O03: Resolving Eddies and Frontal Processes using MPAS-O and ROMS

Full Title

Resolving Eddies and Frontal Processes using MPAS-O and ROMS

First Author

  • Darren Engwirda

  • dengwirda@lanl.gov

All Authors

@Darren Engwirda (Unlicensed) @Rob Hetland Kyle Hinson, Ann Almgren, Hannah Klion, Jean Sexton, Vijay Mahadevan, Iulian Grindeanu, Harper Simmons


Ocean - Ice


Ecosystem project (SciDAC: MPAS+ROMS coupling)


Submesoscale eddies and fronts are critical components of the ocean’s circulation, driving mixing and restratification in the upper ocean, controlling the advection and transport of temperature, salinity and suspended tracers, as well as promoting subduction and upwelling pathways that ventilate the ocean’s interior. Analyzing output from the MPAS-O and ROMS ocean models across a range of mesoscale-resolving and submesoscale-permitting resolutions, the representation of these highly nonlinear features is assessed with respect to model discretization and computational grid choice. Through comparison of various momentum and tracer-based metrics, the grid-scale behavior of MPAS-O and ROMS is analyzed, highlighting the similarity and differences in the way the two models capture small-scale turbulence in the upper ocean. This work is a first step in coupling the MPAS-O and ROMS models across scales to resolve regional and nearshore oceanic processes at ‘ultra’ high resolution.





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