Versions Compared


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Use ncclimo if possible. It requires and comes with NCO version 4.6.0 and later.  Its predecessor (which is deprecated) requires NCO version 4.5.2 or later  Since about early 2018, the preferred way to obtain NCO for E3SM analysis is with the E3SM-Unified Conda package, which installs numerous analysis packages in a platform-independent manner and, as importantly, allows you to skip reading the rest of this paragraph. Those who need only NCO, or who wish to avoid Conda, should read-on. The newest versions of NCO are installed on rhea/ at ORNL, (CADES at ORNL), cooley/ at ANL, cori/ (NERSC), (LLNL), (NCSA), and (NCAR). The ncclimo and ncremap scripts are hard-coded to find the latest versions automatically, and do not require any module or path changes. To use other (besides the ncclimo and ncremap scripts) NCO executables from the command-line or from your own scripts may require loading modules. This is site-specific and not under my (CZ's) control. At OLCF, for example, "module load gcc" helps to run NCO from the command-line or scripts. For other machines check that the default NCO is recent enough (try "module load nco", then "ncks --version") or use developers' executables/libraries (in ~zender/[bin,lib] on all machines). Follow these directions on the NCO homepage to install on your own machines/directories. It can be as easy as "apt-get install nco", "dnf install nco", or "conda install -c conda-forge nco", or you can build/install from scratch with "configure;make install". 


ncclimo         -s start_yr -e end_yr -c run_id -i drc_in -o drc_out # EAM/CAM/CAM-SE
ncclimo -v FSNT -s start_yr -e end_yr -c run_id -i drc_in -o drc_out # CAMEAM subset
ncclimo -m clm2 -s start_yr -e end_yr -c run_id -i drc_in -o drc_out # ELM/ALM/CLM

Each option can be accessed by a handful of long-option synonyms to suit users' tastes. With long options the first example above may be rewritten as


If/when MPAS O/I generates the _FillValue attributes itself, this step can and should be skipped. All other ncclimo features like regridding (below) are invoked identically for MPAS as for CAMEAM/CLM ELM users although under-the-hood ncclimo does do some special pre-processing (dimension permutation, metadata annotation) for MPAS. A five-year oEC60to30 MPAS-O climo with regridding to T62 takes < 10 minutes on rhea.


It is important to employ the optimal ncclimo  parallelization strategy for your computer hardware resources. Select from the three available choices with the '-p par_typ' switch. The options are serial mode ('-p nil' or '-p serial'), background mode parallelism ('-p bck'), and MPI parallelism ('-p mpi'). The default is background mode parallelism, which is appropriate for lower resolution (e.g., ne30L30) simulations on most nodes at high-performance computer centers. Use (or at least start with) serial mode on personal laptops/workstations. Serial mode requires twelve times less RAM than the parallel modes, and is much less likely to deadlock or cause OOM (out-of-memory) conditions on your personal computer. If the available RAM (+swap) is < 12*4*sizeof(monthly input file), then try serial mode first (12 is the optimal number of parallel processes for monthly climos, the computational overhead is a factor of four). CAM-SE EAM ne30L30 output is about ~1 GB per month so each month requires about 4 GB of RAM. CAM-SE EAM ne30L72 output (with LINOZ) is about ~10 GB/month so each month requires ~40 GB RAM. CAM-SE EAM ne120 output is about ~12 GB/month so each month requires ~48 GB RAM. The computer does not actually use all this memory at one time, and many kernels compress RAM usage to below what top reports, so the actual physical usage is hard to pin-down, but may be a factor of 2.5-3.0 (rather than a factor of four) times the size of the input file. For instance, my 16 GB MacBookPro will successfully run an ne30L30 climatology (that requests 48 GB RAM) in background mode, but the laptop will be slow and unresponsive for other uses until it finishes (in 6-8 minutes) the climos. Experiment a bit and choose the parallelization option that works best for you. 


The basic approach above (running the script from a standard terminal window) works well for small cases can be unpleasantly slow on login nodes of LCFs and for longer or higher resolution (e.g., ne120) climatologies. As a baseline, generating a climatology of 5 years of ne30 (~1x1 degree) CAM-SE EAM output with ncclimo takes 1-2 minutes on rhea (at a time with little contention), and 6-8 minutes on a 2014 MacBook Pro. To make things a bit faster at LCFs, you can ask for your own dedicated node (note this approach doesn't make sense except on supercomputers which have a job-control queue). On rhea do this via:


A climatology embodies many algorithmic choices, and regridding from the native to the analysis grid involves still more choices. A separate method should reproduce the ncclimo and NCO answers to round-off precision if it implements the same algorithmic choices. For example, ncclimo agrees to round-off with AMWG diagnostics when making the same (sometimes questionable) choices. The most important choices have to do with converting single- to double-precision (SP and DP, respectively), treatment of missing values, generation/application of regridding weights. For concreteness and clarity we describe the algorithmic choices made in processing a CAM-SE EAM monthly output into a climatological annual mean (ANN) and then regridding that. Other climatologies (e.g., daily to monthly, or annual-to-climatological) involve similar choices.

ACME (and CESM) computes fields in DP and outputs history (not restart) files as monthly means in SP. The NCO climatology generator (ncclimo) processes these data in four stages. Stage N accesses input only from stage N-1, never from stage N-2 or earlier. Thus the (on-disk) files from stage N determine the highest precision achievable by stage N+1. The general principal is to perform math (addition, weighting, normalization) in DP and output results to disk in the same precision in which they were input from disk (usually SP). In Stage 1, NCO ingests Stage 0 monthly means (raw CAM-SE EAM output), converts SP input to DP, performs the average across all years, then converts the answer from DP to SP for storage on-disk as the climatological monthly mean. In Stage 2, NCO ingests Stage 1 climatological monthly means, converts SP input to DP, performs the average across all months in the season (e.g., DJF), then converts the answer from DP to SP for storage on-disk as the climatological seasonal mean. In Stage 3, NCO ingests Stage 2 climatological seasonal means, converts SP input to DP, performs the average across all four seasons (DJF, MAM, JJA, SON), then converts the answer from DP to SP for storage on-disk as the climatological annual mean.

Stage 2 weights each input month by its number of days (e.g., 31 for January), and Stage 3 weights each input season by its number of days (e.g., 92 for MAM). ACME runs CAM-SE EAM with a 365-day calendar, so these weights are independent of year and never change.


The vast majority of fields undergo three promotion/demotion cycles between CAM-SE EAM and ANN. No promotion/demotion cycles occur for history fields that CAM-SE EAM outputs in DP rather than SP, nor for fields without a time dimension. Typically these fields are grid coordinates (e.g., longitude, latitude) or model constants (e.g., CO2 mixing ratio). NCO never performs any arithmetic on grid coordinates or non-time-varying input, regardless of whether they are SP or DP. Instead, NCO copies these fields directly from the first input file.
