Versions Compared


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We have created a new NCO command, ncclimo (formerly called formerly that will generate and regrid all climatology files. This presentation, given at the Albuquerque workshop on 20151104, conveys much of the information presented below, and some newer information, in a more graphical format. Currently (20160422) the major difference between the commands is that ncclimo fully implements the CF climatology-bounds and climatological statistics (for cell_methods) conventions, whereas does not.


Use ncclimo if possible. It requires and comes with NCO version 4.6.0 and later.  Its predecessor (which is deprecated) requires NCO version 4.5.2 or later. The newest versions of NCO are installed on rhea/ at ORNL, (CADES at ORNL), cooley/ at ANL, cori/ (NERSC), (LLNL), (NCSA), and (NCAR).  ncclimo is  and ncremap are hard-coded to find these versions automatically, and does do not require any module or path changes on the LCFs. For other machines (e.g., yellowstone), check that the default NCO is recent enough (try "module load nco", then "ncks --version") or use developers' executables/libraries (in ~zender/[bin,lib] on all machines). Or follow these directions (on the NCO homepage) to install on your own machines/directories.

The older version of ncclimo ,is which is distributed separately from NCO, and therefore cannot be as tightly coupled to new NCO features. The two are still nearly interchangeable so everything in the documentation below all documented features (except where indicated otherwise) applies apply to both.  You can obtain the deprecated script at or check-out the entire PreAndPostProcessingScripts Git repo (a better option for keeping up-to-date with changes to this script) with "git clone". Sometimes this works better: "git clone". Here's the ACME Git Tutorial. If you have permissions problems, try this:


See the full ncremap documentation for more examples (including MPAS!).


Coupled Runs:

ncclimo works on all ACME models. It can simultaneously generate climatologies for a coupled run, where climatologies mean both native and regridded monthly, seasonal, and annual averages as per the AG specification. Here are template commands for a recent simulation:


The above commands are meant for Rhea/Titan. The equivalent commands for Cooley/Mira and Cori/Edison are:

/bin/rm -f ~/ncclimo.err ~/ncclimo.out/Mira:
echo '#!/bin/bash' > ~/ncclimo.cobalt
echo "ncclimo -a scd -d 1 -p mpi -c famipc5_ne120_v0.3_00003 -s 1980 -e 1983 -i /projects/EarthModel/qtpang/archive/famipc5_ne120_v0.3_00003/atm/hist -o ${DATA}/ne120/clm" >> ~/ncclimo.cobalt;chmod a+x ~/ncclimo.cobalt
qsub -A HiRes_EarthSys --nodecount=12 --time=00:30:00 --jobname ncclimo --error ~/ncclimo.err --output ~/ncclimo.out --notify ~/ncclimo.cobalt
echo '#!/bin/bash' > ~/ncclimo.slurm
echo "ncclimo -a scd -d 1 -p mpi -c AMIP_ACMEv02ce_FC5_ne30_ne30_COSP -s 2008 -e 2012 -i /scratch1/scratchdirs/wlin/archive/AMIP_ACMEv02ce_FC5_ne30_ne30_COSP/atm/hist -o ${DATA}/ne30/clm -r ${DATA}/maps/" >> ~/ncclimo.slurm;chmod a+x ~/ncclimo.slurm
sbatch -A acme --nodes=12 --time=03:00:00 --partition=regular --job-name=ncclimo --mail-type=END --output=ncclimo.out ~/ncclimo.slurm
What does ncclimo do?

The basic idea of this script is very simple. For monthly climatologies (e.g. JAN), ncclimo passes the list of all relevant January monthly files to NCO's ncra command, which averages each variable in these monthly files over their time dimension (if it exists) or copies the value from the first month unchanged (if no time axis exists). Seasonal climos are then created by taking the average of the monthly climo files using ncra. In order to account for differing numbers of days per month, the "-w" flag in ncra is used, followed by the number of days in the relevant months. For example, the MAM climo is computed from: "ncra -w 31,30,31" (details about file names and other optimization flags have been stripped here to make the concept easier to follow). The ANN climo is then computed by doing a weighted average of the seasonal climos.
