Lmon variable conversion table


The list of land variables requested by CMIP7 data request can be found here:

(Note: to use compound names: e.g. Lmon to filter and get requested variable list)

CMIP variable definition:https://github.com/PCMDI/cmip5-cmor-tables/blob/master/Tables_csv/Lmon.csv


Based on meetings with land group, more cmorized variables are desired for supporting ilamb analysis. An CLM2 to CMIP conversion table was available (provided by Daniel Ricciuto): /home/ac.ricciuto/models/ilamb_processing/alm2ilamb_wkflow/clm_to_mip.


  • A 5 year sample of the CMIP6 ocean data has been setup on NERSC under /global/homes/s/sbaldwin/scratch/cmip_sample/CMIP6/CMIP/E3SM-Project/E3SM-1-0/piControl/r1i1p1f1/

CMIP6 nameUnitsE3SM variable(s)conversion formulaCMOR handler complete

Conversion Formula Verified by


(scientist name)

NotesScientist Assigned to Perform Final Quality Control on CMORized filesDate Verified

Data & Metadata Correct


Notes if CMORized files are not correct
1mrsoskg m-2SOILWATER_10CMmrsos = SOILWATER_10CMyes

Tian Zhou yes


Mean monthly comparison shows same spatial patterns and magnitudes in general. Differences between the raw data and CMIP6 data may be caused by the different remapping methods I was using to convert ne30 resolution (raw data) to 1-deg lat long (CMIP6). 

2mrsokg m-2SOILICE, SOILLIQmrso = verticalSum(SOILICE + SOILLIQ, capped_at=5000)yes
summed over the z-axis, max value capped at 5000Tian Zhou yesmrsos.png
3mrfsokg m-2SOILICEmrfso = verticalSum(SOILICE, capped_at=5000)yes

Tian Zhou yesmrso.png
4mrroskg m-2 s-1QOVER


(note the unit of mrros is kg/m2/s, and QOVER is mm/s, which are considered equivalent for water with density = 1000 kg/m3)


Tian Zhou 


5mrrokg m-2 s-1QRUNOFFmrro = QRUNOFF

Tian Zhou yesmrros.png
6prvegkg m-2 s-1QINTRprveg = QINTRyes

Tian Zhou yesprveg.png
7evspsblvegkg m-2 s-1QVEGEevspsblveg = QVEGEyes

Tian Zhou yesevspsblveg.png
8evspsblsoikg m-2 s-1QSOILevspsblsoi = QSOILyes

Qing Zhu


9trankg m-2 s-1QSOIL, QVEGTtran = QSOIL + QVEGTyes

Qing Zhu yesTransp.eps