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The older version of ncclimo is which is distributed separately from NCO, and therefore cannot be as tightly coupled to new NCO features. The two are still nearly interchangeable so all documented features (except where indicated otherwise) apply to both.  You can obtain the deprecated script at or check-out the entire PreAndPostProcessingScripts Git repo (a better option for keeping up-to-date with changes to this script) with "git clone". Here's the ACME Git Tutorial. If you have permissions problems, try this:

Using ncclimo:


Standard climos (produce monthly + seasonal + annual climos from monthly input files):

The basic usual way to use ncclimo is to bring up a terminal window and type:


-a: type of DJF average. Either -a scd (default) or -a sdd. scd is seasonally continuous December. The first month used will be Dec of the year before the start year you specify with -s. sdd is seasonally discontinuous December. The first month used will be Jan of the specified start year.

-C: Climatology mode. Either "mth" (default, and for monthly input files) or "ann" (for annual input files). 
-c: caseid, i.e., simulation name. For input files like, specify "-c famipc5_ne30_v0.3_00001". The ".cam." and ".h0." bits are added to the filenames internally by default, and can be modified via the "-m mdl_nm" and "-h hst_nm" switches if needed. See comments in ncclimo for documentation. 
-e: end yr year (example: 2000). Unless the optional flag "-a sdd" is specified, the last month used will be Nov of the specified end year. If "-a sdd" is specified, the last month will be Dec of the specified end year.
-i: directory containing all netcdf files to be used for input to this code.-m: model type. Default is "h: history file volume that separates the model name from the date in the input file name. Default is "h0".  Other common values are "h1" and "h". 
-i: directory containing all netcdf files to be used for input to this code.
-m: model type. Default is "cam". Other options are "clm2", "ocn", "ice", "cism", "cice", "pop".


If/when MPAS O/I generates the _FillValue attributes itself, this step can and should be skipped. All other ncclimo features like regridding (below) are invoked identically for MPAS as for CAM/CLM users although under-the-hood ncclimo does do some special pre-processing (dimension permutation, metadata annotation) for MPAS. A five-year oEC60to30 MPAS-O climo with regridding to T62 takes < 10 minutes on rhea.

Annual climos (produce annual climos from annual input files):

Not all model or observed history files are created as monthly means. To create a climatological annual mean from a series of annual mean inputs, select ncclimo's annual climatology mode with the "-C ann" option:

ncclimo -C ann -m cism -h h -c caseid -s 1851 -e 1900 -i drc_in -o drc_out

The options "-m mdl_nm" and "-h hst_nm" (that default to "cam" and "h0", respectively) tell ncclimo how to construct the input filenames. The above formula names the files,, and so on. Annual climatology mode produces a single output file (or two if regridding is selected), and in all other respects behaves the same as monthly climatology mode.

Regridding (climos and other files):
