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All-Hands Presentations
Past Meetings and Conferences
2017-06 ACME All-Hands Meeting
2017-06-07 ACME All-hands Meeting Retrospective
Agenda 2017 All-Hands ACME Meeting
Poster Abstract Submission for ACME 2017 All-Hands
Posters Layout
#A01 Cloud analysis using COSP
#A02 CAPT simulations with ACME v1 CONUS RRM grid
#A03 Convective gustiness and tropical precipitation biases
#A04 Dust Aerosols in ACME and Sensitivity to Model Resolution
#A05 High Resolution Modeling and Measurements in the Arctic
#A06 Light-absorbing particles in snow and ice
#A07 Parametric sensitivity and tuning for ACME-V1 atmosphere model based on short PPE simulations
#A08 Regionally Refined ACME v1 model over the Contiguous United States
#A09 The ACME spectral finite element non-hydrostatic dynamical core
#A11 Soluble iron model development within the ACME
#A12 How can we make model tuning less laborious and more transparent?
#A13 Advances in the application of parallel split physics and dynamics
#A14 Impact of physics parameterization ordering in a global atmosphere model
#A15 Improving Radiative Transfer Efficiency and Coupling in ACME
#A10 The path to a well-tuned high-resolution ACME V1 atmosphere model and initial results
#C01 ACME Priority Metrics: A-PRIME
#C02 ENSO in ACME coupled runs
#C03 Fully Coupled High-Resolution ACME V0.1 Approximate Present Day Transients
#C04 Solar-J: Improved Solar-Heating
#L01 Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum model for ALM
#L02 Development and testing of ALMv1-ECA-CNP
#L03 Evaluation of two decomposition schemes in ALM
#L04 System Engineering for ALM
#L05 Exploring the Capability of Topography-based Subgrid Structures
#L06 Forward and Inverse Uncertainty Quantification for ALM Single Point Model
#L07 Global LCLUC drivers
#L08 Vegetation dynamics under water stress
#L09 Evaluating CMIP5 and CMIP6 land use forcings for ACME v1
#L10 Integrating the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES) into the Accelerated Climate Model for Energy (ACME)
#L11 Migrating PFLOTRAN into ACME Land Model
#L13 Overviews of the NGEE-Tropics Project and FATES, a Demographic Vegetation Model for the ACME ESM
#L14 Productivity and biomass in Amazon forests using ACME land model
#L15 Runoff partitioning and its impact on water and energy budgets in the ACME land model
#L16 Soil BGC Scaling
#L17 ACME-FATES: dynamic vegetation and demography
#L18 Experimental evidence supports Relative Demand hypothesis
#L19 Global terrestrial nutrient uptake
#L20 Implementing variable soil thickness in ALM
#O01 A Biogeochemical Modeling Studying on San Francisco Bay
#O02 CICE Consortium
#O03 Evaluation of small-scale, nonlinear physical processes in climate simulations
Evaluation of small-scale, nonlinear physical processes in climate simulations: the role of resolution and mixing parameterizations
#O04 Exponential time differencing and parallel implementation
#O05 Fast CVT grid generation for ocean modeling
#O06 Nearshore component of MPAS-O
#O07 Ocean/Ice BGC in ACME
#O08 SeaIceBGC
#O09 Variable stoichiometry ocean bgc
#P01 Task Legions and the Coupled System
#S01 Climate-reproducibility testing with EVE
#W01 ACME Ensemble Results Explanation and Reproducibility with ProvEn
#W02 Automated Post Processing
#W03 Continuous Integration via Github
#W04 Parallel Tools to Generate, Regrid, and Split Climate Data
#W05 The New ACME Diagnostics Package
#W06 Workflow Integrations of the International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) with ACME Land Model (ALM)
#X01 C++/Kokkos Refactor of HOMME
#X02 Implementation of a Quasi-3D MMF to ACME
#X03 Improving coupling workflow in ACME through a common infrastructure
#X04 Exploring an Ensemble-Based Approach to Atmospheric Climate Modeling and Testing at Scale
#C05 Sea Ice Trends in Fully Coupled High-Resolution ACME V0.1
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