#16 Tele-connections of Precipitation Extremes: ACME v0 ne30 and ne120 FAMIP simulations

1.Poster Title

Tele-connections of Precipitation Extremes: ACME v0 ne30 and ne120 FAMIP simulations 

5.Poster CategoryEarly Result
6.Submission TypePoster
7.Poster LinkACME_NAO_Extremes_48x48.pdf                     
8.Lightning Talk SlideMahajan_NAO_extremes.pdf



We evaluate the statistics of global precipitation extremes of an ensemble (4 realizations) of low resolution (ne30) and high-resolution (ne120) ACME v0 FAMIP simulations (1979-2005). A regionalization framework is applied to improve the sample size of extreme events by using data from neighboring regions with a homogeneous climate. The generalized extreme value theory is used to quantify the statistics and non-stationary (tele-connections here) behavior of precipitation extremes and validated against the global land NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC) gauge-based analysis data. While the high-resolution model generally produces stronger extremes improving upon the low-resolution model, it also generates excessive extremes as compared to CPC data. The high-resolution model also improves the simulation of tele-connections of extremes with low-frequency phenomenon like the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) as compared to its low-resolution counterpart. These diagnostics for climate extremes are part of ACME Tier1b atmospheric diagnostics package and follow a software design similar to the ACME coupled diagnostics package.