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The extended native and regridded climatologies are produced with virtually the same command (only the input and output directories differ). No mapping file or regridding option is necessary to produce an extended climatology from two input regridded climatologies. ncclimo need not know or care whether the input climos are native-grid or are already regridded. So long as the regridded climatologies are already available, it make makes more sense to re-use them rather than to perform a second regridding. While ncclimo can generate and regrid an extended climatology from native-grid inputs in one command, doing so involves more command-line options and it is generally simpler to follow the above procedure. Ask meĀ if you would like help customizing ncclimo for other such workflows. Producing extended climatologies via the binary method consumes much less memory than producing normal or incremental climatologies. The binary method simply computes weighted averages of each input variable. Hence the maximum RAM required is approximately only three times the size of the largest input variable. This is trivial compared to the total input file size, hence the extended climos may be computed with background parallelism, the default in ncclimo. The '-p mpi' option is never necessary for producing extended climos using the binary method. As you might imagine, the combination of low memory overhead and re-use of previously regridded climos means that producing extended regridded climos via the binary method is extremely fast compared to computing normal climos. Binary climos (regridded or not) require only about 1 minute on Edison.
