B3 Mosart Sediment Design Document

The Design Document page provides a description of the algorithms, implementation and planned testing including unit, verification, validation and performance testing. Please read  Step 1.3 Performance Expectations that explains feature documentation requirements from the performance group point of view. 

Design Document

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In the overview table below 4.Equ means Equations and Algorithms, 5.Ver means Verification, 6.Perf - Performance, 7. Val - Validation

  • Equations: Document the equations that are being solved and describe algorithms
  • Verification Plans: Define tests that will be run to show that implementation is correct and robust. Involve unit tests to cover range of inputs as well as benchmarks.
  • Performance expectations: Explain the expected performance impact from this development
  • Validation Plans: Document what process-based, stand-alone component, and coupled model runs will be performed, and with what metrics will be used to assess validity

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In the table below 4.Equ means Equations and Algorithms, 5.Ver means Verification, 6.Perf - Performance, 7. Val - Validation,   (tick) - competed, (warning) - in progress, (error) - not done

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2.OwnerHongyi Li
9.Approved Date
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Table of Contents

Title: Mosart Sediment

Requirements and Design

E3SM BGC Group



The riverine suspended sediment capacity is added to the E3SM BGC system. The new code simulates the suspended sediment fluxes from hillslopes into small rivers then through the river systems to the coasts. It also simulates the riverine sediment transport, erosion and deposition processes as function of hydraulic conditions simulated by MOSART-water. The success of the code would be satisfactory performance evaluated against the observed sediment discharges over multiple river gauges in different river systems. 


Requirement: Implementing riverine sediment process description on top of ELM soil erosion (Zeli Tan), MOSART-water and water management.

Date last modified: Jun 30 2019
Contributors: Hongyi LiZeli TanTian ZhouRuby Leung

MOSART-sediment has been developed and tested offline in a data-land mode based on the apcraig/mosart/add-inundation branch which was based off the E3SM v1 master branch a while ago. I will create a new MOSART-sediment branch based on the merger of two new branches tizhou/mosart/add-wm-inundation and tanzeli/lnd/elm-erosion-master. The former is based off the latest E3SM v2 master branch and includes the newest code of MOSART-water and water management. The latter is also based off the latest E3SM v2 master branch and includes the newest code of soil erosion. 

Requirement: Validating MOSART-sediment

Date last modified: Jun 30 2019
Contributors: Hongyi LiZeli TanTian ZhouRuby Leung

MOSART-sediment simulations will be validated against the observed sediment data from multiple USGS gauges. 

Algorithmic Formulations

Design solution: Riverine sediment processes

Date last modified: Jun 30 2019
Contributors: Hongyi LiZeli TanTian ZhouRuby Leung

MOSART-sediment account for two types of suspended sediment: mud and fine sand. Mud, including both silt and clay particles, has a median diameter d≤0.0625mm and the diameter of sand is 0.0625mm<d≤2mm. MOSART-sediment receives the lateral loading of sediment yield fluxes from the ELM soil erosion module as the major source of mud sediment, and assume well mixture of mud with water, i.e., mud erosion and deposition in the channel is negligible. The fine sand sediment processes, including erosion, deposition and transportation, are governed by the local hydraulic and particle size distribution factors. Here we use the classic Engelund-Hansen formula [Engelund and Hansen, 1967] as the major governing equation. We also account for the reservoir regulation effect by coupling with the water management module and reservoir trapping effect by introducing the Brune formula [Brune, 1953].   


Engelund F, Hansen E. A monograph on sediment transport in alluvial streams: Teknish Vorlag, Copenhagen, Denmark.; 1967.

Brune, G.M., 1953. Trap efficiency of reservoirs. Trans American Geophysical Union 22, 649–655.

Design and Implementation

Implementation: Implementing MOSART-sediment

Date last modified: Jun 30 2019
Contributors: Hongyi Li

The implementation of MOSART-sediment within E3SM largely follows the software engineering protocols used in E3SMv2 of MOSART. The coupling between MOSART-sediment and ELM is achieved through the flux coupler directly.   

Planned Verification and Unit Testing 

Verification and Unit Testing: Verifying MOSART-sediment

Date last modified:  30 Jun 2019

Contributors: Hongyi LiTian Zhou

Verification is performed by checking the fields that are passed from ELM and EAM to MOSART-sediment through the flux coupler. MOSART-sediment has been tested on Constance and Compy and passed the E3SM_developer tests on Compy.

Planned Validation Testing 

Validation Testing: Validating MOSART-sediment

Date last modified: Jun 30 2019
Contributors: Hongyi LiZeli TanTian ZhouRuby Leung

Validation is performed by comparing the MOSART-sediment simulated sediment discharge with observations from multiple river gauges.

Planned Performance Testing 

Performance Testing: MOSART-sediment performance

Date last modified: 30 Jun 2019
Contributors: Hongyi LiTian Zhou

Performance will be evaluated using different number of processors on Compy.

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