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TimeDiscussion LeaderTopic
3:30-3:50Mat Maltrud

Status of CORE-II simulations

3:50-4:10Milena Veneziani

Slides: milenaMPASAnalysis_Nov2016.pdf


  • summary of what is working
  • what work remains
4:10-4:30Mark Petersen

Ocean circulation in ice shelf cavities

4:30-4:50Todd Ringler

Status of science papers/wiki/spaces/OCNICE/pages/24478868

  • do we need to add papers
  • do we need to cut papers
  • are the simulations configured so that we can write these papers
4:50-5:10Steve Price/wiki/spaces/OCNICE/pages/30442728
30 minutes
we have at least 30 minutes for other discussion topics


View file

  • Expect to use last 30 min for discussions with Chris Golaz on how to best support coupled model with alpha9 / alpha10 / beta1 (discuss process)

  • Mathew Maltrud discussed eddy closure 60to30 runs for low-res water cycle / BGC (/wiki/spaces/OCNICE/pages/102039847)
    • ocean-ice core circulations having trouble to have robust meridional overturning circulation (MOC) without salinity restoring
    • some improvement with salinity restoring, but additional strength of restoring may be required as demonstrated from RAPID array
    • increase in piston velocity reduces drift in salinity
    • note, no ocean model in world that doesn't require salinity restoring (e.g., precipitation independent of ocean model without feedback); debate continues over use of restoring timescale
    • sea surface temperature drift is minimal, no restoring needed for sst
    • minimal cost at higher resolution (1440 cores on eos, 6 SYD)
    • BGC version only run for 1 yr, can couple 1 to 2 way with sea ice BGC to add 3-4 cost in individual components above physics-only configuration.  Configurations current in testing by Shanlin Wang (Unlicensed) with Keith Moore et al
  • MARBL SciDac project with NCAR with Matt Long for v2
  • Hard to get anything higher resolution than 60to30 through queue at reasonable SYD because of queue times and node failures
  • 16to5 and 18to6 have gone through a few times at 64k processors
  • David C. Bader: "don't submit additional jobs on titan (beside Mathew Maltrud and Jon Wolfe)"


  • Todd Ringler (Unlicensed): science papers
    • papers compelling and ready to be written but they are awaiting simulation data (esp. high profile papers)
    • model development papers already started
    • many papers can be written with CORE-II G case
    • goal is to move to coupled system dynamics, e.g., Julie McClean's Indian dipole paper requires high-res coupled model
    • Are simulations producing data needed to write papers? 
    • Should be working on model development and writing papers concurrently

  • v2/v3 Development /wiki/spaces/OCNICE/pages/30442728 (activities not necessarily staged, but needs to be done following aging of v1 activities)
    • Ocean
      • maintenance
      • comp Phys
      • vertical coord.
      • mesoscale eddy closure
      • improved transport scheme (LEAP- reasonably well but struggles with consistency and algorithmic issues for horizontal / vertical transport); performance still challenge but surmountable
    • Land ice
      • wetting / drying
      • sea level change issues
        • self attraction
        • isostatic effects
      • improved calving schemes (physics-based for advance / retreat of front)
      • improved spin-ups / initialization techniques
      • improve basal boundary condition with subglacial hydrology changing which parts of ice sheet discharge into ocean
    • Coastal modeling
      • 2 new university projects tied to MPAS-Coastal
      • hope is to build out coastal modeling capability over 3-5 years (streams of funding outside ACME likely)
      • ACME sea level rise impacts require MPAS-Coastal
      • wave model interesting at higher resolution (e.g., storm surge needed)
      • BGC
    • Next gen arch.
    • Sea ice
      • snow model
      • changes needed for advancing front for land ice / sea ice interaction (e.g., ice bergs)
      • ice bergs / sea ice buoy simulator
    • coupling
      • salt transfer from ocean to sea ice to be improved
      • wetting / drying needed for dynamic land ice / foot print of ice sheet to change and accommodate changing sea ice, ocean, atmospheric interactions