2016-11-11 ACME All-Hands Morning Sessions - Cross-Group Speed Dating

Please take notes from questions and discussions and post in on this page

DurationStart - End TimeSession / Confluence PagePlenary Room "Peek-A-Boo"BreakOut Room "Patty Cake"BreakOut Room "Keep Away"Poster Room
Friday, Nov 11th, 2016
h 05 min8:00 - 11:05 amCross-Group Speed Dating

25 + 5 min change rooms

8:00 - 8:25 am

A-P: Atmosphere - Performance Groups

W-L: Workflow - Land Groups

O-S: Ocean/Ice - SE/CPL Groups

Posters Take Down
25 + 5 min change rooms8:30 - 8:55 am

A-L: Atmosphere - Land Groups

W-S: Workflow - SE/CPL Groups

O-P: Ocean/Ice - Performance Groups

25 min + 5 min change rooms
9:00 - 9:25 am

A-S: Atmosphere - SE/CPL Groups

W-O: Workflow - Ocean/Ice Groups

L-P: Land - Performance Groups

25 min9:30 - 9:55 am

A-O: Atmosphere - Ocean/Ice Groups

L-S: Land - SE/CPL Groups

P-W: Performance - Workflow Groups

15 min9:55 - 10:10 amBreak

25 + 5 min change rooms10:10 - 10:35 am

A-W: Atmosphere - Workflow Groups

L-O: Land - Ocean/Ice Groups

P-S: Performance - SE/CPL Groups

Notes by Atmosphere team

Conversation with Performance team

    1. who will do the implementation? Perhaps ask RP team to do it. Probably need to establish a liaison to help oversee interactions with external groups
    2. get it into both SAM and ACME
    3. atm identifies new functionality needed, help in assessment. otherwise performance interacts with RP team
  2. Current performance on V1Beta code
    1. reason to be optimistic with current GPU issues
  3. subcolumns
  4. physics buffer
  5. tracer transport
    1. LEAP project may have something ready in a year?

Conversation with Land Group

  1. mutual interest in flux calculation? engagement with Xubin Zheng team. Land people want to engage also?
  2. albedo calculation
  3. common radiative treatments (e.g. spectral bands) between atmosphere and land
  4. mutually interesting diagnostics (e.g. CERES-EBAFS). Need for liaison?
  5. elevation class remains of mutual interest. There is the beginning of a plan on the atmosphere side (goldy and Matt Norman). what is the next step? BOTH TEAMS RECOGNIZE THE IMPORTANCE/NEED FOR ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL RESOURCES (ROB, MATT N AND GOLDY)
  6. precip in vicinity of orography (mutual interest to both teams and NCAR)
  7. LULCC

SE/CPL group

  1. note need and interest in better testing
  2. interest by atmosphere team in short and long term archiving. SE team will support short term.
  3. atm team notes need for "best SE practices" (no magic numbers), training for new architectures, etc


move from zeroth to first order analyses (probably all topics will be assigned as coupled JIRA epics)

  1. SMB (Bill L, Jeremy, Phil R, 
  2. seasonal cycle of Sea Ice and High Latitude climate, rejuvenate tier1b high latitude evaluation, forward 
  3. diurnal cycle of ocean skin temperature, and surface flux calculation
  4. tropical cyclones (milena, chris, ruby, rich, julio, kate)


  1. New opportunities, New dialogue
    1. atm team knows what we want/need. Now that the framework is available it is now time to move forward. 
    2. atm wants tier1b be fully functional.
  2. CZ is there interest in lossless and lossy compression (40% and 70%) ?