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Why subtree for CIME?

Very early in ACME, we decided that we want developers to get a working version of the code with a single "git clone" command.  For that reason, we use subtree to maintain CIME within ACME because CIME must be present for building/running the model.  Submodule requires an additional command after the git clone.


"the fork" refers to ACME's fork of CIME: (no longer used)

"the upstream repo" refers to ESMCI CIME:

"the subtree" refers to all the code under

Initial add of CIME2 to ACME:

This was done once.

ACME was freshly cloned (from Sept 3, 2015 head: and a remote for the ACME CIME fork was added:

git remote add -f --tags acmecime
CIME was added with this command:
git subtree add --squash --prefix=cime/ acme-merge2.1

Subsequent commits did the following:

  • move model components to their cime locations
  • add cime build capability
  • remove the models directory
  • add ability to build component models with cime.

Summary of merges and splits involving CIME5

directioncommit on master and date merged. PR link.feature branch that was merged to masterhow feature branch was creatednotes
merge ESMCI to ACME

in ACME c50a810d9544251d50

in ACME: /rljacob/cime/cime5-upgrade

in ACME: First removed cime2 in 8ed674f84ce

Then did a subtree merge squash of 0eb331d in 7d7641505cc

That squash was merge-committed to the branch in 15abd5853

brought in CIME5.1.4

Did a bunch more commits on that branch to get everything working.

split ACME to ESMCI

git subtree split c50a810d95442^.. --onto=0eb331d371 --prefix=cime/ -b rljacob/split-cime51-5send ACME's CIME5.1 changes to ESMCI
merge ESMCI to ACMEin ACME rljacob/cime/uptocime5.2.0

brought in CIME5.2.0

215e459 is commit in ESMCI last brought to ACME, which is the 5.2.0 tag

split ACME to ESMCI

2 on ESMCI:


acme commits merged to CIME 5.2


Commits merged with ESMCI master

Starting from ACME master, commit f255704 by Az on March 28.

git subtree split 628a26d^.. --prefix=cime \
--onto=215e459 --ignore-joins -b agsalin/split-03292017

Send ACME's CIME5.2 changes to ESMCI

(Acme changes as of 2017-03-29 since last split)


628a26d is first commit in ACME after last merge

Branch agsalin/split-03292017 not pushed (acme code sizeof cime repo?)

merge ESMCI back to ACME



git checkout -b agsalin/update-to-cime5.3

git fetch esmcicime

git subtree pull --prefix=cime esmcicime master

Brought in CIME 5.3.0-alpha06

CIME master hash: 6156e0a

tag: cime5.3.0-alpha.06-toacme01

To facilitate merge, I first moved all ACME files to the new cime dir name, before subtree pull.

Brought in entire CIME commit history.

merge ESMCI to ACME



started 5/2/2107

same as above

Brought in CIME 5.3.0-alpha.10

CIME master hash: 15297cd

tag: cime5.3.0-alpha.10-toacme01

merge more ESMCI changes to ACME, without doing ACME→ESMCI first.

split ACME to ESMCI

ACME commit: acme-split-06-01-2017


ESMCI commit: cime5.3.0-alpha.10-toacme01

Change instructions to use tags
merge ESMCI to ACME

in ACME 2a095e62

11 Oct 2017



same as in previous ESMCI→ACME mergesbrought in CIME 5.3.0.alpha34
split ACME to ESMCI

Make script

Add of CIME5 to ACME:

The existing cime was removed with git rm and the above repeated with

git remote add esmcicime

When modifications from within the subtree need be moved back to the upstream repo:

(The example code below is from the first time this was done)

NOTE:  if your work on a branch requires changing files in a subtree, be sure to commit those changes separately.  This will aid the future subtree split of those files back to the external.

First step is to create a branch that contains the changes you want to move back to the external (ESMCI/CIME in this case).  The branchname should follow ACME conventions.  NOTE: the command below must be issues from the top directory of ACME.

