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Registration is required to participate. Go to  to register.


Presentation/Poster Submission

Both oral presentation presentations and posters will be done virtually . The oral presentation will be 10 min (+3 min Q/A) long and will be delivered through Zoom Zoom’s video conferencing system. Most of the plenary presentations will be in 15 minutes time slots with 10 minute presentations and the rest of the time for questions and transition, however, please refer to the agenda for the allocated time for your specific presentation. For the poster session, contributors will have the option to upload a poster or a slide presentation, and optionally to accompany it with a short (up to 5 minminutes) audio/video recording. Posters in the form of a slide deck, should not exceed 10 slides. This information will be posted on the meeting website, with a forum to encourage discussion open to all meeting participants. The presenter will be asked to virtually attend to his /or her poster session and engage in discussions and Q&A either through chats or email communication.

By the abstracts will be assigned to an oral presentation or a poster presentation.

By presentations for oral talks as well as posters should be uploaded to the google drive (the URL is provided on the registration site, you will need to log on to see it, and announced in the email to all), see also All abstracts that were selected for an oral presentation are listed on the agenda.  If your abstract is not listed on the agenda, we welcome it as a poster since we received many more high quality, interesting abstract submissions than we can fit in the schedule as oral presentations. We will have poster award competition and will share the details a little later.

By October 21, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. (noon) Eastern Daylight Time, posters should be uploaded to the most appropriate topical folder (e.g. PS1-BGC) within the overarching Google drive folder (which is different from the abstract submission folder). To access the Google drive folder, log in to the meeting Home page (you will need the confirmation number you received when you registered).

Oral presentation files should be uploaded to the Google folder for your session (e.g. D1S3 for Day 1, Session 3) no later than 5:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time on the day before your presentation.

Please see the Presentation/Poster Upload Instructions for the 2020 ESMD-E3SM PI Meeting page for more details.


 ESMD/E3SM Meeting Agenda
