As part of the /wiki/spaces/CNCL/pages/25231511, the performance team must evaluate performance as part of several decision gates. This document (eventuallydescribes a formal process for meeting performance requirements during an E3SM Code Review.


Performance evaluations take place at a number of points in the development cycle. Involving the performance team early in the development cycle permits preliminary consulting to minimize the impact of any model addition or improvement on the overall performance of E3SM. Changes made during the design will prevent the time and labor costs involved with significant refactoring of code late in the process. Later evaluations are required to determine the impact on the fully coupled system in the production configurations planned to ensure the simulation plan is not adversely affected.

Below are guidelines for developers to ensure the performance gates of the code review are met. - Do we want to turn this into a checklist or template?

Phase 1

Two performance evaluations are expected during Phase 1 of the review process. 

Step 1.3 Performance Expectations

During the design phase, performance evaluation is required to both estimate the performance impacts of their development and to catch adverse design elements before the code is too entrenched.  

As part of the required design document, the developer should:

Note that we do not expect all developers to have requisite expertise, but encourage communication and consulting with the performance group to answer the above.

Step 2.3 Performance Screening - Group level

At this point, there should be an initial implementation of the new feature that is being evaluated at the Group/Component level.

Performance screening at this stage requires:

Phase 2

At this point, the development is being integrated in the full E3SM coupled system and we will need to evaluate impacts on overall model performance and the resources allocated for the experimental plan. This will require involvement by the performance team directly.

Step 5 Performance evaluation

Performance team must assess performance in the targeted benchmark configuration where the feature is likely to be exercised.

There are at least two potential ways to evaluate.

In addition to evaluating performance in production configurations for existing architectures, the performance team must evaluate performance impacts on future planned systems.  As described in the Phase 1 evaluation, we will evaluate using criteria like: