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-s: start year (example: 1980). Note that unless the optional flag "-a sdd" is specified, the first month used will be Dec of the year before the start year you specify (to allow for contiguous DJF climos). If "-a sdd" is specified, the first month used will be Jan of the specified start year.
-e: end yr (example: 2000). Unless the optional flag "-a sdd" is specified, the last month used will be Nov of the specified end yr. If "-a sdd" is specified, the last month will be Dec of the specified end yr.
-i: directory containing all netcdf files to be used for input to this code.
-o: directory where computed climo files should be placed.
-c: name of the run you're trying to create climos for. For example, if your input files looked like:, you would specify "-c famipc5_ne30_v0.3_00001". The ".cam." and ".h0." bits are added to the filenames internally, and can be modified via advanced commands if needed. See comments in for documentation of this. 

MPAS O/I considerations:

The MPAS ocean and ice models currently have their own (non-CESM'ish) naming convention for monthly output files. recognizes input files as being MPAS-style when invoked with "-h hist" and "-m ocn" or "-m ice". The "-c run_id" option is not used for MPAS. Hence invocation looks like this:


Note that MPAS climos are unaware of missing values until the input files are "fixed". I recommend that the person who produces the simulation annotate all floating point variables with the appropriate _FillValue prior to calling Run something like this once in the history file directory:

for fl in `ls hist.*` ; do
ncatted -O -t -a _FillValue,,o,d,-9.99999979021476795361e+33 ${fl}

If/when MPAS O/I generates the _FillValue attributes itself, this step can be skipped.All  All other features like regridding (below) are invoked identically for MPAS as for CAM/CLM users although under-the-hood does do some special pre-processing (dimension permutation, metadata annotation) for MPAS. A five-year oEC60to30 MPAS-O climo with regridding to T62 takes < 10 minutes on rhea.

Regridding climatologies:
