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log in then go to CMIP6 citation

DRS Name:   CMIP6.CMIP.E3SM-Project.E3SM-1-0
             Title: E3SM-Project E3SM1.0 model output prepared for CMIP6 CMIP2018-07-11

List of Persons

name: E3SM v1.0 CMIP6 Authors List .      List Description: E3SM project authors list for the citation of E3SM v1.0 CMIP6 data   (value: exec list)


List of Institutes Name: E3SM v1.0 Institutions .                  List Description:  E3SM Project Participating Institutions           (value:  LLNL, ANL, BNL, LANL, LBNL, ORNL, PNNL, SNL)

Currently citation looks like that:

Citation:   Bader, David C.; Leung, Ruby; Taylor, Mark; McCoy, Renata B.(2018).E3SM-Project E3SM1.0 model output prepared for CMIP6 CMIP.Earth System Grid Federation.

To change authors list one needs to change the List of persons, it does not seem to be easy to change the list, we probably need to create a new one. But before creating the list, one needs to add all the people. Go to the 'person' tab from the main citation link, add everyone you need, then create the list, then 'edit connections' and connect the new list with the role 'author', delete the pervious connection or you would get multiple names.  


CMIP6 information on Registration



source_id registration of E3SM-1-0 .   (as new issue in github . 


source_id registration of E3SM-1-0

label = E3SM 1.0
label_extended = E3SM 1.0 (Energy Exascale Earth System Model)
source_id = E3SM-1-0
institution_id = E3SM-Project
release_year = 2018
activity_participation = [CMIP]

description = MAM4 with resuspension, marine organics, and secondary organics (same grid as atmos )
nominal_resolution = 100 km
description =EAM (v1.0, cubed sphere spectral-element grid; 5400 elements with p=3; 1 deg average grid spacing; 90 x 90 x 6 longitude/latitude/cubeface; 72 levels; top level 0.1 hPa)
nominal_resolution = 100 km
description = Troposphere specified oxidants for aerosols. Stratosphere linearized interactive ozone (LINOZ v2) (same grid as atmos)
nominal_resolution = 100 km
description = ELM (v1.0, cubed sphere spectral-element grid; 5400 elements with p=3; 1 deg average grid spacing; 90 x 90 x 6 longitude/latitude/cubeface; satellite phenology mode), MOSART (v1.0, 0.5 degree latitude/longitude grid)
nominal_resolution = 100 km
description = none
nominal_resolution = none
description = MPAS-Ocean (v6.0, oEC60to30 unstructured SVTs mesh with 235160 cells and 714274 edges, variable resolution 60 km to 30 km; 60 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m)
nominal_resolution = 50 km
description = none
nominal_resolution = none
description = MPAS-Seaice (v6.0, same grid as ocean)

nominal_resolution = 50 km



E3SM_input.json info for CMOR  .   (




"_control_vocabulary_file": "CMIP6_CV.json",

"_AXIS_ENTRY_FILE": "CMIP6_coordinate.json",

"_FORMULA_VAR_FILE": "CMIP6_formula_terms.json",

"_cmip6_option": "CMIP6",

"tracking_prefix": "hdl:21.14100",

"activity_id": "CMIP",

"#output": "Root directory where files are written",

"outpath": "CMIP6",

"#experiment_id": "CMIP6 valid experiment_ids are found in CMIP6_CV.json",

"experiment_id": "piControl",

"sub_experiment_id": "none",

"sub_experiment": "none",

"source_type": "AOGCM AER",

"mip_era": "CMIP6",

"calendar": "noleap",

"realization_index": "11",

"initialization_index": "1",

"physics_index": "1",

"forcing_index": "1",

"#contact ": "Not required",

"contact ": "Dave Bader (",

"#history": "not required, supplemented by CMOR",

"history": "Output from 20180129.DECKv1b_piControl.ne30_oEC.edison",

"#comment": "Not required",

"comment": "",

"#references": "Not required",

"references": "Model described by Golaz, J-C., et al. 2018. The DOE E3SM coupled model v1: overview and evaluation at standard resolution. JAMES, in prep; Leung, L.R., D. Bader, M. Taylor, and R. McCoy,: An overview of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM). JAMES, in prep.';",

"grid": "gs1x1",

"grid_label": "gr",                            # change for ocean to "gn" 

"nominal_resolution": "100 km",         # change for ocean

"institution_id": "E3SM-Project",   

"parent_experiment_id": "piControl-spinup",

"parent_activity_id": "CMIP6",

"parent_mip_era": "CMIP6",

"parent_source_id": "E3SM-1-0",

"parent_time_units": "days since 0001-01-01",     # should be taken from netcdf file

"parent_variant_label": "none",

"branch_method": "Spin-up documentation",

"branch_time_in_child":  "0.0",

"branch_time_in_parent": "0.0",

"#run_variant": "Description of run variant (Recommended).",

"run_variant": "",

"#source_id": "Model Source",

"source_id": "E3SM-1-0",

"#source": "source title, first part is source_id",

"source": "E3SM 1.0 (2018)",

"_history_template": "%s ;rewrote data to be consistent with <activity_id> for variable <variable_id> found in table <table_id>.",

"#output_path_template": "Template for output path directory using tables keys or global attributes",

"output_path_template": "<mip_era><activity_id><institution_id><source_id><experiment_id><_member_id><table><variable_id><grid_label><version>",

"output_file_template": "<variable_id><table><source_id><experiment_id><_member_id><grid_label>",

"license": "E3SM uses a BSD 3-clause (  See the code’s LICENSE (  "
