Versions Compared


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  • experiment description: Low-resolution, data-atmosphere (CORE-IAF forcing), active ocean and ice control run with standard (data) runoff forcing for S. Ocean freshwater fluxes

  • short name ('Experiment'): G-IAF

  • model version: 1.2


  • experiment description: Low-resolution, data-atmosphere (CORE-IAF forcing) with CORE S. Ocean freshwater flux fields replaced by data iceberg (DIB) climatology and explicitly resolved ice shelf melt fluxes (ISMF)

  • short name ('Experiment'): G-IAF-DIB-ISMF

  • model version: 1.2


  • experiment description: same as 20190225.GMPAS-DIB-IAF-ISMF.T62_oEC60to30v3wLI.cori-knl above but using newly tuned, 3d GM parameterization

  • short name ('Experiment'): G-IAF-DIB-ISMF-3dGM

  • model version: 1.3 2.0.alpha


  • experiment description: same as 20190306.A_WCYCL1850-DIB-ISMF_CMIP6.ne30_oECv3wLI.edison above but using newly tuned, 3d GM parameterization

  • short name ('Experiment'): B-1850-DIB-ISMF-3dGM

  • model version: 1.3 2.0.alpha