Ocean/Ice Group Meeting Agenda, November 9, 2016
Time | Discussion Leader | Topic |
3:30-3:50 | Mat Maltrud | Status of CORE-II simulations
3:50-4:10 | Milena Veneziani | Slides: milenaMPASAnalysis_Nov2016.pdf /wiki/spaces/OCNICE/pages/86442069
4:10-4:30 | Mark Petersen | Ocean circulation in ice shelf cavities
4:30-4:50 | Todd Ringler | /wiki/spaces/OCNICE/pages/24478868
4:50-5:10 | Steve Price | /wiki/spaces/OCNICE/pages/30442728 |
30 minutes | we have at least 30 minutes for other discussion topics |
What Actually Happened
List of papers that was presented at the May 2015 meeting:
- Mathew Maltrud discussed eddy closure 60to30 runs for low-res water cycle / BGC (/wiki/spaces/OCNICE/pages/102039847)
- ocean-ice core circulations having trouble to have robust meridional overturning circulation (MOC) without salinity restoring
- some improvement with salinity restoring, but additional strength of restoring may be required as demonstrated from RAPID array
- increase in piston velocity reduces drift in salinity
- note, no ocean model in world that doesn't require salinity restoring (e.g., precipitation independent of ocean model without feedback); debate continues over use of restoring timescale
- sea surface temperature drift is minimal, no restoring needed for sst
- minimal cost at higher resolution (1440 cores on eos, 6 SYD)
- BGC version only run for 1 yr, can couple 1 to 2 way with sea ice BGC to add 3-4 cost in individual components above physics-only configuration. Configurations current in testing by Shanlin Wang (Unlicensed) with Keith Moore et al
- MARBL SciDac project with NCAR with Matt Long for v2
- Hard to get anything higher resolution than 60to30 through queue at reasonable SYD because of queue times and node failures
- 16to5 and 18to6 have gone through a few times at 64k processors
- David C. Bader: "don't submit additional jobs on titan (beside Mathew Maltrud and Jon Wolfe)"
- Milena Veneziani: Analysis discussion (milenaMPASAnalysis_Nov2016.pdf) is a continuation of Kate Evans (Unlicensed)' earlier discussion
- MPAS Analysis Members (AMs) performs analysis online, MPAS-Analysis produces plots from MPAS AMs; all must be in sync with ACME
- MPAS-Analysis is submodule of ACME analysis workflow
- MPAS-Ocean has test cases (independent of global ocean) and analysis of global ocean is contained in ACME workflow
- Prioritization of ACME coupled diagnostics
- Chris Golaz: consider adding more diagnostics for a more complete suite, e.g., add plot of RMS error, plot of sea surface salinity, trends of temp / salinity anomalies vs depth
- https://github.com/MPAS-Dev/geometric_features: defines ocean regions, southern plains ARM site, Indian monsoon region, etc. (model independent but applied to specific model)
- Mark Petersen: progress report on coupled land ice / ocean interactions (/wiki/spaces/OCNICE/pages/100467566)
- sea ice-- ice that freezes at top of ocean between 1-10m thick
- land ice-- snow accumulating on Greenland and Antarctica
- ice shelves-- floating ice overhanging ocean from land ice
- goal is to get ocean to work below ice shelves
- coupled land ice / ocean interactions running at 0.75 SYPD
- order of magnitude estimates suggest everything is working correctly, currents extend underneath ice shelf
- plan: run low and high resolution with CORE-II forcing for with land ice cavities and without-- first group to do this!!!
- Chris Golaz: "are there enough frames saved from data to make movies?", Dave would like to have movies for high resolution simulation and use of high frequency AM can be used to produce a movie
- simulations have fresh water inputs
- How interactive is land ice? Simulations have static land ice, but it isn't coupled to land ice model. Wetting / drying is needed to move extent of ice sheet. Ice sheet model has been forced offline.
- Want to allow grounding line and front to change via full feedback under two-way coupling
- Todd Ringler (Unlicensed): science papers
- papers compelling and ready to be written but they are awaiting simulation data (esp. high profile papers)
- model development papers already started
- many papers can be written with CORE-II G case
- goal is to move to coupled system dynamics, e.g., Julie McClean's Indian dipole paper requires high-res coupled model
- Are simulations producing data needed to write papers?
- Should be working on model development and writing papers concurrently
- papers compelling and ready to be written but they are awaiting simulation data (esp. high profile papers)
- v2/v3 Development /wiki/spaces/OCNICE/pages/30442728 (activities not necessarily staged, but needs to be done following aging of v1 activities)
- Ocean
- maintenance
- comp Phys
- vertical coord.
- mesoscale eddy closure
- improved transport scheme (LEAP- reasonably well but struggles with consistency and algorithmic issues for horizontal / vertical transport); performance still challenge but surmountable
- Land ice
- wetting / drying
- sea level change issues
- self attraction
- isostatic effects
- improved calving schemes (physics-based for advance / retreat of front)
- improved spin-ups / initialization techniques
- improve basal boundary condition with subglacial hydrology changing which parts of ice sheet discharge into ocean
- Coastal modeling
- 2 new university projects tied to MPAS-Coastal
- hope is to build out coastal modeling capability over 3-5 years (streams of funding outside ACME likely)
- ACME sea level rise impacts require MPAS-Coastal
- wave model interesting at higher resolution (e.g., storm surge needed)
- Next gen arch.
- Sea ice
- snow model
- changes needed for advancing front for land ice / sea ice interaction (e.g., ice bergs)
- ice bergs / sea ice buoy simulator
- coupling
- salt transfer from ocean to sea ice to be improved
- wetting / drying needed for dynamic land ice / foot print of ice sheet to change and accommodate changing sea ice, ocean, atmospheric interactions
- Ocean
, multiple selections available,