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This page is devoted to instruction in ncremap. It describes steps necessary to create grids, and to regrid datasets between different grids with ncremap. Some of the simpler regridding options supported by ncclimo are also described at Generate, Regrid, and Split Climatologies (climo files) with ncclimo. This page describes those features in more detail, and other, more boutique features often useful for custom regridding solutions.

The Zen of Regridding

Most modern climate/weather-related research requires a regridding step in its workflow. The plethora of geometric and spectral grids on which model and observational data are stored ensures that regridding is usually necessary to scientific insight, especially the focused and variable resolution studies that E3SM models conduct. Why does such a common procedure seem so complex? Because a mind-boggling number of options are required to support advanced regridding features that many users never need. To defer that complexity, this HOWTO begins with solutions to the prototypical regridding problem, without mentioning any other options. It demonstrates how to solve that problem simply, including the minimal software installation required. Once the basic regridding vocabulary has been introduced, we solve the prototype problem when one or more inputs are "missing", or need to be created. The HOWTO ends with descriptions of different regridding modes and workflows that use features customized to particular models, observational datasets, and formats. The overall organization, including TBD sections (suggest others, or vote for prioritizing, below), is:


Code Block
ncremap --rnr_thr=0.0 -m

Finally, ncremap requires the horizontal spatial dimension(s), whether latitude and longitude or some unstructured dimension, to be the final (most-rapidly-varying) dimension(s) of input datasets. MPAS datasets natively place their horizontal spatial dimension (typically nCells) closer to the least-rapidly-varying position. While this makes perfect sense from an I/O-efficiency point-of-view for unstructured models, it does not play well with regridders. Hence all MPAS-modes permute the input dimensions to a regridder-friendly order (i.e., ending with nCells) with a command of the form


The combination of these three data manipulations defines MPAS-mode.

Advanced Regridding II:




EAMXX storage conventions and files differ from EAM (and CAM-SE) will produce regional output if requested to with the finclNlonlat namelist parameter. Output for a single region can be higher temporal resolution than the host global simulation. This facilitates detailed yet economical regional process studies. Regional output files are in a special format that we call RRG (for "regional regridding"). An RRG file may contain any number of rectangular regions. The coordinates and variables for one region do not interfere with other (possibly overlapping) regions because all variables and dimensions are named with a per-region suffix string, e.g., lat_128e_to_134e_9s_to_16s. ncremap can easily regrid RRG 2D logically rectangular output from an FV-dycore because ncremap can infer (as discussed above) the grid from any well-annotated regional FV data file. Regridding unstructured regional grid data, however, is more complex because unstructured grids without cell vertices and unstructured grid weight-generators are not yet flexible enough to to output only regional (as opposed to global) grids with weights. To summarize, regridding RRG data leads to three difficulties (#1-3 below) and two difficulties (#4-5) shared with FV RRG files:

1. RRG files contain only regional gridcell center locations, not weights
2. Global SE grids have well-defined weights not vertices for each gridpoint
3. Grid generation software (ESMF and TempestRemap) only create global not regional SE grid files
4. Non-standard variable names and dimension names
5. Regional files can contain multiple regions

ncremap's RRG mode resolves these issues to allow trouble-free regridding of SE RRG files. The user must provide two additional input arguments, --dat_glb=dat_glb and --grd_glb=grd_glb to point to a global SE dataset and grid, respectively, of the same resolution as the model that generated the RRG datasets. Hence a typical RRG regridding invocation is:

Code Block
ncremap -g

Here grd_rgn is a regional destination grid-file, dat_rgn is the RRG file to regrid, and dat_rgr is the regridded output. Typically grd_rgn is a uniform rectangular grid covering the same region as the RRG file. Generate this as described in the last example in the section above on "Manual Grid-file Generation". grd_glb is the standard dual-grid grid-file for the SE resolution of the simulation, e.g., ncremap regrids the global data file dat_glb to the global dual-grid in order to produce a intermediate global file annotated with gridcell vertices. Then it hyperslabs the lat/lon coordinates (and vertices) from the regional domain to use with regridding the RRG file. A grd_glb file with only one 2D field suffices (and is fastest) for producing the information needed by the RRG procedure. One can prepare an optimal dat_glb file by subsetting any 2D variable (e.g., ncks -v FSNT from a full global SE output dataset.

