2016-11-09 Coupler Breakout Meeting notes



  • MST: 11am

Call Info

  • See "Keep Away" breakout room info



  • Gather requirements for future version of ACME coupler.

Discussion items


What Actually Happened

List of requirements for a future ACME coupler.

  • Regridding (aka interpolation aka mapping) needs:    
    • vector fields interpolated correctly on a sphere
    • staggered grids handled natively without interpolation to cell centers
    • higher-order methods choosable on a per-field basis
    • interpolate gradient AND field for some fields
    • possibly iterative to optimize some fields
    • Allowing for dynamic grids
    • Some algorithmic work necessary such as vector fields in spherical coordinates
    • AMR support?  not needed soon.  Bicycles has support
    • support for components that share an interface,  3D for ice-sheet-ocean
  • Time interpolation
    • option for implicitness
    • get away from lagging output
    • understand/control time integration error
  • Coupling design
    • Allow pair wise coupling between components if they want (same grid)
    • coupler functionality callable from other models.  For atm/dyn physics for example
    • coupling of models with 3D-partial overlapping interfaces.
    • more runtime configuration and runtime loadbalancing
    • handle dynamic domains:  wetting and drying of land and ocean from sea-level rise.
    • Go away from flexible coupler that allows any atmosphere, any ocean.   Specific coupling for ACME components.
    • Force models to agree on boundaries, decomposition to lower workload of coupler.

Action items
