B9: MOSART-Reservoir Stratification Validation

This page should describe Verification and Unit Tests performed for this stand-alone feature and should provide links to all the result pages.



Validation Test 1 

Validation Test 1: Offline vvalidation of MOSART-heat over the US

Date last modified: July 05, 2020

Contributors: Wondie Yigzaw (Unlicensed)Hongyi Li



MOSART-reservoir stratification has been validated over the U.S. in an offline fashion against the observed daily reservoir surface temperature. For more details please see Yigzaw et al. (2019).

Figure 3. Surface temperature validation using daily remote sensing data for ARC‐Lake (MacCallum & Merchant, 2013) in group 1 (left) and group 2 (right).
The Nash‐Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (NSEC), root mean square error (RMSE), and Bias values are shown on the upper left of each panel. Reservoir's locations
shown at top right corners (latitude and longitude). Right panel of each plot shows the annual cycle averaged over the analysis period. 

Figure 7. Profile temperature comparison between simulated and observed values for spring (March-May), summer
(June–August), and fall (September–November). Winter is not presented due to a lack of observation data. The values of
each month within each season are shown by the black, blue, and red lines.

Yigzaw, W., Li, H.‐Y.*, Fang, X., Leung, L. R., Voisin, N., Hejazi, M. I., & Demissie, Y. (2019). A multilayer reservoir thermal stratification module for earth system models. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11, 3265–3283. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019MS001632.

Validation Test 2

Validation Test 2:  Online validation of MOSART-reservoir stratification over the global domain

Date last modified:  July 05, 2020

Contributors: Wondie Yigzaw (Unlicensed)Hongyi Li



MOSART-reservoir stratification has also been validated online as part of E3SM globally. The plots below show stream temperature with (WM-Stratification) and without stratification (WM) as compared to the monthly observations from the USGS gauges.