ncremap RRG mode supports two additional options to override parameters set internally. First, the per-region suffix string may be set with --rnm_sng=rnm_sng. RRG mode will, by default, regrid the first region it finds in an RRG file. Explicitly set the desired region with rnm_sng for files with multiple regions, e.g., --rnm_sng= . Second, the bounding-box of the region may be explicitly set with --bb_wesn=lon_wst,lon_est,lat_sth,lat_nrt. The normal parsing of the bounding-box string from the suffix string may fail in (as yet undiscovered) corner cases, and the --bb_wesn option provides a workaround. The bounding-box string must include the entire RRG region, specified in WESN order. The two override options may be used independently or together, as in:

Code Block
ncremap --rnm_sng='_128e_to_134e_9s_to_16s' --bb_wesn='128.0,134.0,-16.0,-9.0' -g

RRG-mode supports most normal ncremap options, including input and output methods and regridding algorithms.

Advanced Regridding III: Sub-Gridscale Regridding (SGS-mode)

ncremap has a sub-gridscale (SGS) mode that performs the special pre-processing and weighting necessary to conserve fields that represent fractional spatial portions of a gridcell, and/or fractional temporal periods of the analysis. Spatial fields output by most geophysical models are intensive, and so by default the regridder attempts to conserve the integral of the area times the field value such that the integral is equal on source and destination grids. However some models (like ELM, CLM, CICE, and MPAS-Seaice) output gridcell values intended to apply to only a fraction sgs_frc (for "sub-gridscale fraction'') of the gridcell. The sub-gridscale fraction usually changes spatially with the distribution of land and ocean, and spatiotemporally with the distribution of sea ice and possibly vegetation. For concreteness consider a sub-grid field that represents the land fraction. Land fraction is less than one in gridcells that resolve coastlines or islands. ELM and CLM happily output temperature values valid only for a small (i.e., sgs_frc << 1) island within the larger gridcell. Model architecture dictates this behavior and savvy researchers expect it. The goal of the NCO weight-application algorithm is to treat SGS fields as seamlessly as possible so that those less familiar with sub-gridscale models can easily regrid them correctly.

Fortunately, models like ELM and CLM that run on the same horizontal grid as the overlying atmosphere can use the same mapping-file as the atmosphere, so long as the SGS weight-application procedure is invoked. Not invoking an SGS-aware weight application algorithm is equivalent to assuming sgs_frc = 1 everywhere. Regridding sub-grid values correctly versus incorrectly (e.g., with and without SGS-mode) alters global-mean answers for land-based quantities by about 1% for horizontal grid resolutions of about one degree. The resulting biases are in intricately shaped regions (coasts, lakes, sea-ice floes) and so are easy to overlook.

To invoke SGS mode and correctly regrid sub-gridscale data, specify the names of the fractional area sgs_frc and, if applicable, the mask variable sgs_msk (strictly, this is only necessary if these names differ from their respective defaults landfrac and landmask). Trouble will ensue if sgs_frc is a percentage or an absolute area rather than a fractional area (between zero and one). ncremap must know the normalization factor sgs_nrm by which sgs_frc must be divided (not multiplied) to obtain a true, normalized fraction. Datasets (such as those from CICE) that store sgs_frc in percent should specify the option --sgs_nrm=100 to instruct ncremap to normalize the sub-grid area appropriately before regridding. ncremap will re-derive sgs_msk based on the regridded values of sgs_frc: sgs_msk = 1 is assigned to destination gridcells with sgs_frc > 0.0, and all others sgs_msk = 0. As of NCO version 4.6.8 (released June, 2017), invoking any of the options --sgs_frc, --sgs_msk, or --sgs_nrm, automatically triggers SGS-mode, so that also invoking -P sgs is redundant though legal. As of NCO version 4.9.0 (released December, 2019), the values of the sgs_frc and sgs_msk variables should be explicitly specified. In previous versions they defaulted to landfrac and landmask, respectively, when -P sgs was selected. This behavior still exists but will likely be deprecated in a future version.