%%First Time Only: git subtree split -P cime/ -b rljacob/acmemerge-to-cime1  (first time)
blogin1: git subtree split --prefix cime/ --ignore-joins -b rljacob/acmemerge-to-cime1  (after there's been merges back-and-forth).
Created branch 'rljacob/acmemerge-to-cime1'
blogin1: git branch
* rljacob/cime-merge

Make sure you have a name for the external's git repo.  In below, "origin" is the usual ACME repo and "esmcicime" is the upstream repo of cime.

blogin1[102]: git remote add esmcicime
blogin1[102]: git remote -v
esmcicime (fetch)
esmcicime (push)
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

Now checkout the master of esmcicime.  Note that the presence of the mpas-o module will cause a message.

blogin1[156]: git fetch esmcicime
blogin1[156]: git checkout esmcicime/master

warning: unable to rmdir components/mpas-o/model: Directory not empty
Checking out files: 100% (7985/7985), done.
Note: checking out 'esmcicime/master'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at b496e53... Merge branch 'jgfouca/skybridge_working' (PR #7)
blogin1: git branch

* (HEAD detached at esmcicime/master)

At this point, you're in a "Detached head state".  You can ignore the message about mpas-o.  mpas-o becomes an untracked file and will be ignored by git in the rest of the operations.

From the detached head state, make a branch from which you'll bring the new code to cime's master.

blogin1: git checkout -b rljacob/merge-from-acme1
Switched to a new branch 'rljacob/merge-from-acme1'
blogin1]: git branch

* rljacob/merge-from-acme1

blogin1[173]: git status
On branch rljacob/merge-from-acme1

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

Now merge onto the branch you just created the changes that are on the branch created by the subtree split (the first command above).

blogin1[175]: git merge rljacob/acmemerge_to_cime1

If you're lucky, there will be no conflicts and you'll be asked to make a commit message.  If there are conflicts, resolve them with the usual procedure, add the resolved files, and commit (and finally enter the merge commit message).

You can now push the branch containing the code for the external and merge it to master using the external's procedures.

Two-step workflow option (under development as of March 2017)

Here are the commands for a 2-step process that Andy used successfully, March 2017. Need to integrate with above description once we settle on a process.

Previously, ESMCI/CIME was tagged with "cime5.2.0", and that code was brought into ACME. The process below (recommended by Rob) is a 2-step process. First the changes in ACME are merged into a branch coming off of that tag. A second step merges those changes into master. One nice part of this process is that the first step has mostly ACME changes, so conflicts are can mostly be reconciled by taking ACME version. The second step has just true conflicts, which will not be very many.

NOTE: need to pick better branch naming conventions in the future.

This setting can be needed.
$ git config merge.renameLimit 999999

get ACME code
$ git clone
$ cd ACME

Add ESMCI/CIME as an additional remote.
$ git remote add esmcicime
$ git fetch esmcicime --tags

Make a tag to mark split-point, it can be deleted once there's a new split point
$ git tag e3sm2cime-split-MM-DD-YYYY
$ git push origin e3sm2cime-split-MM-DD-YYYY

Create cime subtree of ACME. You will still be in a directory
called ACME, but it will now have the cime dir contents
NOTE: mm-dd-yyyy is the date of the PREVIOUS split
      CIME5.2.0 is tag of last pull from ESMCI
$ git subtree split acme-split-mm-dd-yyyy.. --prefix=cime --onto=CIME5.2.0 --ignore-joins -b $USER/split-MMDDYYYY

Create a branch off of the CIME tag that ACME last incorporated,
and merge the acme/cime subtree changes onto that branch.
$ git checkout -b $USER/cime52-with-acmesplit-MMDDYYYY CIME5.2.0
$ git merge -X rename-threshold=25  $USER/split-MMDDYYYY

Resolve conflicts and commit (acme/cime changes into branch off of esmci/cime tag)
Most conflicts can be settled by taking ACME version, since we backed up CIME to the tag.
  Git checkout --theirs <file> will take ACME version 
$ <Numerous conflict edits, followed by "git add <file>" for each <file> with conflict>
$ git commit .
$ git push esmcicime agsalin/cime52-with-acmesplit-MMDDYYYY
Now, you have a branch of cime, off of the tag, with ACME changes added in

Create a branch off of CIME master, and merge the acme changes into it
$ git checkout esmcicime/master
$ git checkout -b agsalin/merge-from-acme-03292017
$ git merge  agsalin/cime52-with-acmesplit-03292017

 Resolve conflicts and commit (acme/cime changes added to CIME tag, merged into cime master)
$ <Numerous conflict edits, followed by "git add <file>" for each <file> with conflict>
$ ./scripts/tests/
$ git push esmcicime agsalin/merge-from-acme-03292017
Issue PR

Delete old tag:
$ git tag -d acme-split-mm-dd-yyyy
$ git push origin :refs/tags/acme-split-mm-dd-yyyy

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