Versions Compared


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The above commands are meant for Rhea/Titan. The equivalent commands for Cooley/Mira and Cori/Edison are:

# Cooley/Mira (Cobalt scheduler):
echo '#!/bin/bash' > ~/ncclimo.cobalt
echo "ncclimo -a scd -d 1 -p mpi -c famipc5_ne120_v0.3_00003 -s 1980 -e 1983 -i /projects/EarthModel/qtang/archive/famipc5_ne120_v0.3_00003/atm/hist -o ${DATA}/ne120/clm" >> ~/ncclimo.cobalt;chmod a+x ~/ncclimo.cobalt
qsub -A HiRes_EarthSys --nodecount=12 --time=00:30:00 --jobname ncclimo --error ~/ncclimo.err --output ~/ncclimo.out --notify ~/ncclimo.cobalt
# Cori/Edison (SLURM scheduler):
echo '#!/bin/bash' > ~/ncclimo.slurm
echo "ncclimo -a scd -d 1 -p mpi -c AMIP_ACMEv02ce_FC5_ne30_ne30_COSP -s 2008 -e 2012 -i /scratch1/scratchdirs/wlin/archive/AMIP_ACMEv02ce_FC5_ne30_ne30_COSP/atm/hist -o ${DATA}/ne30/clm -r ${DATA}/maps/" >> ~/ncclimo.slurm;chmod a+x ~/ncclimo.slurm
sbatch -A acme --nodes=12 --time=03:00:00 --partition=regular --job-name=ncclimo --mail-type=END --output=ncclimo.out ~/ncclimo.slurm

Notice that both Cooley/Mira (Cobalt) and Cori/Edison (SLURM) require the introductory shebang-interpreter line (#!/bin/bash) which PBS does not need. Set only the batch queue parameters mentioned above. In MPI-mode, ncclimo determines the appropriate number of tasks-per-node based on the number of nodes available and script internals (like load-balancing for regridding). Hence do not set a tasks-per-node parameter with scheduler configuration parameters as this could cause conflicts.

What does ncclimo do?

The basic idea of this script is very simple. For monthly climatologies (e.g. JAN), ncclimo passes the list of all relevant January monthly files to NCO's ncra command, which averages each variable in these monthly files over their time dimension (if it exists) or copies the value from the first month unchanged (if no time axis exists). Seasonal climos are then created by taking the average of the monthly climo files using ncra. In order to account for differing numbers of days per month, the "-w" flag in ncra is used, followed by the number of days in the relevant months. For example, the MAM climo is computed from: "ncra -w 31,30,31" (details about file names and other optimization flags have been stripped here to make the concept easier to follow). The ANN climo is then computed by doing a weighted average of the seasonal climos.
