B13 MPAS-SI algal grazing: Verification

Performed stand alone MPAS-Seaice tests on Anvil, with the new implementation of algal grazing branched from seaice/develop

git describe: v7.0-433-gf4c13ed

git log -a:

commit f4c13ed59b661a53dbe7554f8f1f8d7113c632be
Merge: 9688288 4c05a73
Author: Adrian K. Turner akt@lanl.gov
Date: Mon Oct 19 16:28:57 2020 -0500

Merge branch 'akturner/seaice/prescribed_ice_bug_2' into seaice/develop


Completed 4 mpas-seaice testsuites which contrast the new grazing implementation and the base code, seaice/develop: 1) testsuite.standard_bgc.xml, 2) testsuite.standard_physics.xml, 3) testsuite.aerosol_shortwave.xml, and 4) testsuite.prescribed_ice.xml. As expected, only the regression test for the standard_bgc configuration failed. All other tests pass. The results of each testsuite are copied below.


1. Testing MPAS-Seaice: Standard BGC

The first series of tests use the standard_bgc namelist on the QU240km grid. As expected, the regression test failed but restartability and parallelism passed.

Test suite: /lcrc/project/ACME/jeffery/MPAS-seaice/CASES/20201103_implicitGraze/MPAS-Model/testing_and_setup/seaice/testing/testsuites/testsuite.standard_bgc.xml

Domains directory: /lcrc/project/ACME/jeffery/DATA/E3SM/RegionFiles

Using configuration standard_bgc and domain domain_QU240km...

a. Test: Regression, Configuration: standard_bgc, Domain: domain_QU240km

No non-contents errors
FAIL!: Test regression failed

b. Test: Parallelism, Configuration: standard_bgc, Domain: domain_QU240km

multipleBlocks: False
No non-contents errors
PASS: Test parallelism passed

c. Test: Restartability, Configuration: standard_bgc, Domain: domain_QU240km

No non-contents errors
PASS: Test restartability passed


2. Testing MPAS-Seaice: Standard Physics

This testsuite uses the standard physics with no BGC active on the QU120km grid. All tests passed.

Test suite: /lcrc/project/ACME/jeffery/MPAS-seaice/CASES/20201103_implicitGraze/MPAS-Model/testing_and_setup/seaice/testing/testsuites/testsuite.standard.xml

Domains directory: /lcrc/project/ACME/jeffery/DATA/E3SM/RegionFiles

Using configuration standard_physics and domain domain_QU120km...

a. Test: Regression, Configuration: standard_physics, Domain: domain_QU120km

No non-contents errors
PASS: Test regression passed

b. Test: Parallelism, Configuration: standard_physics, Domain: domain_QU120km

multipleBlocks: False
No non-contents errors
PASS: Test parallelism passed

c. Test: Restartability, Configuration: standard_physics, Domain: domain_QU120km

No non-contents errors
PASS: Test restartability passed


3. Testing MPAS-Seaice: aerosols and shortwave

This test activates the black carbon and dust aerosol scheme with shortwave feedbacks. All tests pass.

Test suite: /lcrc/project/ACME/jeffery/MPAS-seaice/CASES/20201103_implicitGraze/MPAS-Model/testing_and_setup/seaice/testing/testsuites/testsuite.all.xml

Domains directory: /lcrc/project/ACME/jeffery/DATA/E3SM/RegionFiles

Using configuration aerosol_shortwave_physics and domain domain_QU240km...

a. Test: Regression, Configuration: aerosol_shortwave_physics, Domain: domain_QU240km

No non-contents errors
PASS: Test regression passed

b. Test: Parallelism, Configuration: aerosol_shortwave_physics, Domain: domain_QU240km

multipleBlocks: False
No non-contents errors
PASS: Test parallelism passed

c. Test: Restartability, Configuration: aerosol_shortwave_physics, Domain: domain_QU240km

No non-contents errors
PASS: Test restartability passed


4. Testing MPAS-Seaice: Prescribed ice

This configuration tests the prescribed ice code. All tests pass.

Test suite: /lcrc/project/ACME/jeffery/MPAS-seaice/CASES/20201103_implicitGraze/MPAS-Model/testing_and_setup/seaice/testing/testsuites/testsuite.prescribed_ice.xml

Domains directory: /lcrc/project/ACME/jeffery/DATA/E3SM/RegionFiles

Using configuration prescribed_ice and domain domain_QU120km...

a. Test: Regression, Configuration: prescribed_ice, Domain: domain_QU120km

No non-contents errors
PASS: Test regression passed

b. Test: Parallelism, Configuration: prescribed_ice, Domain: domain_QU120km

multipleBlocks: False
No non-contents errors
PASS: Test parallelism passed

c. Test: Restartability, Configuration: prescribed_ice, Domain: domain_QU120km

No non-contents errors
PASS: Test restartability passed