L18: GCAM-E3SM Coupling: Overview

Full Title

GCAM-E3SM Coupling: Overview

First Author

All Authors

Alan Di Vittorio, Tim Shippert, Ben Bond-Lamberty, Dalei Hao, and Eva Sinha


Land - River - Human




The updated coupling of GCAM and E3SM facilitates direct experimentation and analysis of feedbacks between human and environmental systems. A main feature of this new coupling is that the human component is at the same level as the other components of the Earth system model (land, atmosphere, ocean, etc.) and interacts with them through the shared coupling software. Annually, terrestrial productivity is passed from E3SM to GCAM to make land use and CO2 emission projections for the next year, which are in turn passed back to E3SM. Previous experiments have shown that the incorporation of these feedbacks affects land use/cover change, crop prices, terrestrial carbon, local surface temperature, and land carbon-atmosphere feedbacks. Preliminary results indicate that this newly coupled system is robust in relation to the previous experiments. This coupling addresses inconsistency across models, enables a new type of scenario development, and provides a modeling framework that is more easily updated and expanded.





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