B19. Multi-Plume EDMF Unified Parameterization

Poster TitleThe Multi-Plume Eddy-Diffusivity/Mass-Flux (EDMF) Unified Parameterization: Stratocumulus and the Transition to Cumulus Boundary Layers
First AuthorJoao Teixeira 
Topicatmospheric model development
AffiliationE3SM NGD-Atmospheric Physics, JIFRESSE, UCLA
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The Multi-Plume Eddy-Diffusivity/Mass-Flux (EDMF) Unified Parameterization: Stratocumulus and the Transition to Cumulus Boundary Layers


Joao Teixeira (Joao.Teixeira@jpl.nasa.gov), Marcin J. Kurowski, Mikael K. Witte; JIFRESSE, UCLA


The key goal of this project is to reduce the subtropical boundary layer cloud deficiencies and biases in oceanic upwelling regions by implementing, and evaluating, into the E3SM model, a new unified boundary layer and convection parameterization based on the multi‐plume Eddy‐Diffusivity/Mass‐Flux (EDMF) approach. This is a turbulence and convection parameterization that can be considered fully unified, in the sense that it is able to represent convective processes from boundary layer convection (dry and cloudy) to deep moist convection with one single parameterization. In this presentation we will discuss the implementation of the new multi‐plume EDMF parameterization in an independent Single Column Model (SCM) and in the E3SM SCM, and the evaluation against LES case‐studies.