Lmon variable conversion table
The list of land variables requested by CMIP7 data request can be found here:
(Note: to use compound names: e.g. Lmon to filter and get requested variable list)
CMIP variable definition:https://github.com/PCMDI/cmip5-cmor-tables/blob/master/Tables_csv/Lmon.csv
Based on meetings with land group, more cmorized variables are desired for supporting ilamb analysis. An CLM2 to CMIP conversion table was available (provided by Daniel Ricciuto): /home/ac.ricciuto/models/ilamb_processing/alm2ilamb_wkflow/clm_to_mip.
- A 5 year sample of the CMIP6 ocean data has been setup on NERSC under /global/homes/s/sbaldwin/scratch/cmip_sample/CMIP6/CMIP/E3SM-Project/E3SM-1-0/piControl/r1i1p1f1/
CMIP6 name | Units | E3SM variable(s) | conversion formula | CMOR handler complete | Conversion Formula Verified by Scientist (scientist name) | Notes | Scientist Assigned to Perform Final Quality Control on CMORized files | Date Verified | Data & Metadata Correct (yes/no) | Notes if CMORized files are not correct | ||
1 | mrsos | kg m-2 | SOILWATER_10CM | mrsos = SOILWATER_10CM | yes | Tian Zhou | yes | Mean monthly comparison shows same spatial patterns and magnitudes in general. Differences between the raw data and CMIP6 data may be caused by the different remapping methods I was using to convert ne30 resolution (raw data) to 1-deg lat long (CMIP6). | ||||
2 | mrso | kg m-2 | SOILICE, SOILLIQ | mrso = verticalSum(SOILICE + SOILLIQ, capped_at=5000) | yes | summed over the z-axis, max value capped at 5000 | Tian Zhou | yes | mrsos.png | |||
3 | mrfso | kg m-2 | SOILICE | mrfso = verticalSum(SOILICE, capped_at=5000) | yes | Tian Zhou | yes | mrso.png | ||||
4 | mrros | kg m-2 s-1 | QOVER | mrros = QOVER (note the unit of mrros is kg/m2/s, and QOVER is mm/s, which are considered equivalent for water with density = 1000 kg/m3) | yes | Tian Zhou | yes | mrfso.png | ||||
5 | mrro | kg m-2 s-1 | QRUNOFF | mrro = QRUNOFF | Tian Zhou | yes | mrros.png | |||||
6 | prveg | kg m-2 s-1 | QINTR | prveg = QINTR | yes | Tian Zhou | yes | prveg.png | ||||
7 | evspsblveg | kg m-2 s-1 | QVEGE | evspsblveg = QVEGE | yes | Tian Zhou | yes | evspsblveg.png | ||||
8 | evspsblsoi | kg m-2 s-1 | QSOIL | evspsblsoi = QSOIL | yes | Qing Zhu |
| yes | GroundEvap.eps | |||
9 | tran | kg m-2 s-1 | QSOIL, QVEGT | tran = QSOIL + QVEGT | yes | Qing Zhu | yes | Transp.eps | ||||
10 | tsl | K | TSOI | tsl = TSOI | yes | Qing Zhu | yes | Soil T.eps | ||||
11 | lai | 1 | LAISHA, LAISUN | lai = LAISHA + LAISUN | yes | Qing Zhu | yes | |||||
12 | cLitter | kg m-2 | TOTLITC, CWDC | cLitter = (TOTLITC + CWDC)/1000 | Qing Zhu | |||||||
13 | cProduct | kg m-2 | TOTPRODC | cProduct = TOTPRODC/1000 | Qing Zhu | yes | cProduct.jpg | |||||
14 | cSoilFast | kg m-2 | SOIL1C | cSoilFast = SOIL1C/1000 | Qing Zhu | |||||||
15 | cSoilMedium | kg m-2 | SOIL2C | cSoilMedium = SOIL2C/1000 | ||||||||
16 | cSoilSlow | kg m-2 | SOIL3C | cSoilSlow = SOIL3C/1000 | ||||||||
17 | fFire | kg m-2 s-1 | COL_FIRE_CLOSS | fFire = COL_FIRE_CLOSS/1000 | Qing Zhu | yes | fFire.jpg | |||||
18 | fHarvest | kg m-2 s-1 | WOOD_HARVESTC | fHarvest = WOOD_HARVESTC/1000 | Xiaojuan Yang | |||||||
