C07: New MOAB-based coupler

Full Title

Features of the new MOAB-based coupler

First Author

  • Robert Jacob

  • jacob@anl.gov

All Authors

Robert Jacob, Iulian Grindeanu, Vijay Mahadevan


Coupled System




The E3SM has for years used a verified and validated, hybrid workflow that involves an offline remapping weight generation phase, and seamless transfer of information between component models and application of those weights using the Model Coupling Toolkit (MCT) software infrastructure. Here, we present details about the new E3SM coupler using the Mesh Oriented datABase (MOAB) library, with interfaces to TempestRemap for scalably computing and applying the remapping weights directly at runtime. This new fully-online workflow maximizes computational efficiency and increases scientific productivity, without sacrificing discretization accuracy of field data being transferred. We also note that MOAB provides parallel, online and offline support for bilinear interpolants for states, and conservative finite-volume weights computation for fluxes using the same underlying API. We also validate the MOAB coupler against the MCT coupler for several model problems and compare the coupled field values computed as a result of both projection and flux merge operations in both bi-grid and tri-grid configurations of fully coupled cases.


Yes. On the video screen because of problems at the printer.




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