The area and sgs_frc fields in the regridded file will be in units of sterradians and fraction, respectively. However, ncremap offers custom options to reproduce the idiosyncratic data and metadata format of two particular models, ELM and CICE. When invoked with -P elm (or -P clm), a final step converts the output area from sterradians to square kilometers. When invoked with -P cice, the final step converts the output area from sterradians to square meters, and the output sgs_frc from a fraction to a percent.

Code Block
# ELM/CLM: output "area" in [sr]
ncremap --sgs_frc=landfrac --sgs_msk=landmask
ncremap -P sgs # Deprecated in 4.9.0
# ELM/CLM pedantic format: output "area" in [km2]
ncremap -P elm # Same as -P clm, alm, ctsm

# CICE: output "area" in [sr]
ncremap --sgs_frc=aice --sgs_msk=tmask --sgs_nrm=100
# CICE pedantic format: output "area" in [m2], "aice" in [%]
ncremap -P cice

# MPAS-Seaice:
ncremap -P mpasseaice # Preferred (because it is forward-compatible)
ncremap -P mpas --sgs_frc=timeMonthly_avg_iceAreaCell # Equivalent to above

It is sometimes convenient to store the sgs_frc field in an external file from the field(s) to be regridded. For example, CMIP-style timeseries are often written with only one variable per file. NCO supports this organization by accepting sgs_frc arguments in the form of a filename followed by a slash and then a variable name:

Code Block
ncremap -m

Files regridded using explicitly specified SGS options will differ slightly from those regridded using the -P elm or -P cice options. The former will have an area field in sterradians, the generic units used internally by the regridder. The latter produces model-specific area fields in square kilometers (for ELM) or square meters (for CICE), as expected in the raw output from these two models. To convert from angular to areal values, NCO assumes a spherical Earth with radius 6,371,220 m or 6,371,229 m, for ELM and CICE, respectively. The ouput sgs_frc field is expressed as a decimal fraction in all cases except for -P cice which stores the fraction in percent. Thus the generic SGS and model-specific convenience options produce equivalent results, and the latter is intended to be indistinguishable (in terms of metadata and units) to raw model output. This makes it more interoperable with many existing analysis scripts.


) in only two ways. ncremap introduced a -P eamxx mode to support these gotchas in 2022. Dimension permutation is the primary pre-processing step necessary to massage EAMXX datasets so that they are amenable to regridding.

Code Block
ncremap -P eamxx -m # Automatically permute dimensions for horizontal regridding 

First, ncremap requires the horizontal spatial dimension(s), whether latitude and longitude or some unstructured dimension, to be the final (most-rapidly-varying) dimension(s) of input datasets. EAMXX datasets natively place their horizontal spatial dimension (typically ncol) closer to the least-rapidly-varying position. While this makes perfect sense from an I/O-efficiency point-of-view for unstructured models, it does not play well with horizontal regridding. Hence EAMXX-mode permutes the input dimensions to a regridder-friendly order (i.e., ending with ncol) with a command of the form

Code Block
ncpdq -a ilev,lev,plev,dim2,ncol

Second, EAMXX names the surface pressure variable ps by default, not PS as in EAM. The distinction is important whenever vertical interpolation is invoked. Hence EAMXX mode automatically tells the vertical interpolaion routine to look for ps not PS. The combination of these two pre-processing steps defines EAMXX-mode.

