RUN: T85 RUNS (ACME V0 simulation)


Atmosphere Diagnostics  vs Observations






Present Day Transient (BTRANS) using 1948 ocean spinup (years 1982-2005)




Ensemble average of BTRANS (avg. of 5 members)


Present Day Transient (BTRANS) 1982-2005 from 1970 spin up


location of diagnostics tar file:





Ensemble average of new B20TR (T85TrC) (avg. of 3 members)


Present Day Transient T85TrC 1982-2005


location of diagnostics tar file and climos:






First member of new B20TR series:


Present Day Transient 1982-2005 from 1850 spin up


location of diagnostics tar file:






Present Day Transient 1981-2000 from 1850 spin up


climos for 1981-2000 are at




postscript files from the diagnostics are in that directory tarred as t85f09.b20tr.1981-2000.postscript-figures.tar




Present Day (B20TR) Transient vs T85 BTRANS ensemble average 1981-2000


postscript files for the diagnostics are in






Ensemble average:


BTRANS Transient 1981-2000





New Present Day Transient 1982-2005


tar file location: /lustre/atlas1/cli101/proj-shared/mbranst/t85f09.b20tr/ice


t85f09.BTRANS_ens 1982-2005


tar file location: /lustre/atlas1/cli101/proj-shared/mbranst/t85f09.BTRANS_ens/ice


b40.20th.track1.1deg_ens 1982-2005


BTRANS_ens vs b40.20th.track1.1deg_ens





Atmosphere diagnostics:


t85f09.B1850.ini20C.b yrs 20-30 vs obs






Atmosphere diagnostics:


t85f09.b1850.ini20C.a yrs 1-11 vs obs




Sea Ice diagnostics:


t85f09.b1850.ini20C.a yrs 5-11 vs obs



B1850 Control


Atmosphere diagnostics:


t85f09.B1850 years 250-300


t85f09.B1850 years 150-199


t85f09.B1580 years 176-200


t85f09.B1850 years 151-175


t85f09.B1850 years 126-150



Reference page: