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The options "-m mdl_nm" and "-h hst_nm" (that default to "cam" and "h0", respectively) tell ncclimo how to construct the input filenames. The above formula names the files,, and so on. Annual climatology mode produces a single output file (or two if regridding is selected), and in all other respects behaves the same as monthly climatology mode.

Daily climos (interannual statistics from multi-year daily-to-diurnal input files):

High frequency timeseries are often available as daily means. To create a climatological daily mean from a series of daily mean inputs, select daily mode with the "--clm_md=dly" option. What is computed? In daily mode ncclimo produces 365 output files, each consisting of the interannual average of the given day-of-year. If the input data are at sub-daily resolution (e.g., 8 timesteps per day for three hourly data), then by default all timesteps in a day are averaged into the daily output. An option to preserve the diurnal cycle for each day is in the works, contact Charlie Zender if interested. Also on the drawing board is a simple method to obtain min/max/avg etc. at the same time, or at least with the same command.

Daily output timeseries are often divided amongst files with hard-to-predict names, e.g., because the number of days in a file, days in a month, and timesteps in a day may all vary. Thus ncclimo in daily mode requires the user to supply the input filenames. ncclimo will not construct input filenames itself in daily mode (unlike monthly or annual mode). Use the same filename input methods that the splitter mode (above) accepts. Putting it all together, produce a daily climatology with something like

cd ${DATA}/ne30/raw;ls *h1*.nc | ncclimo --job_nbr=8 --caseid=famipc5_ne30_v0.3_00007 --clm_md=dly --yr_srt=2001 --yr_end=2009 --var=PRECT,TREFHT --drc_out=${DATA}/ne30/clm

The "--job_nbr" option tells how many days to independently compute at one time on a given node. See the NCO  manual for more details.

Regridding (climos and other files):
