To comply with scientific journals' (i.g., AGU's) publication data policy, the authors should have their data publicly available at approved data centers. For E3SM papers, ALCF has the system called Eagle, which is a large filesystem attached to a Globus DTN and LCRC, and we have set a public directory that's served over HTTPS for publication data curation purpose.The space has a 100TB limit and it is not designated to store simulation data, please only include data that are pertinent to the publication.
Step-by-step guide to transfer data to the public directory via Eagle (a replacement of Petrel)
- Pack your data (including data file, scripts, etc...) into a tar file with file name AuthorName_JournalName_Year.tar. It is recommended to document vital information of the files, for instance, brief description to the files, publication citation, a named link to the tar file, a listing of the files, etc. and keep a copy of the document withing the tar file.
- Transfer your data through Globus:
- Login to globus at
- Fill in the Endpoint name in 'Collection' box. Use 'NERSC DTN' if your tar file is stored at NERSC. Use your NERSC credential to access your directory and select your file
- To transfer to via PetrelEagle, fill in 'alcf#e3sm' as Endpoint to transfer data. Select /publication
- Make sure you're a member of the globus E3SM group (otherwise you won't have permission to write to alcfl#e3sm): "GROUPS" is a button you can click on the very left side of the globus webpage. On the GROUPS page, type "E3SM" in the search bar on the top (there's also a 'filter' search bar below which won't help you). Add yourself to E3SM and wait for your account to be approved.
- Start transfer
- Once the transfer is done, your file will be available publicly at<YOUR_FILE_NAME>