19 | fVegLitter | kg m-2 s-1 | LITFALL, gap_mortality_c_to_cwdc_col, fire_mortality_c_to_cwdc_col, harvest_c_to_cwdc_col, dwt_livecrootc_to_cwdc_col, dwt_deadcrootc_to_cwdc_col | fVegLitter = (LITFALL + fVegCWDC)/1000 | fVegCWDC = gap_mortality_c_to_cwdc_col + fire_mortality_c_to_cwdc_col + harvest_c_to_cwdc_col + dwt_livecrootc_to_cwdc_col + dwt_deadcrootc_to_cwdc_col | Xiaojuan Yang | ||||||
20 | fLitterSoil | kg m-2 s-1 | LITTERC_LOSS, LITTERC_HR, CWDC_HR, M_CWDC_TO_FIRE, M_LITR1C_TO_FIRE, M_LITR2C_TO_FIRE, M_LITR3C_TO_FIRE | fLitterSoil = (LITTERC_LOSS - LITTERC_HR - CWDC_HR - M_LITR1C_TO_FIRE - M_LITR1C_TO_FIRE - M_LITR2C_TO_FIRE - M_LITR3C_TO_FIRE)/1000 | LITTERC_LOSS contain fluxes (1) from litter to soil = fLitterSoil (2) form litter to atmophsere part 1 = heterotrophic respiration (3) from litter to atmophsere part 2 = fire loss; therefore minus respiration and fire loss from LITTERC_LOCC, the rest is fLitterSoil | Xiaojuan Yang | ||||||
21 | cVeg | kg m-2 | TOTVEGC | cVeg = TOTVEGC/1000 | Xiaojuan Yang | |||||||
22 | nbp | kg m-2 s-1 | NBP | nbp = NBP/1000 | Xiaojuan Yang | |||||||
23 | gpp | kg m-2 s-1 | GPP | gpp = GPP/1000 | Xiaojuan Yang | |||||||
24 | ra | kg m-2 s-1 | AR | ra = AR/1000 | Xiaojuan Yang | |||||||
25 | rh | kg m-2 s-1 | HR | rh = HR/1000 | Xiaojuan Yang | |||||||
26 | cSoil | kg m-2 | SOIL1C,SOIL2C,SOIL3C | for ECA: cSoil=SOIL1C/1000+SOIL2C/1000+SOIL3C/1000 for CTC: cSoil=SOIL1C/1000+SOIL2C/1000+SOIL3C/1000+SOIL4C/1000 | ||||||||
27 | npp | kg m-2 s-1 | GPP,AR | npp = GPP/1000-AR/1000 | ||||||||
28 | burntArea | % | ANN_FAREA_BURNED | ANN_FAREA_BURNED*(100/12) | ||||||||
29 | cCwd | kg m-2 | CWDC | CWDC/1000 | ||||||||
30 | cLeaf | kg m-2 | LEAFC | LEAFC/1000 | ||||||||
31 | cLitter | kg m-2 | TOTLITC | TOTLITC/1000 | Different formula than above | |||||||
32 | cMisc | kg m-2 | STORVEGC | STORVEGC/1000 | ||||||||
33 | cRoot | kg m-2 | FROOTC, LIVE_ROOTC, DEAD_ROOTC | (FROOTC+LIVE_ROOTC+DEAD_ROOTC)/1000 | ||||||||
34 | cSoil | kg m-2 | TOTSOMC | TOTSOMC/1000 | Different formula than above | |||||||
35 | cWood | kg m-2 | WOODC | WOODC/1000 | ||||||||
36 | fLitterSoil | kg m-2 s-1 | LITR1C_TO_SOIL1C, LITR1C_TO_SOIL2C, LITR1C_TO_SOIL3C | LITR1C_TO_SOIL1C+LITR2C_TO_SOIL2C+LITR2C_TO_SOIL3C | Different formula than above | |||||||
37 | fLuc | kg m-2 s-1 | LAND_USE_FLUX | LAND_USE_FLUX/1000 | ||||||||
38 | fVegLitter | kg m-2 s-1 | LITFALL | LITFALL/1000 | Different formula than above | |||||||
39 | hfdsn | W m-2 | FGR | -FGR | ||||||||
40 | lai | 1 | TLAI | TLAI | Different formula than above | |||||||
41 | lwsnl | kg m-2 | SNOWLIQ | SNOWLIQ | ||||||||
42 | mrlsl | kg m-2 | SOILLIQ, SOILICE | SOILLIQ+SOILICE | ||||||||
43 | nppLeaf | kg m-2 s-1 | LEAFC_ALLOC | LEAFC_ALLOC/1000 | ||||||||
44 | nppRoot | kg m-2 s-1 | FROOTC_ALLOC | FROOTC_ALLOC/1000 | ||||||||
45 | nppWood | kg m-2 s-1 | WOODC_ALLOC | WOODC_ALLOC/1000 | ||||||||
46 | rGrowth | kg m-2 s-1 | GR | GR/1000 | ||||||||
47 | rMaint | kg m-2 s-1 | MR | MR/1000 | ||||||||
48 | snc | % | FSNO | FSNO*100 | ||||||||
49 | snd | m | SNOWDP | SNOWDP | ||||||||
50 | snm | kg m-2 s-1 | QMELT | QMELT | ||||||||
51 | snw | kg m-2 | H2OSNO | H2OSNO | ||||||||
53 | sfcWind | m s-1 | WIND | WIND |
From variable 28 are added for v3, not verified and added to e3sm_to_cmip.
From variable 12-27 are BGC specific variables for publication;
fVegLitter and fLitterSoil formula were not confirmed by a domain expert.
cSoil and npp were added March 2021.e3sm_to_cmip handlers were not formulated as of