L3_CNP-ECA-Root_Leaf_Traits Design Doc
The Design Document page provides a description of the algorithms, implementation and planned testing including unit, verification, validation and performance testing.
Design Document
In the table below, 4.Equ means Equations and Algorithms, 5.Ver means Verification, 6.Perf - Performance, 7. Val - Validation, - completed,
- in progress,
- not done
Title: Nutrient COMpetition (N-COM): a mechanistic treatment of plant-soil nutrient interactions
Requirements and Design
ACME Land Group
Date: 8/28/2015
- Ghimire, B., W. J. Riley, and C. D. Koven (2016), Representing leaf and root physiology in CLM results in improved global carbon and nitrogen cycling predictions, DOI: 10.1002/2015MS000538, JAMES.
- Tang, J. Y., and W. J. Riley (2015), Weaker soil carbon-climate feedbacks resulting from microbial and abiotic interactions, Nature Climate Change, 5,WOS:00034651390001956-60.
- Zhu, Q., and W. J. Riley (2015), Improved modeling of soil nitrogen losses, Nature Climate Change, 5, doi:10.1038/nclimate2696, 705-706.
- Zhu, Q., W. J. Riley, J. Y. Tang, and C. D. Koven (2016), Multiple soil nutrient competition between plants, microbes, and mineral surfaces: Model development, parameterization, and example applications in several tropical forests, Biogeosciences, 13, 341-363.
- Tang, J. Y., and W. J. Riley (2013), A total quasi-steady-state formulation of substrate uptake kinetics in complex networks and an example application to microbial litter decomposition, Biogeosciences, 10,WOS:000329054600033, Doi 10.5194/Bg-10-8329-2013, 8329-8351.
Requirement: Implement ECA kinetics to represent coupled N and P controls on carbon cycle processes
Date last modified:
Contributors: Qing Zhu, William Riley (Unlicensed)
Algorithmic Formulations
Design solution: New modules are added to facilitate ECA kinetics and multi-nutrient competition
Date last modified:
Contributors: Qing Zhu, William Riley (Unlicensed)
Two competition algorithms are implemented (Zhu et al. 2015, 2016):
- Soil microbes outcompete plants
UPmic = min(Nav, UPmic)
UPplant = min(max(Nav - UPmic,0), UPplant)
UPmic and UPplant are microbial decomposer and plant nutrient uptake rate. Nav is soil available nutrient pool size - Plant-microbe competition is scaled by functional traits (e.g., biomass density) through ECA formulation
UPmic = VMAXmic * [Emic]*[Nav]/(KMmic + [Nav] + [Emic] + [Eplant]*KMmic/KMplant)
UPplant = VMAXplant * [Eplant]*[Nav]/(KMplant + [Nav] + [Eplant] + [Emic]*KMplant/KMmic)
VMAX and KM are kinetics parameters, Emic and Eplant are nutrient carrier enzyme abundance for decomposing microbes and plants
The ECA kinetics integration requires:
- Leaf level physiology: how N (Ghimire et al. 2016) and P leaf levels affect GPP
- VCMAX = f(leafN, leafP); JMAX = f(leafN, leafP)
- VCMAX and JMAX are maximum carboxylation and electron transport rate for photosynthesis.
- Their relationships with leaf level N/P concentration are derived form the TRY database.
- N2 fixation = f(carbon cost of root nitrogen uptake, carbon cost of N2 fixation, plant phosphorus status)
- N2 fixation occurs only when roots are not able to acquire enough nitrogen. N2 fixation rate could be limited by plant phosphorus shortage.
- Phosphatase activity = f(nitrogen cost, plant nitrogen status, plant phosphorus status)
- Phosphatase activity is nitrogen expensive. It occur only when the benefit is larger than the cost.
Design and Implementation
Date last modified:
Contributors: Qing Zhu, William Riley (Unlicensed)
- Initial prototype of the N-COM model has been developed, tested, and published (Zhu et al. 2015, 2016).
- The N-COM model is being integrated in ACME following the Algorithmic Formulations described above.
Planned Verification and Unit Testing
Verification and Unit Testing: Benchmarking
Date last modified:
Contributors: Qing Zhu, William Riley (Unlicensed)
Once integrated with Master, we will perform the offline simulations described below (Planned Validation Testing) as a first cut at Verification. Unit testing of model subcomponents will be designed and implemented over the 6 months following code freeze (Nov. 1, 2015)
Planned Validation Testing
Validation Testing: Model validate with global, regional, and site-level datasets
Date last modified:
Contributors: Qing Zhu, William Riley (Unlicensed)
The ECA representation of nutrient competition is being, and will continue to be, tested against site-level, regional syntheses, and global remote-sensed and meta-analyses products:
- ACME with N-COM integration have been (N components; Ghimire et al. 2016), and will be, evaluated and validated using the International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) package.
- ACME with N-COM integration will be validated against global scale nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization experiments, across multiple ecosystems. We plan to integrate this meta-analysis into the ILAMB package.
Planned Performance Testing
Date last modified:
Contributors: Qing Zhu, William Riley (Unlicensed)
- The ACME Land Model N-COM code will be tested with historical 1850 simulations timing, and compared to baseline ALMv0 performance timing.
- Preliminary results indicate no decrease in computational performance with integration of N-COM, but substantial increase in model simulation quality compared to observations
- Computational performance will be evaluated for offline and coupled global simulations using the ACME timing tools.