Presentations: Lastname_Firstname_SessionNumber_DateOfPresentation; for example:
Smith_John_D1S3_2020-10-26.pdf or Smith_John_D2S2_2020-10-26.pdf
Posters: Lastname_Firstname_PosterSession_DateOfFirstDayOfConference; for example:
Doe_Jane_PS1-BGC_2020-10-26.pdf. If you have two posters that belong to the same poster session, please add a _1 and _2 to the titles (e.g. Doe_Jane_PS1-BGC_1_2020-10-26.pdf and Doe_Jane_PS1-BGC_2_2020-10-26.pdf)
If you have a video of your poster, which is optional, please add the word video to the file name (e.g. Doe_Jane_PS1-BGC_video_2020-10-26.mp4
If you must update, please add the word “revised” to the file name
(REFER TO ORISE SITE BEHIND THE REGISTRATION FIREWALL AND DO NOT PUT LINK TO Google Folder HERE - Good to include Google drive link in the email to participants, however:
For a link to the Google drive conference upload folder, visit the Meeting Home page. You will need your registration confirmation number to log in to the meeting website.
Poster files should be uploaded to the most appropriate Google folder (e.g. PS1-BGC, see below) no later than Wednesday, October 21, 2020, at 12:00 p.m. (noon) Eastern Daylight Time.
Oral presentation files should be uploaded to the Google folder for your session (e.g. D1S3 for Day 1, Session 3) no later than 5:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time on the day before your presentation.