Advanced Regridding III: Sub-Gridscale Regridding (SGS-mode)

ncremap has a sub-gridscale (SGS) mode that performs the special pre-processing and weighting necessary to conserve fields that represent fractional spatial portions of a gridcell, and/or fractional temporal periods of the analysis. Spatial fields output by most geophysical models are intensive, and so by default the regridder attempts to conserve the integral of the area times the field value such that the integral is equal on source and destination grids. However some models (like ELM, CLM, CICE, and MPAS-Seaice) output gridcell values intended to apply to only a fraction sgs_frc (for "sub-gridscale fraction'') of the gridcell. The sub-gridscale fraction usually changes spatially with the distribution of land and ocean, and spatiotemporally with the distribution of sea ice and possibly vegetation. For concreteness consider a sub-grid field that represents the land fraction. Land fraction is less than one in gridcells that resolve coastlines or islands. ELM and CLM happily output temperature values valid only for a small (i.e., sgs_frc << 1) island within the larger gridcell. Model architecture dictates this behavior and savvy researchers expect it. The goal of the NCO weight-application algorithm is to treat SGS fields as seamlessly as possible so that those less familiar with sub-gridscale models can easily regrid them correctly.

Fortunately, models like ELM and CLM that run on the same horizontal grid as the overlying atmosphere can use the same mapping-file as the atmosphere, so long as the SGS weight-application procedure is invoked. Not invoking an SGS-aware weight application algorithm is equivalent to assuming sgs_frc = 1 everywhere. Regridding sub-grid values correctly versus incorrectly (e.g., with and without SGS-mode) alters global-mean answers for land-based quantities by about 1% for horizontal grid resolutions of about one degree. The resulting biases are in intricately shaped regions (coasts, lakes, sea-ice floes) and so are easy to overlook.

To invoke SGS mode and correctly regrid sub-gridscale data, specify the names of the fractional area sgs_frc and, if applicable, the mask variable sgs_msk (strictly, this is only necessary if these names differ from their respective defaults landfrac and landmask). Trouble will ensue if sgs_frc is a percentage or an absolute area rather than a fractional area (between zero and one). ncremap must know the normalization factor sgs_nrm by which sgs_frc must be divided (not multiplied) to obtain a true, normalized fraction. Datasets (such as those from CICE) that store sgs_frc in percent should specify the option --sgs_nrm=100 to instruct ncremap to normalize the sub-grid area appropriately before regridding. ncremap will re-derive sgs_msk based on the regridded values of sgs_frc: sgs_msk = 1 is assigned to destination gridcells with sgs_frc > 0.0, and all others sgs_msk = 0. As of NCO version 4.6.8 (released June, 2017), invoking any of the options --sgs_frc, --sgs_msk, or --sgs_nrm, automatically triggers SGS-mode, so that also invoking -P sgs is redundant though legal. As of NCO version 4.9.0 (released December, 2019), the values of the sgs_frc and sgs_msk variables should be explicitly specified. In previous versions they defaulted to landfrac and landmask, respectively, when -P sgs was selected. This behavior still exists but will likely be deprecated in a future version.

The area and sgs_frc fields in the regridded file will be in units of sterradians and fraction, respectively. However, ncremap offers custom options to reproduce the idiosyncratic data and metadata format of two particular models, ELM and CICE. When invoked with -P elm (or -P clm), a final step converts the output area from sterradians to square kilometers. When invoked with -P cice, the final step converts the output area from sterradians to square meters, and the output sgs_frc from a fraction to a percent.

Code Block
# ELM/CLM: output "area" in [sr]
ncremap --sgs_frc=landfrac --sgs_msk=landmask
ncremap -P sgs # Deprecated in 4.9.0
# ELM/CLM pedantic format: output "area" in [km2]
ncremap -P elm # Same as -P clm, alm, ctsm

# CICE: output "area" in [sr]
ncremap --sgs_frc=aice --sgs_msk=tmask --sgs_nrm=100
# CICE pedantic format: output "area" in [m2], "aice" in [%]
ncremap -P cice

# MPAS-Seaice:
ncremap -P mpasseaice # Preferred (because it is forward-compatible)
ncremap -P mpas --sgs_frc=timeMonthly_avg_iceAreaCell # Equivalent to above

It is sometimes convenient to store the sgs_frc field in an external file from the field(s) to be regridded. For example, CMIP-style timeseries are often written with only one variable per file. NCO supports this organization by accepting sgs_frc arguments in the form of a filename followed by a slash and then a variable name:

Code Block
ncremap -m

Files regridded using explicitly specified SGS options will differ slightly from those regridded using the -P elm or -P cice options. The former will have an area field in sterradians, the generic units used internally by the regridder. The latter produces model-specific area fields in square kilometers (for ELM) or square meters (for CICE), as expected in the raw output from these two models. To convert from angular to areal values, NCO assumes a spherical Earth with radius 6,371,220 m or 6,371,229 m, for ELM and CICE, respectively. The ouput sgs_frc field is expressed as a decimal fraction in all cases except for -P cice which stores the fraction in percent. Thus the generic SGS and model-specific convenience options produce equivalent results, and the latter is intended to be indistinguishable (in terms of metadata and units) to raw model output. This makes it more interoperable with many existing analysis scripts.

