B2 Mosart Heat Design Document
The Design Document page provides a description of the algorithms, implementation and planned testing including unit, verification, validation and performance testing. Please read Step 1.3 Performance Expectations that explains feature documentation requirements from the performance group point of view.
Design Document
In the table below 4.Equ means Equations and Algorithms, 5.Ver means Verification, 6.Perf - Performance, 7. Val - Validation, - competed,
- in progress,
- not done
Title: Mosart Heat
Requirements and Design
E3SM BGC Group
Requirement: Implementing riverine heat process description on top of MOSART-water and water management.
Date last modified: 30 Jun 2019
Contributors: Hongyi Li, Ruby Leung
MOSART-heat has been developed and documented in Li et al. (2015) . Generally, MOSART-heat simulates one-way heat fluxes from ELM to rivers, two-way heat fluxes between river water and atmosphere, advective heat fluxes between river channels carried by the water fluxes, and finally the heat balance in river channels.
Li, H.-Y.*, L. Ruby Leung, T. Tesfa, N. Voisin, M. Hejazi, L. Liu, Y. Liu, J. Rice, H. Wu, and X. Yang (2015), Modeling stream temperature in the Anthropocene: An earth system modeling approach, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 7, doi:10.1002/2015MS000471.
Requirement: Evaluation of MOSART-heat.
Date last modified: 30 Jun 2019
Contributors: Hongyi Li, Ruby Leung, Teklu Tesfa
MOSART-heat has been successfully evaluated over the contiguous U.S. against the observed daily stream temperature at over 320 USGS gauges. For details please refer to Li et al. (2015)
Li, H.-Y.*, L. Ruby Leung, T. Tesfa, N. Voisin, M. Hejazi, L. Liu, Y. Liu, J. Rice, H. Wu, and X. Yang (2015), Modeling stream temperature in the Anthropocene: An earth system modeling approach, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 7, doi:10.1002/2015MS000471.
Algorithmic Formulations
Design solution: Riverine heat processes
Date last modified: 30 Jun 2019
Contributors: Hongyi Li, Ruby Leung
This is a completely new capacity added into E3SM/MOSART. All the heat processes are described in a physically-based way. The advective heat fluxes are estimated based on the advective water fluxes including the surface and subsurface runoff from hillslopes into the sub-network channel, from sub-network channel to main channel, and between upstrean/downstream main channels. The temperature of surface runoff is assumed to be equal to the average soil temperature (simulated by ELM) over the top 10cm soil layers. The temperature of subsurface runoff is assumed to be equal to the average soil temperature of those soil layers below the ground water table (simulated by ELM). The temperature of sub-network and main channel water is estimated based on the heat balance, including long-wave and short-wave solar radiation, sensible heat, latent heat and advective heat fluxes etc.
Design and Implementation
Implementation: Implementing riverine heat processes
Date last modified: 30 Jun 2019
Contributors: Ruby Leung, Hongyi Li, Anthony Craig
Planned Verification and Unit Testing
Verification and Unit Testing: Verifying MOSART-heat
Date last modified: 03 Sep 2019
Contributors: Hongyi Li, Tian Zhou
Verification is performed by checking the fields that are passed from ELM and EAM to MOSART-heat through the flux coupler. MOSART-heat has been tested and passed the E3SM_developer tests on Compy.
Planned Validation Testing
Validation Testing: Validating MOSART-heat
Date last modified: 03 Sep 2019
Contributors: Hongyi Li, Ruby Leung
MOSART-heat has been validated over the U.S. domain against the observed stream temperature data from USGS gauges (see Li et al., 2015). The global validation against the observations also shows satisfactory results.
Li, H.-Y.*, L. Ruby Leung, T. Tesfa, N. Voisin, M. Hejazi, L. Liu, Y. Liu, J. Rice, H. Wu, and X. Yang (2015), Modeling stream temperature in the Anthropocene: An earth system modeling approach, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 7, doi:10.1002/2015MS000471.
Planned Performance Testing
Performance Testing: MOSART-heat performance
Date last modified: 03 Sep 2019
Contributors: Hongyi Li
ELM-MOSART-heat has been run globally w/o water management option on Constance using 144 cores during a historical period 1972-2004. The total running time is ~47 hours with the water management option, and is ~45 hours without it.