C03: An Evaluation of Present-day Climate Simulation in E3SM Coupled Model over the Southern Polar Region

Full Title

An Evaluation of Present-day Climate Simulation in E3SM Coupled Model over the Southern Polar Region

First Author

  • @Shixuan Zhang

  • Shixuan.zhang@pnnl.gov

All Authors

Shixuan Zhang, Wuyin Lin, Stephen Price, Andrew Roberts, Qi Tang, Xue Zheng, Chris Golaz, Hailong Wang and L. Ruby Leung


Atmosphere, Coupled System


E3SM project



The E3SM simulation on polar climate has not been well assessed and documented. The hypothesis for this work is to gain a better understanding of the skills of E3SM and create a reference for model developers for the model biases over the Southern Polar region. The goals of this study are to understand the performance of E3SM in identifying key biases in atmospheric component over the polar region, including (1) the mean climate (atmospheric component) over the Southern polar cap region (60-90S) ; (2) Southern Polar energy balance and energy fluxes; (3) Southern Polar Water Balance; and (4) Southern Hemisphere key large-scale atmospheric mode variabilities across different version of E3SM coupled model.





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