Advanced Regridding IV: Regional Unstructured Output (RRG-mode)

EAM (and CAM-SE) will produce regional output if requested to with the finclNlonlat namelist parameter. Output for a single region can be higher temporal resolution than the host global simulation. This facilitates detailed yet economical regional process studies. Regional output files are in a special format that we call RRG (for "regional regridding"). An RRG file may contain any number of rectangular regions. The coordinates and variables for one region do not interfere with other (possibly overlapping) regions because all variables and dimensions are named with a per-region suffix string, e.g., lat_128e_to_134e_9s_to_16s. ncremap can easily regrid RRG 2D logically rectangular output from an FV-dycore because ncremap can infer (as discussed above) the grid from any well-annotated regional FV data file. Regridding unstructured regional grid data, however, is more complex because unstructured grids without cell vertices and unstructured grid weight-generators are not yet flexible enough to to output only regional (as opposed to global) grids with weights. To summarize, regridding RRG data leads to three difficulties (#1-3 below) and two difficulties (#4-5) shared with FV RRG files:

  1. RRG files contain only regional gridcell center locations, not weights

  2. Global SE grids have well-defined weights not vertices for each gridpoint

  3. Grid generation software (ESMF and TempestRemap) only create global not regional SE grid files

  4. Non-standard variable names and dimension names

  5. Regional files can contain multiple regions

ncremap's RRG mode resolves these issues to allow trouble-free regridding of SE RRG files. The user must provide two additional input arguments, --dat_glb=dat_glb and --grd_glb=grd_glb to point to a global SE dataset and grid, respectively, of the same resolution as the model that generated the RRG datasets. Hence a typical RRG regridding invocation is:

Code Block
ncremap -g

Here grd_rgn is a regional destination grid-file, dat_rgn is the RRG file to regrid, and dat_rgr is the regridded output. Typically grd_rgn is a uniform rectangular grid covering the same region as the RRG file. Generate this as described in the last example in the section above on "Manual Grid-file Generation". grd_glb is the standard dual-grid grid-file for the SE resolution of the simulation, e.g., ncremap regrids the global data file dat_glb to the global dual-grid in order to produce a intermediate global file annotated with gridcell vertices. Then it hyperslabs the lat/lon coordinates (and vertices) from the regional domain to use with regridding the RRG file. A grd_glb file with only one 2D field suffices (and is fastest) for producing the information needed by the RRG procedure. One can prepare an optimal dat_glb file by subsetting any 2D variable (e.g., ncks -v FSNT from a full global SE output dataset.

ncremap RRG mode supports two additional options to override parameters set internally. First, the per-region suffix string may be set with --rnm_sng=rnm_sng. RRG mode will, by default, regrid the first region it finds in an RRG file. Explicitly set the desired region with rnm_sng for files with multiple regions, e.g., --rnm_sng= . Second, the bounding-box of the region may be explicitly set with --bb_wesn=lon_wst,lon_est,lat_sth,lat_nrt. The normal parsing of the bounding-box string from the suffix string may fail in (as yet undiscovered) corner cases, and the --bb_wesn option provides a workaround. The bounding-box string must include the entire RRG region, specified in WESN order. The two override options may be used independently or together, as in:

Code Block
ncremap --rnm_sng='_128e_to_134e_9s_to_16s' --bb_wesn='128.0,134.0,-16.0,-9.0' -g

RRG-mode supports most normal ncremap options, including input and output methods and regridding algorithms.

