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Wednesday Nov 9 1:10-3:10, Plenary Room

1:10-1:40Phil and Shaocheng

Organizational Issues

Go to Organization


Discussion about new capabilities for V3

Goto V3 Discussion 


Understanding the ACME model:

Goto Understanding V1

2:40-3:10Diagnostics Discussion

Organizational Issues

  • name for the model?
  • code review process, see Code Review Process Implementation
  • what tasks are done and should be ramped down and closed as publications are completed?
    • Ozone Hole (A1)
    • Polar Mods (A5)
    • Vertical resolution (R1 VR)
  • what tasks should be finished
    • first fully functional version of tier1b diagnostics needs to be completed
  • what tasks are active and need to continue?
    • small team deputized to suggest a re-organization?
    • regionally refined model
    • clouds/aerosols
    • interactions with surface models (more broadly than before, SMB, fluxes, etc)
    • assessment/testing/tuning (should be partitioned with specific leads)
      • short simulation strategies
      • tuning
      • UQ
      • scorecards
      • COSP/Simulators
  • what should we be doing that we are not doing?
    • Convection (replacement for ZM)
      • requirements document
      • my (PJR) inclination is to continue to consider alternatives to CLUBB
    • Non-hydrostatic dycore?
    • different vertical coordinate?
    • SCAM?
  • are we missing partnering with particular research groups or scientists?

Discussion about new capabilities for V3

See /wiki/spaces/ATM/pages/36865199

  • Note the brainstorming breakout that does not involve Atm Leads (7-8PM wednesday, Breakout #5, see Brainstorming on next generation Atm Model)
  • What model features need to be fixed?
    • pressure gradient term
    • sub-column treatment for radiation
      (convective/stratiform partitioning)
    • ?
  • What physics is missing/deficient? (Ideas relevant to ACME science, but not vetted/definitive)
    • elevation classes
      • deep dive for v2 data structures and will intersect w the CMDV software project (Ghan, Goldhaber, Salinger, Taylor, Atm GLs)
      • Intersection with parallel/sequential splitting of physics processes?
      • Surface interactions
    • cloud overlap (correlation length scales)
    • See Talking points on Radiative Transfer + Prather Fast-J → generalized shortwave code
    • consistent treatment of cloud precipitation and aerosol scavenging
    • Improvements to aerosols
      • Prognostic aerosol surface area
      • Stratospheric aerosol treatments
      • Modify MAM aerosols to allow stratospheric aerosols
      • Gas/Particle partitioning (MOSAIC)
      • SOA
      • Brown Carbon
      • Nitrate
      • Speciated Dust
    • What software capabilities are missing?
    • More Atm Chemistry? (from conversation with Ruby Leung)
      • For biogeochemistry, the v2/v3 focus is on the impacts of different carbon reduction pathways (e.g., high fossil fuel vs. high renewable energy penetration) on the carbon sink and associated impacts on water availability. We’ve identified a particular need for improving modeling of the nitrogen cycle as relate to the terrestrial C-N cycle, land use (e.g., land management/fertilizers), and related atmospheric chemistry. This topic fits in well with the biogeochemistry question for v2/v3 and we also recognized the opportunities to collaborate with university teams on topic.
      • We will continue this discussion and include others to further define key atmospheric chemistry modeling needs that are consistent with the v2/v3 science drivers. For example, one topic that still needs to be explored is the methane cycle. 

Understanding the ACME model:



  • The following people expressed interest in participating discussion about reorganization: Steve Ghan, Po-Lun Ma, Kai Zhang, Hailong Wang, Yun Qian, Rich Neale

  • Shaocheng’s comments:

    • Regarding re-org, Phil and I have discussed this for a long time, but have not started to work on it yet
    • Suggest Phil and I write first draft, then invite comments from others
    • Some of the things being discussed could be proposed to be part of v2 or v3.
  • Peter: why do you need a group to decide how to re-organize?

    • Phil: identifying who will work on what?  If we identify a need and don’t have the resources, then we may need to re-allocate resources to do it.  Want to allow conversation to occur about this, and to give an opportunity for input.  Want to play to the strengths of the team, but also to make sure high-priority tasks are addressed.
    • Shaocheng: Since we are approaching the end of the v1 development cycle, people may be wondering what they will be working on next.   Our group has more than 30 or 50 scientists, who can work on different things in parallel.

Plans for V3:

  • model currently has large aerosol indirect effects, this is partly due to radiative transfer treating all clouds (including both stratiform and deep convective clouds) the same.  Should modify to allow for separate subcolumns and separate properties for stratiform and deep convective clouds.

Understanding The ACME model:

  • xxx

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