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Full Title

ultrahigh-resolution ELM code developments

First Author

  • Dali Wang


All Authors

Dali Wang, Peter Schwartz, Fengming Yuan, Shih-Chieh Kao, Michele Thornton, Daniel Ricciuto, Peter Thornton


‘Land Land - ultrahigh resolution ELM code development’development, ‘Performance Performance - Algorithms - Tools’Tools


E3SM and ecosystem project


The poster presents the ultrahigh-resolution ELM (uELM) code developments using a hybrid computational model for Exascale computers. We discuss the computing and data challenges and provide technical details on the current implementations, including GPU code porting, high-resolution dataset generation and preparation, and early ideas for an accelerated ELM spinup process. These developments are a collaborative team effort, resulting in seven publications on software system design, computational framework, GPU porting, GPU code performance tuning, and data tool development.




ultrahigh-resolution ELM code developments

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