Advanced Regridding V: Make All Weight Files (MWF-mode)

As mentioned above in the TempestRemap section, ncremap includes an MWF-mode (for "Make All Weight Files") that generates and names, with one command and in a self-consistent manner, all combinations of E3SM global atmosphere<->ocean maps with both ERWG and Tempest. MWF-mode automates the laborious and error-prone process of generating numerous map-files with various switches. Its chief use occurs when developing and testing new global grid-pairs for the E3SM atmosphere and ocean components. Invoke MWF-mode with a number of specialized options to control the naming of the output map-files:


Background and distributed node parallelism (as described above in the the Parallelism section) of MWF-mode are possible though not yet implemented. Please let us know if this feature is desired.

Advanced Regridding


VI: CMIP6 Timeseries

This section describes the recommended procedures to construct and regrid E3SM timeseries data to CMIP6 specifications. Most models provide data to CMIP6 in timeseries format, meaning one variable-per-file with multiple years per file. These timeseries must be regridded to at least one of the CMIP6 standard grids. The E3SM project chose to supply its v1 experiments to CMIP6 archived on rectangular, uniform (i.e., equiangular in latitude and longitude), one-degree (for standard-resolution) and quarter-degree (for high-resolution) grids. Generating these timeseries from experiments as lengthy as 500 model years, formatted to CMIP6 specifications, requires many non-standard options to both ncclimo (to construct the timeseries) and to ncremap (to regrid timeseries), and is a natural capstone exercise in using both together. This section is arranged in reverse order where first we present the final actual commands, followed by the descriptions, meanings, and reasons for particular options.


The main difference between generating the timeseries for the Historical ensemble and the DECK PI experiment is the need to loop over the ensemble. Here the splitter command is not backgrounded so that one member experiment is processed at a time (to avoid overwhelming nodes with I/O and RAM demands). Set the input directory in the ensemble loop, and ensure the globbing pattern for filenames matches the naming convention used for all five members. Consider whether to output to member-specific directories or to a single, ensemble-wide directory. If the former, then nothing special need be done. If the latter, use the --fml_nm (family-name) option as above to avoid identical timeseries names (that will overwrite one another) and to create instead member-specific timeseries names like

Advanced Regridding


VII: Initial Condition Files

First, use the right tool. ncremap can regrid an initial conditions (IC) file, both vertically and horizontally. However, generating scientifically validated IC files for new model resolutions is best done with a lengthy workflow ( in which regridding plays a relatively small role. That said, ncremap is a good tool to place an atmospheric state onto a new grid where it can then be nudged into a valid IC file, or to place the contents of an IC file on a rectangular grid (as shown below) where it is easier to plot. Regridding atmosphere IC files was straightforward until E3SM v2 when the atmosphere separated the dynamical and physical grids. This resulted in IC files containing two sets of grid variables, so now we must regrid v2 IC files with two successive invocations of ncremap:


ncremap -R '--rgr col_nm=ncol_d'

Advanced Regridding


VIII: Fixing Grid Files to Work as Intended

Gridfiles store a wealth of highly precise information using loosely standardized rules that are open to interpretation. One may encounter gridfiles that conform to one regridder's expectations though not another's. The section provides guidance on how to adjust or repair some of the most frequently encountered problems with gridfiles. The problems currently addressed are floating-point masks, _FillValue, and imprecise RLL grids.


ncks -C -m -A -v grid_imask ${grid} # Replace newly generated default mask with GLOBE/Gardner landmask
ncks -O -7 -L 1 # Optional step to compress large grids

Advanced Regridding


IX: Creating and Using Land Surface Grids with Masks

Regridding software is commonly used to convert continuous fields into binary (True/False) masks for use within numerical models. Land surface models, for example, use a "land mask" to distinguish gridcells containing land (mask is True = 1) from non-land gridcells (mask is False = 0). Similarly, glacier models models use an "ice mask" to distinguish gridcells available to the ice sheet from non-ice gridcells. This section describes the steps to follow and potential crevasses to avoid when manipulating fields with masks into (primarily SCRIP-format) grid-files that can then be used as described above in the creation of weights to map between grids.
