE:   The land mask, as used by the land model is computed by remaping the ocean mask (on the ocean grid) to the atmosphere grid.  On the ocean grid, the ocean/land mask is all 0's or 1's  (that is, every point is either ocean or land).  Actually, on an MPAS grid, the land points are all removed, so the mask is all ocean.   This field is then mapped on to the land grid (when creating domain files).  This results in a land mask on the atmosphere/land grid with fractional land points ( 0< mask<1) near coastlines.  

We had some issues with TempestRemap, where the initial land mask was not very good.  These were resolved here: /wiki/spaces/CMDV/pages/128827525

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